Years ago
R16: Townsville Crocs v Perth Wildcats
As you'd expect, some important games this round, and Perth face the "Sunshine" Double.
Recent history does not bode well for the Cats. In November (when thing were generally going well) they travelled to Townsville after a similar 2-day break, and got hosed. Townsville generally use their whole bench significantly, and Perth's lack of depth could really be exposed. The match-ups will be interesting: With Gladness and Van Der Jagt, the Crocs could exploit Knights absence, OR simply chase more points with their more prolific Forwards and Guards.
It's a somewhat obvious point, but I feel the key to this game will be the Cat's defence (or lack thereof.) If they get it going early, can maintain it all game, and keep the Crocs to under 80, then they're a good chance. However if it turns into another slamfest, then I think the Crocs' depth & legs will prevail.
The Cats NEED to win this.
If they make the finals, AND KNIGHT is back, AND HIRE gets back near his best, AND Martin & U'U are hot, THEN they could still give the finals a real shake. But lose this, and we have to start wondering if this could be the end to their 28 year streak.