Years ago
How much will Motum and Edwards play?
How much are we going to see the new players, Brock Motum and Richie Edwards?
Years ago
How much are we going to see the new players, Brock Motum and Richie Edwards?
Good question johnestuff lol.
I am no expert but I will go with less than 40mins.
Wilson Sting
Years ago
Hopefully long enough to see Motum with a different facial expression.
The Situation
Years ago
Why have Adelaide bothered with Edwards? he has made no impact the 36ers would have been better off promoting a DP.
Years ago
The Situation, what are you expecting him to do in 3 minutes in each game?
We couldn't play him much in such an important game against NZ and today Petrie needed to stay on to guard Childress. He just needs 15-20 minutes to see what he can do. Joey spoke highly of him. Don't write him off just yet.
Years ago
bit unsure of Edwards. this build up of a player and yet gets like 3mins court time. like that's enough to get a result? backwards thinking me thinks
Years ago
Adelaide get the chance to evaluate Edwards every day at training, they're obviously interested in seeing if he is a prospect. If he impresses, at some point he'll likely get a chance in the real thing.
Surely people weren't expecting a rookie pro to come into a team after not doing a pre-season and then step straight into the rotation?
Years ago
Paul you have been on Hoops a while now, the expectation is that he should be able to score 32 points at 85% in the 3 minutes he has played. Otherwise he is a dud and should be replaced with Jayson Wells
Years ago
Well actually, that depends on what he can get on the beep test. What would be a good score for a 24-year-old New Zealand male?
Years ago
What would be a good score for a 24-year-old New Zealand male?
18yo Australian female?
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