Kent Brockman
Years ago
My 500th post
Here is my press release that will be circulated through all media outlets celebrating this momentus occasion. Look for photo spread in Adelaide Confidential next week.
" On reaching this milestone i have taken time to reflect on what my posting career has become over the past year or so.
You start out taking it one post at a time working your way through the us v them mentality, hope that the coming year will bring plenty of NBL discusion just liek the current ABL season has.
As my career has progressed i have found my self asking the se questions as i fall asleep each night who Moses Guthrie really is, what other nick names Isaac posts under, does Kriss actually have a job, what happened to JBags and finally would i punch Bizzy in the arm if i ever saw him/ her in public.
To close i look forward to many more pointless posts from most but great insite and value from some.
Party at Isaac's house tonight to celebrate....