Years ago
Childress Tweet
So, Childress has tweeted something he claims a ref said to Cairns Coach.
Thoughts anyone ?
Years ago
So, Childress has tweeted something he claims a ref said to Cairns Coach.
Thoughts anyone ?
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
" I think you'll win anyway. Just quietly."
Not quietly enough, apparently
Wilson Sting
Years ago
Smartest thing a ref has said all season. Completely inappropriate though.
Years ago
Yeah, I think it would have been in regards to Fearne having a bitch and moan to him about something, so nothing sinister about it, but certainly inappropriate and I wonder if Hollywood is on top of that instead of correcting commentators about scheduling comments...
Plastic Man
Years ago
I wasn't at the game and didn't see it on telly - but if the ref said it to Fearne and he is at one end of the Court and Childress is at the other on the Kings bench the Ref must have yelled it out for Childress to hear it and that implies everyone in the boxes, score bench or the dudes they get to sit between the benches and the score table would've heard it too. Just say'n
Uwe Blab
Years ago
I don't think Childress has a good track record of late when it comes to being entirely truthful when using social media.
Nathan of Perth
Years ago
Hehe, did that while reffing a one-sided first round women's football cup game.
Was something like 12-0 and the winning team had a kvetch at me about something and I told her to just ease off, you're up by so much I'll have to send off to NASA to figure out the final score. I don't think she liked it but I didn't get any more trouble.
Years ago
Please explain Uwe Blab, Im curious.... Most people I've spoken to says he a legit character and is a solid guy.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
He posted something on facebook about the NBL rejecting the bid to sign Harrington due to timing. That isn't true.
Years ago
Oh ok, who really knows, I'm sure Al had some inside words for him on that subject. Maybe more to that. He won me over big with the love he gave the under privileged kids not long ago.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Not taking anything away from the charity work he does. I just think he could be a bit too quick to shoot first, ask questions later.
Years ago
Possibly referring to Al's reply to an NBL fans tweet asking him if he really considered coming and playing down under... his "yeah, I considered it, but just wasn't the right time" response can also be taken with a grain of salt...
I'd be more inclined to trust JChill and assume that Al is just putting a polite spin on it instead of saying "yeah, but they knocked me back", instead of the alternative of JChill being untruthful...
Years ago
I was just curious, thought there was something more sinister he may've done. Id say he would be shooting from what Harrington said to him off the record. But who knows, would've been a interesting way for the Kings to finish up. Childress is in his right to speak up on this ref subject for mine, if it causes a stir and stops the refs from stupidity in long term its good.
Years ago
Childress' comment on Facebook as you say you saw Uwe was absolutely 100% correct. Al Harrington's signing was denied by the NBL due to timing, as was Muo and DQ. All three were denied due to timing.
They were denied because of the 75% games played rule, which has everything to do with timing.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
So its completely unbelievable that Harrington was not quite interested in a 6 week gig, which may have impacted him signing a longer deal in another league? Rightio...
Damn that Harrington and his filthy lies!
Uwe Blab
Years ago
"Childress' comment on Facebook as you say you saw Uwe was absolutely 100% correct. Al Harrington's signing was denied by the NBL due to timing, as was Muo and DQ. All three were denied due to timing."
Sure thing.
Years ago
No that is completely plausible that Harrington didn't want to come.
But you outing Childress as untrustworthy because of a Facebook post which was not untrue as the NBL did say no to him signing because of timing.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Ok then, his facebook post is misleading if he knowingly told only half the story. NBL would have said no, even if he wanted to come, which he didn't.
Years ago
Whether he told the whole story, half the story or a quarter of a story, the information given was factually correct. End of story.
Years ago
How do you know he didn't want to come, why waste his time enquiring on any level unless he was interested. I was just curious about the Childress stuff, but Uwe you seem very sure about Harrington not being keen. How so...
Uwe Blab
Years ago
"Whether he told the whole story, half the story or a quarter of a story, the information given was factually correct. End of story."
No, telling half the story has led to weeks of unnecessary potshots at the league for mismanagement, short-sightedness, conflicts of interest etc. Telling the full story would have changed that conversation from the start.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
"How do you know he didn't want to come, "
He has tweeted two NBL fans who asked him whether he was actually planning on coming or not. Both tweets said he considered it but the move wasn't right for him at the time.
So while we're all aware of the 75% rule that is in place, complaining that the league was narrow-minded for not making a decision based on the exceptional circumstances, is way off the mark.
Years ago
Let's just see when Harrington signs with someone else, that will shine some light on whether Uwe Blab knows something or not.
Years ago
Well he is basing his knowledge on 2 tweets, 140 characters. Either way Harrington isn't going to spill the beans on the full story if there even is one. Figured Uwe had more concrete info than that, hence my curiosity. All good interesting topic.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Why wouldn't he? He could very easily have said "would have loved to but league rules stated I can't" and left it at that. That would at least support the claim that the ONLY reason he isn't here is because the league stopped him from being here.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Seems he is pretty keen on getting back to the NBA by the end of this season. If he had signed with the Kings, he would be jeopardising his chances of landing a late-season contract.
Years ago
Ahh he would be getting in game shape, the Kings have what 2 weeks left. He would be getting paid to train and get an experience. Its not even the All star break yet. And he may simply to have wanted to come, and maybe he just couldn't be stuffed discussing with 2 random nil fans on social media. Point is no one really knows. Personally id trust Childress post over anything else.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Yep, best to assume its all one big conspiracy. Its clearly the most logical solution.
Is this trust for Childress based on things like when he said he'd never done anything like this before, when referring to the Wagstaff forearm?
Years ago
Yeah, I also thought Uwe Blab must have come across something of note, not just read a tweet and decided to interpret one way at the exclusion of all others.
"The timing wasn't right" is just as likely to describe the fact he was a week late to fit into NBL rules as it is anything else as far as I can see.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Good one paul, deliberately re-write the words from the tweet or my summary of it in order to make it easier to challenge the point. How about this;
"Did the NBL really reject Harrington's from playing the rest of the season?"
Harrington - "...not true bro"
How should that be interpreted?
Years ago
Why does every discussion have to become a childish thing... jesus i don't even much to be honest. Uwe you just seem so admit I fgured you had concrete stuff, you don't. You brought the Wagstaff thing really, more cats huh
Uwe Blab
Years ago
Its got nothing to do with the Cats, its about Childress' believability. He said on the Fox Sports interview that it was totally out of character for him and he'd never done anything like it before. Also not true.
Years ago
Uwe obviously has his own agenda which is biasing his POV, which is within his right... the truth is, no-one ACTUALLY knows what the real story is and we're all reading a lot of stuff into just a few words...
Uwe Blab
Years ago
I have no agenda or bias. I always thought there was more to the story than just "NBL didn't let him" and I'm seeing things that support that.
Years ago
You can extrapolate from what you've seen to believe what you want, that's no drama, but some of us need a little more of a handle to grab than what you've presented.
The reality is the Kings were told they couldn't sign a replacement because of the 75% rule, it's nothing to do with conspiracies.
Wilson Sting
Years ago
"He won me over big with the love he gave the under privileged kids not long ago."
He won me over with the elbow to Wagstaff's throat.
Uwe Blab
Years ago
So you can make a decision based on no concrete information at all (remember, neither the league nor the Kings have made an official statement) but as soon as some evidence points to the contrary (you know, the guy involved saying he didn't actually want to come here), you decide that isn't enough for you to make up your mind. Good to know for the future.
watch the NBL replay of Adel v Syd and look to TO vision of Childress standing on the left with coaches. Watch carefully and post what you see.
Camera on Sixers Huddle, swings over to Sydneys.
remember he was waived from numerous nba teams and ask why
Uwe Blab
Years ago
"watch the NBL replay of Adel v Syd and look to TO vision of Childress standing on the left with coaches. Watch carefully and post what you see."
Would be easier if you just told us what happened.
need to see it to make you own interpretation but it involves his knee and the coaches board.
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