Jack Toft
Years ago
The race for 4th Spot
Well Poindexters, nearly half way through the 2015 NBL season and things look like they are firming up making for an exciting second half of the season.
Three teams are on 9 wins and in most 28 game seasons, 14 wins will get you some finals action. Sometimes, it gets down to splits and this might end up being a 3 or 4 way split this season.
Perth: 9 & 3. Better burn those 28 t-shirt and get some cheap $2 shirts from China saying "29" Unless something major happens, I reckon those pussycats should be purring at the end of the minor round.
Breakers: 9 & 4. The Breakers are back and with a home court tough to get wins on, my advice would be if you want to watch your team play finals, better dust off the passport, bro.
Cairns: 9 & 4. Came out of the starting gates flying and with 8 home games, and 2 away games in Townsville to play, it would be hard not to see them get 5 more wins out of 15 games. 3rd spot is their's to lose.
Wollongong: 2&12. Probably the only team definitely looking to next season so far.
The contenders for 4th spot:
Melbourne (7&5), Sydney (6&5), Townsville (5&8), Adelaide (3&9)
Adelaide. Are timing their run terribly if they are looking for 4th spot. If they are, then most of their supporters will have heart attacks due to the suspense. It's at the point where they need another team to help them out with results.
Townsville. Are sitting evenly against their competition with splits not favouring either team. They will be focusing on the Cairns, Melbourne and Sydney splits. They would need to get a wriggle on and hope to achieve those splits and results to go their way.
Sydney. Like Townsville, are around the mark, but the Mel v Syd series will be the one to watch there. Sydney seems to plod along each season.
Melbourne. Are a different team under D Mac. Probably gets down to keeping everyone focussed.
I would say the 4th spot is very much a race between Melbourne & Sydney. Townsville might be the smokey in the mix if results fall their way and they would be looking for a logjam of a 3 way split. I think Adelaide might fall short by 2 wins.