Years ago
What's behind The Breaker's Success?
Let's be honest, considering their relatively short time in the league, The Breakers have become very successful. Especially in this decade. They are well on track to be THE team of the decade. Three championships, and probably "favourites" for a fourth.
My understanding is that they are well run, well attended, and well funded. That would seem to preclude them from wooden spoons but is no guarantee of championships.
The pattern to their wins, is that when they are good, they are very good. Finishing first in the regular season and taking home-court advantage into the finals.
It's possible that advantage helped them win the ultimate prize, but WHAT helped them to be so consistently good for 3 consecutive regular seasons? (and now a 4th?)
Is credit due to Lemanis?
He was coach for 5 years before NZ won a flag, and now they seem to be doing just as well under Vickerman. (Plus I'm not sure his coaching of the Boomers has been that inspired.)
I suppose the easy answer is to say that they got great players who played well together.
But is that just luck, good recruiting, or are there other factors at play?
They obviously have a strong NZ presence on their team. Does "home-town loyalty" help them keep better players for less?
How does Auckland rate for liveability and cost of living? Is it just such a nice place that players will stay there for less? Jackson was a big part of their last two wins, and getting him back has been a big part of this season.
Forget Perth, other teams need to try and emulate whatever it is The Breakers are doing.