Years ago
kobe or lebron?
on PTI they discussed who they think is closer 2 a title, kobe or lebron? wat r ur thoughts?
Years ago
on PTI they discussed who they think is closer 2 a title, kobe or lebron? wat r ur thoughts?
Years ago
LeBron - Everyone wants to play with him, he will pass the ball and seems to be pretty level headed.
Kobe - Knowone wants to play with him, he wont pass the ball and has a disgusting attitude.
LeBron, no contest.
i agree LeBron is much more of a team player and passes the ball and people want to be involved with him as for kobe...good potential if he can learn to pass the ball and play like a team
Eastern Lowland Gorilla
Years ago
If you select Kobe you're plain wrong.
Years ago
Lebron is closer to a championship (just due to playing in the East) and as far as I'm concerned the better player.............
whilst I know that this is a comparising between Lebron and that idiot Kobe, if I were a free agent and I had to compared playing in Cleveland compared to playing in the City of Angles, well I would be wearing the yellow and not the wine and gold. On top of this, another scenario, who would your rather be coached by, the Zen Master, Phil Jackson or a rookie head coach, Mike Brown???
Does anyone think Kobe will be traded at sometime in the next two season. I think it could happen.
Years ago
lebron by far, he would rather make a pass for the alleyoop and get the 2 points.
Kobe would rather try and dunk over the fella or try some circus trick to get of espn
Years ago
I don't like either of them personally but if I had to choose I would take LeBron, much better passer and leader than Kobe.
The only piece of the puzzle missing for LeBron and the Cavs to win a ring is Phil Jackson.
statue of liberty
Years ago
LeBron wont be as committed to the cavs as iverson is to philly thats for sure!!!
Lebron is EASILY the better player -although that statement can be seen as false if looked at in a non bball way
undersized pf
Years ago
well lebron ofcourse.
If your looking at it from a franchise perspective then the cavs win. This is because the lakers have a struggling squad and theyve got no slaray cap space. They have got mass contracts in which there under. The cavs have a team of young players (due to a couple of high draft picks) if they add a couple more pieces this team could make a splash in the next few years
Skillwise, I have to choose Kobe, best one on one player in the league now hands down.
But I would choose Lebron if I want to win a championship.
Years ago
I would pick kobe anyday over Lebron. kobe wouldn't have so much trouble passing the ball if any of his teammates would back him up... seeing the things kobe does,that "I AM A WITNESS" sign should not be for lebron......
Years ago
Kobe Braynt. He has way more experience than Lebron. Kobe's defense and shots are better than Lebron. And the reason why Kobe shoots so much is becuz his coach tells him to. If he's that good with a basket ball then he's earned his respect to shoot.
Years ago
Lebron all the way...its all about attitude baby....but id prefer wade...
go manuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
You're a tosser JAYG
LBJ for me. Kobe is great regular season stats player... for you Jenn if you read this... lol
No question
Years ago
this seriously shouldnt even be a discussion. LeBron James is the best player in the league for sure..if not he best player ever! His offense is better and he actually knows what team means..people actually want to be on his team! we are all WITNESSES!
Years ago
Best player ever??
There goes your credibility down the toilet..
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