Years ago

wheels turning for Adelaide stadium improvements

well done at last some action on some stadium improvements.

Campbelltown really starting to move forward and sounds like some action on St Clair.

Well done by the movers getting this happening for our communities.

Topic #36433 | Report this topic

Years ago

Damn. Got my hopes up. Thought Adelaide Arena was going to get a working scoreboard and sound system.

Reply #514043 | Report this post

Years ago

Campbelltown driven by very power liberal local MP, active Council and Norwood Basketball Club.

St Clair by State Government and local council.

Basketball is a by-stander in both developments.

Reply #514047 | Report this post

Years ago

Stadium improvements? That must by why 90% of the Saturday games were cancelled...

Reply #514069 | Report this post

Spend Money  
Years ago

BSA sits on a Million in the bank and could pay to aircon all stadiums in one deal - but why would they do that they want the clubs to pay.

Reply #514075 | Report this post

Years ago

and if they spent the million in the bank and that left them in a financially vunerable position would you be happy with that too. Remember previous management built a stadium they thought they could afford and went bankrupt, part of the reason these days that the scoreboard doesn't work and the scorers and other staff have to 'nurse' the equipment through each game. the stadium became so run down in those days, then Groves/Hemmerling farce and bankruptcy. I'd be happy with BSA keeping their money in the bank and allowing funding to come from grants etc. Councils who have air cond stadiums are now turning over the leases to outside sources because it became uneconomical to run for them. Basketball is not a money earning and I'd be questioning people's sanity who wished to purchase air conditioners for St Clair, Mars, Adel Hills that are not owned by BSA or even leased by them. Marion is going to be knocked down one day and Port Adelaide leaves a lot to be desired. Back in my day on cement courts in an unlined tin shed we didn't even have fans. count yourself lucky these days.

Reply #514086 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm with you Bulldog.

The above court digital scoreboards at the Perth Arena and Sydney Entertainment Centre make ours look so 1992. And the Adelaide Arena is the only venue in the league purpose built for basketball.

And I've said it many times in the past about the PA system. Sit in the corners and you can't make out anything said on the microphone, it all sounds gibberish. The music is fine, you can actually hear that, but not anyone talking.

Other than that I don't have a problem with the Adelaide Arena.

Good to hear improvements for other venues around Adelaide are in the works.

Reply #514089 | Report this post

Years ago

Did anyone hear Jan Stirling in the quarter-time break on Friday? Clear as crystal! Heard every word perfectly ... and I have a corner/diagonal seat.

There may be issues with the sound system. There are also issues with the delivery - i.e., the users.

Try a bit more treble, for starters.

Then cut the volume a bit to reduce the distortion.

Then stop shouting into the mic, which one user does most of the time, and stop gabbling - i.e. slow delivery & enunciate clearly so the words are distinct and not running over each other - and suddenly the sound system is SO much better.

Reply #514194 | Report this post

Years ago

agree - radio announcing and mc work are two different art forms and approach

Reply #514199 | Report this post

Years ago

Campbelltown stadium plans look awesome - 5 courts, pool, gym etc

Reply #514202 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure how it works in SA, but in the SBL the venues are mostly local government owned Rec Centres (with a couple of "community groups" thrown in, eg Lakeside Baptist.) (and the Hawks play at the State Basketball Centre.)
I imagine that's a similar story across the country for the minor leagues.

At the end of the day, if a local community wants a (better) venue its up to the Council to drive it, get the grants, etc.
If a team wants a/c, they should lobby the Local Council. Having the state Basketball association take over responsibility would be a costly exercise, and a political nightmare.

As for the Adelaide Arena, never been there, can't really comment. However I suspect that purpose-built stadiums are a costly mistake.

Perth Arena would never have been built (and never would have got their central piece of land) if it weren't for the government. Ironically one of the primary drivers was keeping The Hopman Cup, and it is now our number 1 musical and theatrical venue.
I don't know who owns the scoreboard (maybe the Cats) but even without the Cats extra cash, its a lot easier to find money for things like that when the rest of the venue is already taken care of.

Reply #514203 | Report this post

Years ago

This is just another attempt at Norwood to get everyone to think something is happening with them. Lol

Reply #516970 | Report this post

Years ago

Can anyone from Norwood tell us if the new Campbelltown stadium will be air-conditioned or not?

Reply #517067 | Report this post

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