Calling all Sixers Fans!
Forget the free food and drink at your Staff Christmas Party. If you can only make it to one game this season, let it be this one. On 3rd November, the Sixers were in second spot and the signing of Motum meant a flurry of annual leave forms went into bosses in anticipation for a finals series and the inevitable flight to Perth or Auckland. Now, it looks like that leave will be spent cleaning the gutters, or sorting out the sock drawer. They have fumbled second spot and are now second last. Like a 16 year old boy fumbling a bra strap, they may have fumbled their opportunity this season.
That is why you need to get to this game and get L O U D. They are on a 7 game losing streak and that needs to stop. A loss this game and it's time to draw a pentagram on Brett Maher court and summon Marty Clarke by chanting his name backwards three times so he can officially welcome Joey to the Super Eight club. Prior to 3rd November, their average score was 90:88, since then they have gone 84:96 - a 14 point turnaround.
Last time Melbourne were on this court, they blitzed the Sixers from outside the arc and they had their best win so far this season. Let’s hope the Sixers spread the defence a bit and get some pressure on shooters. We can only hope that with all this talk of the South Dragons coming back this would be a distraction for the TFKATT, and the Dragon’s next captain. Which United players have been chatted to, and who will grab the tiger by the tail to jump ship?
While it all looks doom and gloom for the Sixers, so far this season United have not won a Friday night game. Their average score is 84:81 (+3) for all games, on Friday nights, it’s 73:84 (-11). Sunday afternoon is their slot winning 4 from 6 games.
I know it’s stating the obvious, but the Sixers must win this game and they need a very clear game plan to shut down United. That should not be hard, but we need to see a united Sixers team focused on one goal.The Sixers fall apart when they try too hard and forget the basics. Keep it simple boys. Just gotta get a decent shot up each possession and get a sop of the defence, no hard is it?
I'm tipping the Sixers to get this one.