Fans don't understand a decision, refs are wrong.
Fans disagree with a decision, refs are wrong.
Fans don't like the interpretation of a rule, refs are to blame.
The argument is so boring and immature.
Referees are human. Referees make mistakes, just like being a player, being a referee requires skills. Easy for everyone to sit in the stands from their view and disagree and the ref is wrong, maybe he is, but they call what they see based on what they're instructed the interpretation of a very grey rule book to be. But maybe they're right and you as the fan are wrong, considering you are biased, don't have the same instruction, don't have the same angle and don't have the same understanding of the game.
Players miss shots, make bad passes, coaches don't call time outs, mess up rotations, scorers stop clocks late or miss scores, referees miss calls.
It's called being imperfect, which all humans are. Even those on Hoops or in the stands. Get over it, sport is much less frustrating once you accept the world isn't perfect and sorry never will be.