Years ago

pro / rel Q

6 team poll top 2 go up a pool and bottom 2 move down y/n ?

5 team pool - just the top team in a pool go up and just the bottom team move down y/n?

cant find anything in bylaws re how many teams moves in what sized pools.

Topic #35895 | Report this topic

Years ago

It's still two teams go up and down. Its just one team that stays.
so basically 1st and 2nd go up,
3rd stays,
4th and 5th drop.
hope this explains it

Reply #502808 | Report this post

Years ago

so in a 5 team pool 2 top/bottom teams still move ? i thought it was 1 top/bottom in 5 team pools and top / bottom 2 in 6 team pools

Reply #502811 | Report this post

Years ago

How would that work of the higher group had six and the lower group 5.

Reply #502830 | Report this post

Years ago

Top 2 go up, middle stays, bottom 2 go down...assuming this was a question on summer season juniors.
Lots of coach chats at trainings today since teams are locked in for the next 5 weeks and unable to easily move players between teams.

Reply #502897 | Report this post

Fill Smythe  
Years ago

This topic has been done to death.
Bottom line is people;;;Adelaide does not have enough teams for pro/rel to work properly so move on to another topic.

Reply #502899 | Report this post

Years ago


So true.

Reply #502905 | Report this post

Years ago

Q wasn't about enough teams to run it - it was how many move in a 5 team pool and how many move in a 6 team pool. Pro / rel rocks and is the bees knees.

Reply #502906 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide has plenty of teams to run pro/rel.

Pro/rel is excellent for ensuring teams are appropriately placed for winter season to minimise those 100-6 type blowouts.

The problem is not pro/rel. The problem is those (at the weaker clubs) who actually think summer season means anything. It is an opportunity to see where teams belong - nothing more.

Reply #502933 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem is that BSA in their infinite wisdom doesn't have it all the way through so the Div 1 and 2 competitions are worse for blow outs than the lower grades.

Reply #502956 | Report this post

Years ago

U12 Division girls needs to be addressed. Team 1 for many clubs in Div 3. How not to encourage more girls to basketball. Put in Pro/Rel between Div 2 and 3 and force Team 1's to be in Div 2 at a minimum or no ABL so no association membership. Take a look at all divisions and the results and then get back with a response.

Reply #502957 | Report this post

Years ago

the pro/rel system caters for that - but it needs to be across all divisions. It is about results basing where teams should be at - not politics or opinions.

and we should have no new clubs until the existing ones are full.

some clubs team 1 may be div 3 standard - so if it is the case - that is where they stay - with pro / rel if they are too strong they have to move up.

Reply #502958 | Report this post

Years ago

just had a look at table for u12g3 - no team 1s for any club ?

looks like bottom 5 teams could make up div 4 and top 6 div 3 - ? may not be enough for a winter comp ?

I think it looks like u12g div 2 you refer to - 3 clubs have their first team in Div 2 - 1 club western is not allowed to be in div 1 so they are correct. i reckon last year centrals played summer in div 2 and div 1 over winter ? and woodville need to be in Div 2.

The issue i raise is why have all these double byes in some grades? -when we have our best players sitting out on game night because of a suffocating rule of no second team being allowed to fill these spots. They do need to understand that they need to make way for a member club if they nominate.

so looking at results - u12g - centrals are doing well in div 2 and should play div 1 over winter. why have a bye ? forestvilles results are strong - why not allow them 2 div 1 teams ?

Reply #502959 | Report this post

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