Years ago
Mornington D2 Men's Team Whats going On ?
Dropped in to have a look at the mornington collingwood game,,stayed for 2 quarters worse game of ball ive ever watched, truly embarrasing, about the same standard as B grade men.
These teams will fight it out for bottom spot for sure,mornington looked scrappy and had no structure,Berry gave nothing,struggled to get up the floor,no D as usual and was lucky to hit a shot all night (2or3 from 18)plenty of turnovers again which see's him lead the turnovers in D2 Men's season statts, yet he played 30 mins, can see why he is a playing coach if that team had anyone else coaching he'd be lucky to get 10 mins, Demarcus its time you faced the facts and realised your superstar days are long gone and you should bow out gracefully rather than continuing to embarras yourself,look at bringing some of the younger kids through,there are some good players at Mornington that need a chance