Years ago
Maher: Johnson has signed with 36ers
MAhersy said in commentary during the telecast today that he is signed and waiting on the paperwork...….
Years ago
MAhersy said in commentary during the telecast today that he is signed and waiting on the paperwork...….
Years ago
I guess we now know why the club didn't rush into signing a replacement for BJ. They probably knew that there was a big chance DJ was heading home.
Years ago
I love the way Cairns with a budget team is doing so well at the top of the table and these teams who just keep buying all these big names are struggling. Would love to see Cairns win it!!
It's ok to sign DJ, that's probably the easy part. Getting him here to play this weekend is probably going to be more difficult.
Years ago
Discussed on Friday night. Whiff earlier than that and he has clearance from Selemat. FIBA is 7 days turnaround. PRevious issues have been to do with imports and visa's etc, not clearances. SO should be all good. Get to Sportys bar on Fri night to watch the game on NBL TV and see the outcome !!!
Wilson Sting
Years ago
Admittedly Cairns haven't had the injuries other teams have but I agree with Player. If Cairns had an injury they would elevate a development player, rather than try and sign a Jawai or similar.
Years ago
Cairns wouldn't try to sign Jawai if they had an injury and he was available?
You keep believing that.
Years ago
Yeah and Cairns would pay for Jawai with what money? I'm sure Adelaide would somehow afford him though if Schensher went down. Fearne explained it well in a Cairns post article today. Its amazing how Cairns are doing so well with a small community funded team against these monster franchises with a lot of resources!
Years ago
Coach, explain how you think they would go it Burston went down.
Years ago
They'd play without him, maybe put Tragardh or Loughton in the big man role if needs be. Burston has his days but the team's not going to fall apart without him.
Years ago
According to the Advertiser, still a race against time to get clearance for DJ to play this Friday. Bloody red tape!
Years ago
Spinner, it will happen....wouldn't be right without a little dramatic effect.
Years ago
"They'd play without him, maybe put Tragardh or Loughton in the big man role if needs be. Burston has his days but the team's not going to fall apart without him."
Methinks you should watch more Cairns games, he is as important as any player for them this season. Such a shame he didn't have an injury free career, he could have had such a big impact over the years.
Jack Toft
Years ago
If DJ is not quite cleared on Friday, can the Sixers do a Forestville and put him on the scorecard anyhow?
Years ago
No. If he is not cleared he is not an eligible player and cannot be named on the scoresheet. He doesn't have to play if his name is on the sheet for it to count but he does have to be cleared.
Wilson Sting
Years ago
OK, so if he gets cleared but gets injured, can his name still be on the scorecard for future games so he can play theoretical playoff basketball?
Years ago
As long as he is in uniform and on the bench yes, absolutely.
Years ago
But having said that it may not be best for the team to be getting used to a new player during finals.
Years ago
They'd play without him, maybe put Tragardh or Loughton in the big man role if needs be. Burston has his days but the team's not going to fall apart without him.They might try that, but their record would suffer. Burston is the anchor for that team. There's a reason Tragardh comes off the bench behind him rather than starts.
Years ago
Yes I agree Burston is the anchor for Cairns.
Even if DJ doesn't qualify for finals, it is all about getting their now. Que Sera..
3 years is what I heard.... but don't quote me...
Years ago
Is DJ even in town? If red tape is cut through will he actually be here ready to go?
Years ago
The commentators were half saying that Hire was cutting it fine to qualify for playoffs.
Surely if they've been on the list the whole season and were just injured, that counts?
Years ago
If he was released the clearance shouldn't be an issue and should be accepted within 7 days of receipt of emails requesting clearance and submission of clearance from Selemat which given news broke Friday last week is tight but likely all in play Wed Thurs.. Pray to the Basketball Gods Sixers Fans !!! Although the boys we have can do it, but nice to have an extra big for rests against Davidson this Friday and have him play finals of course. It will be an 11th hour call...
Years ago
Holden V8, I'm thinking they knew all along that it may be worth the wait for Motum and DJ and that might be a sign of the long term plans of the club. Would be sweet if so. Probably didn't be on the rough start being so rough and Cairns being so strong with that roster. I hope it is a long ten plans nd the Brissy thing doesn't change what could potentially be a killer team next year with room to get a marquee 2/3. Dreaming of course.
Let's hope he doesn't miss a game due to injury.
Years ago
Doesn't matter if he doesn't play, as long as he can suit up and sit on the bench and be named on the scoresheet he will be eligible for finals.
Years ago
Obviously that is not the intention, but if he does hurt himself and is out for a couple of weeks, he can still suit up to qualify
Sitting an injured player on the bench to qualify him means exactly what? Clearly you don't get it.
Years ago
Having a potential match winner down the stretch? Potentially in the playoffs if they got there.
Years ago
It's pretty straightforward Anonymous...
We have 7 games left, you need to play 7 games to qualify for the playoffs. If he comes in, plays 2 games, gets injured, misses 2 games, we sit him on the bench for those 2 games with his uniform on, so that he 'officially' suited up for the game. Then he comes back and plays the last 3 games of the season. Effectively fulfilling the requirement to play 7 games to qualify for playoffs.
Don't really see how that's so hard to understand.
Face palm at that anon not getting it haha So dumb!
Pretty simple really you have an injured player on the bench who MAY be fit come finals time and you deprive someone else who is fully fit that may be able to play finals and assist his team. Duh.
Face palm back at ya.
Let's not even worry about the waste of money that would mean playing an injured player to sit their injured arse on the bench to do SFA and may still not be recovered enough to even make the finals without him!
Anon, you are a full spastic. If you read what bulldog wrote (that's if you can read) then you would have understood what he meant. If DJ rolled an ankle and missed two matches then we could still suit him so he would be eligible come finals. Obviously if he broke his wrist you would not do that....
How some people are allowed to breed is beyond me.
Years ago
Who is that someone else we'd be depriving by having him hypothetically sit on the bench? Sam Johns? I think we'll manage.
I'm not sure the 36ers would be too disappointed if it can't get done by Friday thus making DJ ineligible for the playoffs.
He could still play in the last 6 games and help to get us there against an opponent we would be expected to lose to regardless (the Breakers) with the extra revenue brought in by a home playoff game along with DJ being signed up for the future.
Maybe check the rules too. I am not sure that if you sit on the bench anymore and have no stats (ie no minutes played)that it counts towards having played a game. It certainly never used to be the case.
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