Years ago
No new topics on 9 Dec
How sad is the state of affairs for SA basketball and probably the NBL when we go through a day without a single new topic?
Years ago
How sad is the state of affairs for SA basketball and probably the NBL when we go through a day without a single new topic?
Years ago
Look at it another way, perhaps nothing bad happened yesterday.
Years ago
Delly had 3 assists and Dante scored 2 points, surely they're both worth a topic? Lift your games people!
Jack Toft
Years ago
If this was an AFL/NRL forum, there would be plenty of topics:
* Former players one punch hitting some dude
* Some drug thing
* Car crashes
* Some end of season trip misadventure
* Some misdemeanour involving a school girl
* Some failed business venture
I guess basketball is just too boring
There is only so much whinging a South Australian can do in one day!
Years ago
Spinner, it's something worth noting.
On the @hoopsforum Twitter account, I tweet various things that catch my interest. It's NBA stuff more often than it's NBL stuff and I was thinking yesterday about why this is. And I think the reason is simply that there is much more media out there as a base for the NBA and it's so much easier to access. NBL boxscores can be a bit of a pain, especially on mobile.
NBA video is readily available which means highlights of individual plays are available and thus GIFs - these are easy to share around and people are more likely to look at them than watch three minutes of highlights for one interesting moment.
Plus things like interesting facts and stats. If it weren't for @nblfacts, we'd have almost nothing from the NBL.
I think forum interest in the 36ers certainly seems to have waned. Not tragic enough to incite rioting but results not exciting people to discuss every nuance.
Years ago
I was listening to the Downtown podcast this morning on the way in to work. THey had their interview as BotiNagy and while Ive read a lot of his work, Ive never heard him speak before.
Topics brought up here recently ala Motum/NBA aspirations and the Gibson/Wilson were raised.
Definetly worth a listen.
Years ago
Thanks Matt - very interesting comments about the Sixers and the potential for us to play out this season as a rebuild for next year. Some might say it's too early, but considering the teams we would be fighting for the fourth spot (Cairns and United) and the fact we are already two - zip down and a heap of points down to each of them, it may be our only option now.
Years ago
My only issue being, if Adelaide for some strange reason were to cut Joey Wright. Say they brought in a new Coach. Do you then have to extend to him the token defense of 'Well he didnt get to choose his roster so you cant expect too much of him there'.
Wildcat Fan
Years ago
As far as lack of discussions go, at least on hoops there are still plenty of posts to read and the discussions are still lively (even though its dominated by anonymous's and a lot of BS) However If you have a look at ozhoopsboards, hardly anyone is posting lately and its just the same couple of people that appear to do any posting. Its become extremely boring there in recent times.
The forums are a reflection of how boring the NBL has become. It all started with BA taking over, changing to 40mins and gone downhill from there. sigh
The league used to be offense driven now it is a dull defensive game.
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