Jack Toft
Years ago
R12: Sixers vs Crocs
Just when you thought you had unwrapped all your presents, Dean Parker dons the big red suit and offers $10 tickets to this game - and $40 for front row tickets. And they're as popular as, with a crowd looking around 6,000 for this crucial game. The only thing the Sixers need to make this complete would be for West End to come to the party and chuck on some free kegs.
What a game this will be for both teams. The Crocs lurching from game to game need this one, or else their faint finals hope will be fainter than the memories of ...hang on I can't remember. The Conk is leading the way with 17.7 ppt and 6 rpg. Gladness the danger man inside with 7.8 ppt and Blanchfield the other danger man in green. Expect a bit of crowd support for the Crocs too. Each time they're down here, there's alway a group of them wearing green wigs.
The Sixers need this game too. Team Joey just seems to have clicked and found their swing. As it has been said before, Gibbo is the barometer of the team. He needs to get a few good shots in early and it's all plain sailing from there - just like Wild Oats.
This is the Sixers game to lose, but given their recent confidence and swagger, I'm expecting them to get this one.
Sixers by 4 if they have a bad night, or by 14 if they win the inside game against Gladness and "The Conk"