From the Stats Room
Years ago
Junior Performance - by ladder position
Here are some ranking of the club from around the competition. After summarising the position of each team for each club gives the following overall position each club occupies on the premiersip table.
Sturt 5.9th
North 5.9th
Forestville 5.6th
Norwood 6.6th
Southern 6.1th
West 7.8th
South 7.5th
Woodville 7.3th
Eastern 10.8th
Centrals 11.1th
Sturt 4.5th
North 5.8th
Forestville 5.6th
Norwood 5.6th
West 6.6th
Woodville 7.8th
Southern 7.6th
South 7.6th
Eastern 9.8th
Centrals 9.6th
Sturt 4.2th
North 5.8th
Forestville 5.6th
Norwood 5.0th
West 6.2th
Southern 7.9th
South 7.5th
Woodville 7.5th
Eastern 9.1th
Centrals 10.2th
This is just data and as such will have swome anomolies that effect the results. For example clubs that push teams up into double div 2 and 3 would be expected to have lower results than clubs that have double teams in lower grades. Clubs with more teams will better off as those teams in l;ower grades generally play in competitions which have less teams than a div 2 comp and thus funishing last may mean actually being 6th on the table. Also, some teams have moved comps or the comp (U/18 Girls) is about to be split, moving teams. Lastly, some teams have been withdrawn from competitions which may not have been updated on sportingpulse.