Years ago
Mornington Breakers committee
I am stunned at what this committee is up to. I have to wonder if someone on there has the intent of shutting the club down!
They had their tryouts, every one was assessed, the normal sort of stuff.
But then it turns out, it was all for nothing!
They lead us all to believe that new players are welcome and now the committee has turned around, over ruled the teams the coaches wanted and pretty much told everyone, if you're not already playing here then we don't want you!
Seriously, how do you tell kids that could get you into VC, no because you weren't here already! How can they be so discriminatory, but then why would they want to be?
Then, they are trying to keep it all quiet and make it seem like it's the coaches doing this.
People need to know, it's the committee making these decisions, not the DOC or his team.
I wonder can we vote no confidence in the committee?
Maybe just attend their meetings and get the minutes.
I say this because I'm concerned the club will go under if they stay in control.