Years ago

What has gender got to do with CP3's comment?

I really don't understand why there is so much fuss being made over Chris Paul's comments about the reffing where the Clippers received 7 tech fouls.

It is being made into a sexism debate, but nowhere has Chris Paul said he doesn't like her decision because she is female. He was upset at the tech foul he got, which was compounded by all the techs given out.

If anything it should be more about him abusing a rookie ref regardless of gender. The ref was in their first season and all he said was "maybe this isn't for her".

Fair criticism of any ref if they get overly emotional and hand out techs galore. Now I am not saying the tech fouls were not justified, I haven't seen the game, but the whole furore pointing to his remarks as sexist are a joke.

Topic #36425 | Report this topic

Years ago

It's in the comment "maybe this isn't for her" that a slight dog whistle is given. If he said the rest of his comments without that line no reasonable person would take offense.

If we lived in a world without gender roles (not that I disagree with all of them, some of them exist for a reason) this wouldn't be a issue, however we do. As such that comment can't be taken in isolation, but will be heard thru the context of the society in which we live.

Poor choice of words at best, prejudice at worst. I'm sure everyone will get over it but probably not Paul's best moment.

Reply #513927 | Report this post

Years ago

The English language, and many other languages, are riddled with gender specific words. Just because Paul used one of them doesn't make his comment sexist. Had it been a male ref and he'd said "maybe it isn't for him" would that be sexist?

I haven't heard the comment to try and get any inflextions or other context so can't really comment past that.

Reply #513929 | Report this post

Years ago

He wouldn't be saying "Maybe this isn't for him?" if she was a guy.

Pretty cut and dry.

Reply #513931 | Report this post

Years ago

The penalty was standard for criticising a ref, so the league supposedly took him at his word and didn't consider gender a factor.

Reply #513932 | Report this post

Years ago

"He wouldn't be saying "Maybe this isn't for him?" if she was a guy."

What do you base that on?

Reply #513936 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes Paul they may not be sexist comments. They may be a poor choice of words.

However when you communicate you do need to think of how the receiver is going to perceive what you say, and within the context of the society it could be seen as a dog whistle.

There is always a brigade of femi-nazis ready to jump on any perceived slight, but irrespective of any agenda they may run it doesn't take away from the fact that "maybe this isn't for her" can be seen as re-enforcing the outdated idea that professional male sports is no place for women officials.

I for what it's worth saw the game, dislike the Clippers and thought her umpiring was awful. However I also thought at the time, "keep the criticism post game respectful" and thought Paul failed in this regard.

Reply #513939 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair call. Good to hear the NBA haven't crucified CP for not being PC.

Reply #513943 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ Leave Peter Crawford out of this

Reply #513951 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

I agree, thedoctor. This thread isn't for him.

Reply #513952 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't be ageist DD.

Reply #513955 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think there is anything remotely sexist about the comment "maybe this isn't for her". It is definitely pointed at ONE referee (her being towards a singular person not a group of people.) If he were trying to be sexist he would have said "maybe this isn't for women", or "maybe this isn't for them". If it was a rookie male ref over reacting and throwing techs like Tyson throws punches then he would have said "maybe this isn't for him" and no-one would have even bought up the sex, infact they probably would be defending CP3 to a certain extent in the media rather than bashing him.

Reply #514076 | Report this post

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