Why can't we go for a duel model, have two divisions with in the one competition.
Metro Division
would consist of teams in big markets only. Something like 1 million population for each team minimum? Salary minimum of 1 million and maximum of 3 million to start, increasing as the league gains steam. Get some of the absolute best players not only from Australia but around the world, anyone outside an NBA starter should be a target for this league. Stadiums must be atleast 7,000 seats for a spot in this division to get the most spectators.
Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and NZ would qualify for this currently. Could also easily get another Sydney and Melbourne team in the long run for an 8 team division.
Regional division
Consists of smaller market teams, as well as some second big city teams who want to remain in a cheaper league. Salary cap on 500k to 1 million, quality would be similar to what the league is currently, good Australians with some decent imports. Stadiums should be atleast 2,500 for this division.
Current teams in this model would be Wollongong, cairns, Townsville. Possible inclusions would include ACT, Tasmania, 2nd NZ, etc. looking to form a second 8 team division.
The league would play 2 games against each team for 30 game season. So regional teams still get to play the big markets etc so crowds will still roll out to see the big teams and players.
At the end of the season, the metro division plays off for the metro championship and the regionals go against each other for their own.
It's the best of both worlds