Years ago
the unappealing schedule for sat morn district
IMO find this schedule really disappointing -
sat 21/2 - cancelled
sun 22/2 - cancelled
sat 28/2 - no game - finals
sun 1/3 - nothing scheduled - ? catch up opportunity
sat 7/3 - no games long weekend / adel cup
sun 8/3 - "
sat 14/3 - no games summer grand finals
sun 15/3 - nothing scheduled - catch up games for pro/ rel or push finals back a round ?
sat 21/3 - first round winter - yeah - finally a game
sat 28/3 - second game .... now I am worried !
sat 4/4 - no games Easter
sat 11/4 - third round
sat 18/4 - no game middle w/end school holidays
sat 25/4 - no game Anzac weekend
sat 2/5 - round 4
sat 9/5 - round 5
sat 16/5 - no game state champs
sat 23/5 - round 6
sat 30/5 - round 7
sat 6/6 - no games june long weekend
so for a paying stakeholder - it is pretty disappointing that a team may only get 7 games may in teh next 16 weeks - and then there are double byes / single byes to factor as well.
I bet if Friday night rounds had missed so much people would be jumping through hoops to get things happening...... oh wait... what's that ? we pay the same fees.....
surely some catch up / compensation games would be feasible.
few go to to ABL pre season tourney - so another round could be played that weekend