Years ago

CABL Renamed, does this mean anything?

BSA have renamed the CABL,added in more games, changed the nights and days they are playing, heard they are adding an extra referee to the mens games and running a 3 man
Will this increase crowds?
Will it actually change anything?
I heard they were going to change U23s, is this still happening?

Topic #36063 | Report this topic

Years ago

How do you have a fair draw with 22 rounds in a 10 team competition? What determines who you play 3 times instead of twice??

Reply #506003 | Report this post

Years ago

The flyer looks great and clearly states intent and purpose. New ideas, new concepts, more choices. Exciting changes!

Reply #506005 | Report this post

Years ago

Funniest thing I've seen in ages is the pic of of Daniel Sims underneath the announcement of the Anzac days best team spirit medal in the flyer. Clearly the poster child for that award!

Reply #506007 | Report this post

Years ago

Three refs per game? That's a joke, right? Where are they going to come from?

Perhaps let's just hope that is only a rumour.

The number of officials might be available but the quality definitely isn't. Running three refs instead of two would further dilute the already very thin quality pool & reduce the quality/standard even further.

Reply #506013 | Report this post

Years ago

We've had 22 (or was it 23?) rounds in the past, I reckon about 8 or so years ago. The uneven draw cost a team a spot in finals that year, pretty sure it was in the women's side. Maybe Norwood?
Talk about going backwards...

Reply #506014 | Report this post

Years ago

Who designed that Branding?? There are so many things i want to say about it...

Reply #506016 | Report this post

Years ago

What are the eligibility requirements for finals now?

Reply #506020 | Report this post

Years ago

the old format was not bringing in crowds, you could almost walk into a game mid way through first qtr of mens and get a good seat in almost any stadium. Years ago if you weren't there well before tip off you missed out or stood. this way with games on wednesday and sunday's as showcase games will give other coaches and players a chance to scout, gives the specator many games to watch and may whet their appetite for more and bring them out to home and away games. new branding etc, is often hard to please everyone and these days everyone is a critic. 3 man referees IMO is the way to go, and shouldn't be the case of diluting the pool I'd see it as strengthing the refeeing pool and keep some of the older referees still in the game and perhaps bring some back.

Look at the positives people at least it is being reworked and not allowing it to die a slow and painful death.

Reply #506021 | Report this post

Time Will Tell  
Years ago

The 3 Refs should be applauded sure the Pool is average but hopefully in means there is change and the pool improves increases and add a realistic pathway?

I think it has some benefits but again only as much support as the CLUBS themselves can generate Time for clubs to pull their fingers out and engage their members.

Reply #506024 | Report this post

Years ago

So many things that could be improved.

1/ Clubs wont pay for the 3 refs! Are BSA gonna pay for it if they think its about ref development?

2/ Season length is too long, so still going to lose players in finals to college.

3/ WNBL and NBL players wont stay around to play cause there isn't any money, so will essentially still be the same poor standard.

4/ BSA will lose close to $50k running the Wednesday and Sunday games, how long will this last?

5/ Having the reserves grades and U23 div 1 comp BOTH on Tuesday night and forcing all clubs to enter teams will lead to increased forfeits and further diluted competitions. Forcing U18 players from weaker clubs up into grades they are not capable and decrease retention especially in girls.

6/ Clubs wont put any more time and money into the competition because they already spend $50k for next to no return. How are BSA gonna get people to pay when everyone nearly qualifies for free entry.

Reply #506031 | Report this post

Years ago

well it is novel but why not make them pay, the players that is? they used to many years ago and then it became they didn't have to pay. Can we afford that still? and I believe refs are taking a pay cut to get 3 man cause yes clubs won't pay more.

Reply #506038 | Report this post

Years ago

"Really" has pretty much nailed it. Change for changes sake really serves no purpose.

My experience with 3-man ref panels generally see games over-called, as each ref "gets his calls in". You see many games at junior nationals with 3-man crews often give out 50-60 fouls - 18s this year was a debacle with 3-man panels every game.

Who is going to absorb the costs of the Wed/Sun Dome games? I am pretty sure they won't breakeven on these games.

Reply #506042 | Report this post

Years ago

As mentioned before .......who is playing who three times?It will be an uneven comp .

Reply #506046 | Report this post

Years ago

Draft draw has been sent to Clubs. From what the looks of it its randomly assigned.

Reply #506049 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure about the name and brand, but at least they're trying some new things with the big day of games and mid-week games.

I haven't been to an ABL game in a fair while (probably since my brother played), but thought it was good value when I did go. Decent standard, cheap enough, all seats close to the action, etc. Also Sturt home games are at least close to my house. I would really like to see awareness rise and more people get out to games.

If anyone from the league or clubs is reading, if there was a way for Hoops to help clubs promote their games or for clubs to become carefully more involved in Hoops to promote their games, let me know - my email is around the place. I'm thinking things like the league posting promotional topics or having an area to build awareness of players, milestones, stats, etc. Same goes with any interstate equivalent like the SEABL or Big V. I always plan to split the ABL topic here into sub-league categories now that there's more interest in each of the interstate leagues.

Reply #506054 | Report this post

Years ago

Many supporters go to their local stadium. home team supporters bring kids to hang out. Only clubs that will
Benefit are those at the better stadiums !!! And Woody and Forestvillesturt close to arena. Not
Local. It kid friendly and not cheap.

Reply #506066 | Report this post

Years ago

I have said this a number of times but no one seems to like the concept, but I will get an A for persistence!

22 games, 2 divisions... play your division 3 times play the other division 2 times

Top 2 in each division make finals with the 3rd in each division playing a playoff for the 5th spot.
Finals teams are seeded by record and head to head results as usual.

This means the teams competing for a finals spot play their direct competition an extra game during the season an it is fair for all teams

North west division
Centrals, North, West, woodville, Forestville
South East division
Sturt, Eastern, norwood, South, southern


North East division
Centrals, North, sturt, Eastern, norwood
South west division
South, Southern, Forestville, Woodville, west

Reply #506072 | Report this post

Years ago

As a player I think it's great. For a league that needed a big shake up, the direction they have mapped out is clear, now time for some action. Playing extra games is obviously a plus for a player but I think the midweek games will be worth it.

Isaac, IIRC didnt Hoops have all the boxscores on the homepage, along with the top 10 for each stat category? That was an easy way to follow the league and get to know players etc. Lets be honest, this site would have more traffic and popularity in the bball community than the Basketball SA website, so any promotion on here would be beneficial. And how could you forget DCs What's Hot/What's Not thread after each round, a funny take on the games each week!

Reply #506095 | Report this post

Take Luck  
Years ago

"Again" That is the same thought that I had!!! only way to get a fair draw also! Surely that could open up an opportunity for an all-star game also i.e. north vs south etc

Reply #506117 | Report this post

Years ago

big dreams to be applauded but won't work in SA. Numbers and money.

Reply #506120 | Report this post

Years ago

this is typical of how BSA works....floated the idea out to all the clubs, Every club Emphatically rejected it...So they implemented it anyway.

i suppose someone can add the whole "project" to their next resume/job application!

maybe they can subsidise the clubs costs from that little 1.3M nest egg !

Reply #506123 | Report this post

Years ago

i like what i see so far - looking forward to those big wednesdays and sundays from a spectator viewpoint.

good point about who will be unlucky enough to draw the top teams a third time - however that could be compensated with another game v a lower seeded / ranked teams.

Reply #506127 | Report this post

Years ago

This means the teams competing for a finals spot play their direct competition an extra game during the season an it is fair for all teams
Isn't drawing up conferences almost as arbitrary as randomly deciding who plays the extra games? If a conference got particularly strong, do you address that by redrawing the dividing line? Might as well just have it random if the goal is parity.

Conferences are really only of value if you want to minimise travel or there is a strong loyalty to a particular region. I doubt an ABL fan feels much affinity for other teams in its locale over those across town.

The AFL gets by with having teams play each other an unequal amount of times.

Just seems like an odd point to get caught on if worrying about getting people to games.

Anon 095, yes, I used to import/parse boxscores and have a way of listing games and players. It was a fair bit of work and I had more time/interest then. If it was to happen again, I'd need the league/clubs to provide data feeds that I could use or seed content. At worst, they could encourage someone to right previews, write recaps, start threads, etc. I'm surprised the WNBL and other leagues don't do this themselves as it costs nothing but a little bit of a volunteer's time.

Reply #506136 | Report this post

Years ago

'Every club Emphatically rejected it' is just not true.

Reply #506142 | Report this post

Years ago

knowing how clubs work and have been on management before and seen the results, some answer, some ignore, some answer a question not asked or some reply far too late. and I don't believe all clubs rejected it I heard only two replied.

Reply #506143 | Report this post

Years ago

All clubs replied, not all rejected it. One club was pro 27 games.

Reply #506149 | Report this post

Years ago

Who rejected it. I would have rejected it.

Reply #506157 | Report this post

Years ago

'Again'...very good. That is a draw which is fair. The new program is not...not by a country mile.

Reply #506168 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard every club rejected it. Wanting 27 games is not accepting 22 games.
As usual, BSA do their own thing regardless of it's constituents wishes.

Reply #506170 | Report this post

Years ago

Who plays who 3 times
Centrals v Eastern, North, Sturt & Woodville
Eastern v Centrals, North, Southern & West
Forestville v Norwood, South, Southern & Sturt
North v Centrals, Eastern, South & Woodville
Norwood v Forestville, South, Southern & West
South v Forestville, North, Norwood & Woodville
Sturt v Centrals, Forestville, Southern & West
West v Eastern, Norwood, Sturt & Woodville
Woodville v Centrals, North, South & West

Reply #506177 | Report this post

Years ago

It looks like the footy draw. If you finish in the top 4 your get to play the top 4 3 times. I think you will see the the top 4 play each other 3 times and it is worked out down the ladder from there.

Reply #506191 | Report this post

Years ago

I would stop playing if there was a conference system. I don't care if I play some teams 2 times and others three. If we are good enough we will be in the GF. To fall into the finals because of a perceived soft draw doesn't mean much as we wont go to far.

It is difficult to get a split based on the previous year's results as the Women's and Men's side could finish at opposite ends of the table. If it is good enough for a multi million business like the AFL it's ok for Basketball.

All these people with the facts - I guess to know the facts you are on the inner sanctum of a club or you are hearing things second or third hand. After speaking to a couple of member's of our club's management group I am led to believe:

1. All clubs except one responded to an initial paper which included 27 games and 9 mid week games
2. The clubs as a collective also gave input to BSA
3. Clubs did say they were unhappy with the number of rounds and timing of games
4. Clubs were proactive and made alternative suggestions
5. This was considered and many of the ideas are based on what clubs had proposed as suggestions
6. Not every one agrees
7. People are in roles to make decisions
8. Unfer review in a year's time - let's give it a go

Reply #506195 | Report this post

Years ago

'If it is good enough for a multi million business like the AFL it's ok for Basketball.'
No it's not ok, and that is the one great flaw for AFL that makes it mickey mouse in world sports. I'm sure Collingwood supporters would disagree but I'll rest my case there.
A fair and equitable draw has to be the first priority. Extra games based on previous results is no basis for scheduling the current. Go to 27 games or leave it at 18. Meeting in the middle is not the answer.

Reply #506196 | Report this post

Years ago


The AFL is not considered mickey mouse in world sports, except maybe by stupidly prejudiced people.

Reply #506199 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep and there it is comparing a state league basketball program in a small poor state to AFL. Stupid is as stupid does.

Reply #506219 | Report this post

Years ago

I just wonder where they think the spectators will come from on a Wednesday night. Juniors will be either training; doing homework or going to bed. A lot of current spectators at weekend ABL games play div 3 games and lower and those games I believe will still be played on those nights. Another thought is what about volunteers for Wednesday nights - quite a few of those are also involved in junior basketball and div 3 and below.

Reply #506331 | Report this post

Years ago

Would have been better keeping it to 18 games and condensing the season as its far too drawn out. College kids will not be able to play despite them saying this new format will allow that to happen. It's the same start/finish date so if it didn't before I don't see how it will now. You can still add your 'trinket' (Anzac Day) games and would've been better served adding a best of three grandfinal series. Go the whole hog to 27 games or leave it at 18. 22 muddys the home/away order and just watch it get exploited.

Reply #506352 | Report this post

Years ago

Where does it say in the announcement that this change will allow college kids to play. Can you give me a page number on the introduction document which says that?

Reply #506355 | Report this post

Years ago

The original document considered by all the Presidents at Pasadena one night back in August recommended finishing CABL by August 1st.

Reply #506376 | Report this post

Years ago

It's lame enough soccer leagues around the world all rename themselves to Premier League now and then CABL go and do it... smh

Reply #506383 | Report this post

Years ago

A fair and equitable draw has to be the first priority.
The NBA doesn't have fair conferences or a level draw. They do OK.

Write an algorithm, publically verifiable, that balances the crucial bits and then randomly spits out the games. Do it in front of everyone and then you don't have any team losing out to anything but chance. As the player (?) posting above says, the best teams are likely to win through anyway.

That's more than you can say for the NBA conferences and divisions set up. You might've noticed that 82 is not neatly divisible by 29.

Reply #506394 | Report this post

Years ago

Rock - sorry you are wrong

Reply #506395 | Report this post

Years ago

Whoever said I was wrong, you are wrong. I was there.

Reply #506412 | Report this post

Years ago

Rock, The original BSA document wasn't even out in August.

The paper you refer to is a paper put forward by a Sturt great, which was nothing to do with the leagues revamp, although there were some similar themes..

You may have been there, but you weren't looking at BSA's paper !

Reply #506441 | Report this post

Years ago

I was wondering if Isaac will change his Search Link named CABL at the top to P.L or just Premier or whatever else ?

Reply #507334 | Report this post

Years ago

i would drop 50 on all you clowns
westeis reppin,, you all need to be brought back down to earth

Reply #507505 | Report this post

Years ago

Shotclock, it's ABL which kinda encompasses all the leagues around the country at this level, but I do hope to give each league its own.

Reply #507545 | Report this post

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