No - it isn't perfect is it. So, let's look at what about the current form of the club is even good. Doesn't have to be perfect, but just good. SILENCE. SILENCE. SILENCE
- COMMUNICATION. - Not counting Twitter or Stalkbook, no formal communication with the very people they are trying to attract and keep interested - the members. No email, no letter, nothing.
- INTERNET - Official site not up to date. No player info, no member tally or countdown to season commencement. Nothing to stir interest or show that they give a stuff.
- PUBLIC PROFILE - Nothing. No advertising. Players making calls. Again, nothing to stir up interest and improve public perception.
- TEAM - Budget team. No desire to build on last year's performance and increased attendances. Let's put a budget team on the floor and hope they do OK against marquees and ex Euro players.
Let's forget about keeping interest and building, let's just miss out on all the above essentials and hope the faithful will keep coming and our crowd numbers miraculously increase, particularly given the average Jo or Jane wouldn't even know when the first game is, or even care.