I am anonymous
Years ago

Bring Ed back to SEABL

How dull is the SEABL website these days? No updates, no promotions over the holiday period, hardly any news about clubs and club movements. I really hope it picks up and is a little more lively this yr than last.. but if the first 13 days of the yr is any sign of what's to come then it probably isn't a great one.

I do propose a remedy.. Bring back Ed! Even if his delivery could rival Drakes monotonous flow, he seemed to always have a steady stream of interesting material every week.

Topic #36241 | Report this topic

Happy Days  
Years ago

I think Ed's in the US on holidays and he lives in Newcastle these days.Does some freelance stuff for them.Last year was pretty stock standard stuff, you'd hope for a little more imagination and innovation this season.

Reply #509497 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder who Happy Days is ;)

Reply #509499 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Yes a few know my identity...

Reply #509505 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #509513 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Would you be a Big V, SEABL or NBL Coach?

Reply #509519 | Report this post

Solid Moves  
Years ago

I wonder how much of it has to do with /per and $$.. I know a lot of sports who would love to do more in this area but the "social media manager"is realistically only .2 in their role with the rest spent in admin and so forth.

With SEABL going to BA perhaps we could see something similar to what they do to the WNBL and junior stuff. It does the job and looks okay... No point in appointing someone new when you don't know how the immediate future will look.

It's a great league and great standard - I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to do more to promote it? Especially with Brisbane, Hobart, NWT and MtG being the best the sport has to offer in their area. Get people excited and around it.

Reply #509539 | Report this post

Years ago

As far as online goes...

The NBL produces the best videos, by far.

The WNBL produces the highest quality social media content, by far.

SEABL tells its stories better than anyone else, marginally.

All of them could do with a website revamp.

I'm in the same boat as Solid Moves. I'm really interested in what BA has in store for SEABL here. Their online stuff from the FIBA World Championships was first class, but it looks like they've been relying on ABC to produce all their video content this year, and it's become a little stale of late.

I'd like to see more coverage of my Spartans up here, especially with someone as charismatic as CJ at the helm.

Reply #509643 | Report this post

Years ago

BA's video content from the WC's was financed by Virgin's sponsorship so I am not sure if they can replicate it without further $$$.

Reply #509646 | Report this post

Years ago

As a general rule of thumb, I try and stay away from forums as often as possible. But a good friend (and forum regular) tipped me off about this topic, and I thought I would quickly chime in.

I also have no reason to hide behind an anonymous identity, so I'm comfortable in putting myself out there... (@Jardz for anyone who'd like to continue the dialogue elsewhere)

I think that what both Ed and Dale have achieved with SEABL has been great for the growth of the League. I have watched both put in a great amount of time and care into their work. The League has been benefitted from both of their outputs.

The exact same can be said about Beth Davis, whose contributions to the online presence of SEABL are as valuable as anyones. I really hope she gets that sideline break she deserves - in our sport or any other.

I think Ed and Dale would both be the first to admit that they have different styles and approaches to their work. I have no interest in trying to form an opinion on whose philosophy will reap the biggest rewards. But I think it would be awfully critical to call for change so soon.

Ed set a very high bar for whoever his successor would be. A true credit to his work. But I have no doubt that after spending his first season carving out his identity and work flow, that Dale can achieve the same plaudits in time.

Sit tight, enjoy the ride, and look forward to a new year.

Also, LC, just for clarification, the organisation was very fortunate to receive the great partnership that Virgin provided. But none of their investment went into what we produced digitally as an organisation. We took no additional staff, and purchased no additional gear to make any of it happen. I had to chuckle when it was suggested that the organisation spent $50,000 on producing the first episode alone. The entire digital operation - from the Boomers in Spain through to the Opals Turkey - cost less than a percentage that you can count on your hand of that number. We make the most with what we have.

(PS: Keep up the great work at the PnR. When the wider online community is strong, the game is strong, and you are doing a great job in enhancing - and ultimately promoting - the sport as a whole.)


Reply #509655 | Report this post

Years ago

huh? 'spending his first season carving out his identity and work flow'?

To say the new guy needs a season to carve out his "identity" and work flow is just an apology really.

As I understood it the new guy came to the league from a league club, so would have had good exposure and understand of what was required.

Surely just carrying on at the same level 60 or even 70% of what the previous guy did would earn you plenty of "plaudits", as you wrap your own "style" around it for the other 30/40%.

Supposedly the league did a brilliant job of media under Ed. If so, why change it?

Reply #509697 | Report this post

Years ago

Most people would like to reason that the day-to-day media requirements on a Club level and a League level are identical. Speaking from personal experience across two major sports, they aren't.

We'd like to envision that when Usain Bolt retires from track, that Yohan Blake is going to run the 100 in 9.58 in his next race. If he doesn't, the best long-term solution isn't likely going to be asking Usain to come back, or canning Yohan straight after.

Things need time. I've seen it over and over. I'd be willing stake my own credibility on it. If the analytics of the upcoming season indicate regression on what they were prior to Dale's arrival, then I'll freely admit that I was wrong about my aforementioned assumption that Ed's successors will work it out.

If the data (which is the best indicator of how a product is being consumed) is not indicative of that (and it won't be), then the notion that anybody who followed Ed is doing it wrong is more just a matter of personal taste in how one prefers to consume their media than it is a marker on whether it has been effective or ineffective.

Time well tell.

Reply #509724 | Report this post

SEABL Watcher  
Years ago

I agree 100% with the OP. The SEABL website and media coverage was great when Ed was looking after it and last year's offering was pathetic by comparison. If the new guy was carving out his identity then he must be a phantom judging from his online presence. What a crock!

Reply #509728 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for clarifying Jardz and taking the time to share on this forum.

I was definitely under the wrong impression then as I heard from what I believed to be a very reliable source that that was the case but stand to be corrected.

Reply #509729 | Report this post

Years ago

All good, LC. Here's to raising the bar even higher in the lead-up to Rio.

Also, dropped you an email last week about a potential collaboration. Let me know if I need to re-send it.


Reply #509738 | Report this post

Years ago

The clubs could generate more of their own content.

Reply #509750 | Report this post

Years ago

"If the analytics of the upcoming season indicate regression on what they were prior to Dale's arrival, then I'll freely admit that I was wrong about my aforementioned assumption that Ed's successors will work it out.

If the data (which is the best indicator of how a product is being consumed) is not indicative of that (and it won't be), then the notion that anybody who followed Ed is doing it wrong is more just a matter of personal taste in how one prefers to consume their media than it is a marker on whether it has been effective or ineffective."

The language of the sort of people who deliver little but are able to justify their positions.

Reply #509753 | Report this post

Years ago

Who gives a crap about Ed with all due respect to Ed. Focus on the replacement for Chivers first. If the phantom isn't up to it then the new guy needs to sort that eventually if what people perceive here is true.

Reply #509754 | Report this post

Years ago

Jardz just sent you an email as I never got yours. Speak soon.

Reply #509768 | Report this post

Years ago

No one said the club/league media requirements were identical Jardz, I said that having come from a club he would have an understanding of what was required. That is a more than reasonable statement.

Sorry, you can't have a lull of two seasons on performance, which is what you are implying. One season to "carve out their identity and work flow" and then another to measure it to see if it works? That is outrageous. Its a media managers role FFS.

I am not expressing an opinion on either person's performance here, others are doing that. The view seems to be that the delivery and content is not what it was. If that is the case, then it is hurting the league now.

Reply #509818 | Report this post

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