Years ago

BSA Heat Policy review???

With summer being fairly mild till now, the predicted hot spell is going to cause headaches at BSA.

Is it time to review the Heat Policy?

At 38 degrees forecasted on the day all games a re called off except at Starplex.

But when is it 38 at 8.15pm at night?

Maybe they should look at delaying/postponing U12 games at 6pm when the forecast is going to be 38 and delay all other. Games by 15 minutes, ie 14's start at 7.15. 16's at 8.30 and 18's at 9.45

With this weekend already trying to pick up the round 4 games, and Friday forecast currently at 38, Saturday at 41 , BSA is running out of weekends to move games and some teams are vying for finals spots.

If Winter starts straight after Summer GF's , and early easter in 2015, a lot of games could be back logged and perhaps if they look at modifying the Heat Policy a bit, they may only have one gae group to catch up, not everyone.

We all know that it is very rarely higher than 34 as the sun goes down, could be worth a thought or at least discussion at the headquarters of BSA to help out with a problem.


Topic #36452 | Report this topic

Years ago

stadiums have heated up all day, many stadiums you can't open up the doors as it then creates a dust, sun problem.
stadiums heating all day the radiant heat in the stadium is far hotter than the temp outside. might be 34 outside but more like 44 inside.

Reply #514502 | Report this post

Years ago

Running summer comps is problematic unless ALL venues are well insulated and have good aircon.

Reply #514510 | Report this post

Years ago

one of the few common sense policies from BSA that provides clear guidelines and practices to be followed.

delaying games by 15 minutes throws the night in to chaos

perhaps we should be talking about suitable facility acquisition whereby all venues are air-conditioned.

The tin sheds need to go, not the Heat Policy

Reply #514516 | Report this post

Years ago

A few years ago BSA had the opportunity to aircon Pasadena for $15K with the school and Sturt paying the rest.

But BSA decided to sit on there $1M in the bank and have lost approx $10k per year in lost revenue from social and district games each year.

Maybe time to review BSA personnel rather than a policy that has clear guidelines.

Reply #514522 | Report this post

Years ago

Terrible idea by the OP, for all the reasons mentioned above - thank goodness he is not in charge of the wellbeing of our kids!

Reply #514529 | Report this post

Years ago

I sympathise with you guys, S.A. is a very hot state, and we are probably in for a hot late February into March. Regardless of where in Australia the basketball stadium is, I agree wholeheartedly that the problem needs to be addressed, not the symptom!

That means, money being spent on stadiums to improve heat extraction and introduce cooling either by fans or air conditioning systems.

I would like to see that this is introduced in policy at B.A. level down to Association level for all states, but I am dreaming there I think...

Reply #514532 | Report this post

Years ago

Air conditioning is a must, the same crappy stadiums I played in during the 80's haven't changed.
To rub it in is when it's not too hot on training days and then you miss out playing on the weekend!
I do think though that on Saturday mornings it doesn't heat up until later and can't see why the 8.30 game can't move to 8.00, 9.30 to 9.00 etc and at least play to 11.00AM

Reply #514538 | Report this post

Years ago

For the life of me I cannot see why wayville and Pasadena did not have air conditioning included when they were built. And if morphett vale and port adelaide had air con put on the priority list then it wouldn't be a problem. But I suppose if they can't even stop some leaks in the roof then what are the chances of being able to stay cool.

Reply #514539 | Report this post

Years ago

It is not only the cost of installing the air conditioning and appropriate insulation to make it efficient, it is the ongoing running costs that also have to be factored in. SA is currently one of the dearest states for electricity charges and someone will have to cover the cost - guess who?

Reply #514547 | Report this post

Years ago

agreed can not see why Saturday juniors need to be moved unless it has been 40 for a few days that the stadiums haven't had a chance to cool.

Reply #514560 | Report this post

Years ago

@Ushiro, your point about the ongoing costs of running a stadium with cooling is valid, however I believe it is an excuse and one used poorly by Associations and councils for some time.

Options for cooling a stadium with lower or reduced running costs include:

1. Ensuring sufficient and efficient extraction points to remove hot air.

2. 'Big Ass Fans' installed that are super efficient, low cost to run and move mountains of air (if they work at the Brisbane stadium they will work anywhere)!

3. Solar panels installed to reduce electricity bills and running costs.

Just some ideas that come to mind, so while you have mentioned running costs, and this is a valid point, these days if common sense and due diligence is applied I'm afraid your argument may not be so strong...

Reply #514562 | Report this post

Years ago

It costs to move the games and lost revenue so that should cover the intermittent use under strict guidelines

Reply #514564 | Report this post

Years ago

Get a sponsorship deal with your largest local A/C provider and you can get it installed at a good price too! This is not rocket science, it is just avoided by those who don't seem to care.

Reply #514582 | Report this post

Years ago

WE CARE 582. you tried to get sponsorships, ask the sixers, 2nd in the league last year, going to be in finals this year, ask them about finding sponsorship. money is tight. I'd prefer roofs not to leak, floors that are not dangerous, lighting in car parks, better score boards and equipment before I put money into air conditioners into stadiums that are in some cases 'not ours' or going to be 'pulled down' some ownership could be put back to the clubs for example why can't sturt or southern get sponsorship for their areas? why does it have to fall back to pointing the finger at the parent body. I'd prefer heating hate having to freeze during winter than be warm in summer.

Reply #514590 | Report this post

Years ago

ummm because neither Southern or Sturt run the venues they call home?

Why should a Club invest so that the parent body can run their competitions and make revenue that isn't shared with the Club?

Reply #514591 | Report this post

Years ago

I suggest a few of the Anons have a good look at Sports Medicine Australia guidelines and have a real good look at sections that deal with indoor locations and material relevant to young players. Having dealt with youth cricket and heat and seen players collapse it is a serious issue. Moving times may work but air movement in indoor stadiums and humidity are important -
" A hot indoor
venue or an outside venue without shade cannot be considered an acceptable

Have a look at thermal comfort site on BOM website

Wet bulb temperatures are just for outdoors. Taking Wet bulb temperatures indoors would show humidity levels >50% which would induce real thermal stress.

Good on BSA for at least having a real go at a manageable policy. Although I would forget the need to refer to the Advertiser and Sunday Mail for forcasts. I haven't bought either of those rags for 20 years. Just use the BOM information.

Reply #514596 | Report this post

Years ago

@Green45 makes the most valid point of all, apparently the importance of safety is lost on some.

Remember the kids and players running around in stifling conditions, plus the officials who wear more clothing than players do and suffer just as much?

This is the reality of risk, maybe more important overall, than some other issues we would like addressed...

Oh, if you are cold wear a jumper mate, much easier to solve than suffering in excessive heat, cheers..

Reply #514602 | Report this post

Years ago

Most referees I saw on Friday night were forced to ref from 6 - 11 without break. How is that safe or reasonable?

Reply #514604 | Report this post

Years ago

590 - sounds like the perfect BSA employee. Says it's all too hard, and then pushes it back to the clubs...

Reply #514620 | Report this post

Years ago


Sturt offered to go 1/3rds with BSA and the school to put airconditioning into Pas and it was BSA that said NO!!!

Ushiro, a 3 court stadium makes $300 per hour after referee's and door person are taken into account. It DOES NOT cosy $300 per hour to run evaporative aircon.

Reply #514621 | Report this post

Years ago

#621 love to know where you pulled that number from. How much a venue makes per hour depends on a lot of things (most importantly door price) and how much you include or exclude in regards to general stadium and competition running costs.

Reply #514622 | Report this post

Years ago

$9.50 per player

average 14 players per game.

$133 per 50 minute time slot.

$7 per game for door person (3 courts)

$20 per referee.

Team nominations etc pay for comp running costs.

Extra costs like cleaning, running comp are there no matter if the games are being played.

Reply #514624 | Report this post

Years ago

Or if yo want to look at a Friday night.

$7 per player
$3 per spectator

average $13 per player.

minimum 16 player per game.

$208 per game takings

$10 per game for door person
$30 per game for referee's

$150 minimum per game for 12 games for a Friday night.

$1800 per night at a 3 court stadium.

Reply #514626 | Report this post

Years ago

Team nominations don't pay for running costs.

Insurance? Lighting? Cleaning?

These costs don't exist if games aren't played and doors remain closed.

Reply #514631 | Report this post

Years ago

And that doesn't include BSA getting approx $6k from each 10 member clubs for nominations twice a year. or $120k

Nor about $15 per players for affiliation, registration and insurance.

Which works out to another $50k

Reply #514632 | Report this post

Years ago

Insurance and Cleaning are fixed costs. And that is the point, if you dont play games because of the heat you ARE still paying them.

They get paid regardless of door being closed as they are contract basis.

Lighting like power for evaporative cooling would be the only costs associated. And would not cut into the massive amount made per hour

Reply #514633 | Report this post

Years ago

LOL, after those informative numbers I can't see the BSA defender coming back into this thread!

Reply #514719 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps they have some work to do today down at the BSA office. :)

Reply #514742 | Report this post

Years ago

620, BSA employee no. but I do work in the manufacturing sector where things are currently tough, retrenchments are on the cards, we are being limited in our personal phone use, social media, heaven forbid HOOP SA, where they are looking to cut overheads to help the business and save jobs. guys on factory floor have decided to keep the expensive coffee machine which costs about .81c a cup instead of making their own, with company supplied Maccona or Nescafe coffee, milk supplied, sugar supplied which would cost .25c a cup they feel they are entitled to their right of a coffee machine I see that .56c difference in each coffee cup as potentially a saving of one job. ERGO I see BSA being fiscally responsible better than splashing money on air cons in stadiums that do not warrant it, I'd rather see money spent in other areas. you all don't see that the games are replayed in majority of cases so the money lost last Saturday will be made up on the 22/2 when those games are played again, disruption yes. as Malcolm Fraser said, life wasn't made to be easy and the day we all agree with something is the day the world may end. better get off the internet or I will be drinking coffee at home and not on my employers dime.

Reply #514746 | Report this post

Years ago


So when are the miniball and social games being replayed???

And how much does BSA lose in revenue from court hire that clubs usually pay on those Sunday mornings?

Reply #514748 | Report this post

Years ago

LOL, protests too much, goes off tangent on irrelevant rants, defends the laziness at HQ.... is your "manufacturing sector" based near Crittendon Road?

Reply #514749 | Report this post

MBA, B.Acc, CPA  
Years ago

"A few years ago BSA had the opportunity to aircon Pasadena for $15K with the school and Sturt paying the rest.

But BSA decided to sit on there $1M in the bank and have lost approx $10k per year in lost revenue from social and district games each year.

Maybe time to review BSA personnel rather than a policy that has clear guidelines."

Return on investment is key. Net present value, accounting rate of return, straight line, internal rate of return are methodologies that I'm sure BSA would be employing to prioritise and justify investment decisions of stakeholder funds.

I assume BSA like, all organisations, have an investment assessment process ratified by the Board to consider the ROI of such investments, balanced with other competing priorities.

To me it seems not out of the realms of fairness for BSA to make a statement on what would appear to be a clearcut investment decision to have been foregone. BSA serves its stakeholders and need to make a statement or present a policy on its investment decision making frameworks. I look forward to reviewing it.

Reply #514750 | Report this post

Years ago


year right...

That would be wonderful if true. Was a straight no without consultation nor assessment process on anecdotal evidence from the cost of the Adelaide Arena saying aircon cost too much.

Reply #514751 | Report this post

Years ago

A 12.30PM game being played on a 'legal' 34 degree day will in most cases be in a hotter stadium at match time than an 8.30 or 9.30 AM game played on a 38 degree day. Those first 2-3 timeslots on a Saturday morning could be played unless it is after 3-4 days over 36-38 etc Most mornings lately it has been lucky to reach 20 at 8.30am despite a Max over 35.
The waiting to Saturday morning's Tiser bit is ridiculous, suppose it is one way to increase that rags circulation. Use the BOM website on the friday night or even the TV stations weather during the Friday 6.00 news.

Reply #514784 | Report this post

Years ago

749 thank you for your paranoia and your lack of empathy for those in the manufacturing sector I work north of grand junction road and our industry is heavily reliant on car, mining and submarine industries and guess what one is closing, one is downsizing and one who knows what is in store for that. my tangent are real, you do need to be fiscally responsible, nearing retirement age I've seen DW&MBA build Apollo and didn't manage that well till the concerts they had and the national league kicked off a decade after it was built. I've seen BASA buy Athol Park then sell it to just pay the interest only debt on the Powerhouse, which had million dollar naming rights. they went belly up. I've seen eddie groves try to own two nbl clubs and run a business whilst being fiscally irresponsible and guess where he ended up? Just saying due diligence needs to be done on spending money on aging stadiums I'd rather money in the bank and the sport continue, rather than splurge money around like there is no tomorrow and follow the rest into the bankruptcy. Again thank you for your empathy due to the plight of the manufacturing sector here in SA where the employment rate is the highest in the nation and is only about to get worse as SANTOS, ASC, Holdens continue to shed jobs. Maybe IF I worked for BSA my future maybe a bit more rosy and I don't look for the pink slip every Monday morning.

Reply #514788 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon^ in the dying work force, no one is saying you or anyone else is going to lose your job if a stadium looks to install a cooling system, for pete's sake you are crying a river mate!

The major issues are for health and safety of players and doing the install sensibly, by reducing running costs. Maybe if you worked in the AC industry you could do the install yourself and make a quid on the job?

Reply #514800 | Report this post

Years ago

Ummm, I worked at Starplex for years and the air con ran from 7 in the morning to 10 at night. At no point did the general manager poke his head in and say "Hey guys, last electric bill was a bit high, turn it off for a bit". I'm pretty sure operating costs won't send the competition bankrupt.

Reply #514896 | Report this post

Years ago

788 - Air conditioning won't break the bank - as mentioned above the amount was actually quite small - but I guess you and them don't really care about the health and wellbeing of our kids!

Reply #514949 | Report this post

Years ago


So considering it is now going to be over 38 degree on the Sunday of the make up games. How are BSA going to organize a make up of the make up games to determine seeding's for state champs???

Reply #515063 | Report this post

Years ago

Use a lottery system?

Reply #515082 | Report this post

Years ago

And get the four best teams in the same pool???

Reply #515095 | Report this post

Years ago

Move all the catch up games to Starplex on Sunday? Run four courts instead of the usual two and get at least the div 1 games done.

I guess two major issues with this are that Centrals are probably using the stadium, and getting enough referees.

Reply #515128 | Report this post

Years ago

Can the games, can the make up games and even up the number of games in D1 and D2 by taking game results away from centrals for round 4 - every one gets a 0 or 2 pts for a draw. No point in advantaging one club over the others just because they have air conditioning.

Reply #515184 | Report this post

Years ago

But then you don't have 2 clubs playing at all in the seeding. So one club doesn't get their games against Sturt counting, while someone else does. Thats hardly fair.

Reply #515194 | Report this post

Years ago

Just book STARplex on a Sunday from 1.00pm till 10.00pm and get the games done!

Reply #515198 | Report this post

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