Years ago
Getting beginners involved in getting the ball
Hi all,
Just after some advice. I am coaching some young Aussie Hoops boys around the age of 7 -9.
A couple of the boys are very good and the others more beginners. When we play a proper game some of the boys run up and down with the group when the ball goes up and down the court but make little attempt to get the ball. They stand back while the others get to the ball. The other players don't seem to pass to them because of this. I feel that due to this their interest is waning. It wouldn't be much fun just running back and forth all the time.
I really want to get these kids into the action but am not sure how to do this. What more can I say to them or what practice drills could I apply or any other suggestions.
I really want to get them excited about the game and get into it and play as a team.