Years ago
How to overcome Anxiety attacks in Basketball?
I haven't played basketball in over a year, as I suffer from a generalised anxiety disorder. The disorder sometimes manifests in panic attacks and fear of sudden death. Until a year ago, I had been playing the game non stop for 15 years. However now, any time my adrenaline goes up, a panic attack usually ensues. I am making small steps towards getting back on court. I was wondering has anyone else dealt with this kind of anxiety about exercise or Basketball, and if so, how do you go about overcoming it?
I have been doing hour long walks daily, and a small amount of occasional weights. However, my fitness isn't anywhere near where it was when I was playing. I have been checked out by drs, had ECG's and blood tests done, and they say I am at no real risk of having a health issue arise through vigorous exercise however I still find myself scared of the idea, and the pursuit of fitness is sure to be an uncomfortable one. How do you get mentally in the zone of confidence and just playing in the moment again? If anyone has dealt with this before please let me know. Cheers.