Years ago

SA Country State trials in Broken Hill

Attended the SAC U/16 State trials yesterday held in Broken Hill to watch my son. After travelling half a day I was really surprised to see no more than 20 players total in both boys and girls. Being a first timer I was a little unsure why there weren't a lot more as we were told the trial was compulsory? I really felt sorry for the organisers as there seemed to be no coaches or helpers, and the atmosphere was extremely sombre. Not having a dig, but it really didn't feel like a state team trial at all.

Topic #35555 | Report this topic

Years ago

it was a risky idea havign the trial in such a remote location on a working day ( unless you are a teacher)

Reply #495966 | Report this post

Years ago

OK I'll bight - Why was SA Country having State trials in country NSW?

Being from Vic it doesn't make any sense to me. It would be the same as Vic Country having state trials in Albury or Mt Gambier.

Reply #496002 | Report this post

Years ago

Really bad idea, was this David Ingham's decision?

Reply #496008 | Report this post

Years ago

Broken Hill is affiliated with SA country basketball. They obviosuly off the radar for NSW basketetball and well as a fewe other things.

Does seem real strange to ask people to got so remote for trials rather than a more central location AND on a weekday!

Reply #496204 | Report this post

Years ago

Just curious. Was this the only trial and what happens if not enough people or players of an appropriate standard attend?

Reply #496205 | Report this post

Years ago

There is a second trial in Murray Bridge coming up, "Alice Springs courts weren't available". Apparently those that didn't or don't attend wont be considered for country cup or national champs selection, so it will be really interesting to see the final SAC teams in the U/16's for 2015.

Reply #496234 | Report this post

Years ago

This came straight from SA country - not Ingham , this is part of new process where they are having north and south trials then a final trial in Adelaide later . Expect to see 100 or more kids at Murray bridge for southern trial as northern parents and kids vote with there feet !!

Reply #496251 | Report this post

Years ago

The DO running the selection trials - Mike Rodgers ran out of fuel 40kms out from Broken Hill on the way there. Nice work when you in the middle of nowhere!

Reply #496319 | Report this post

Years ago

Did you hear that Vic Country were taking SAC's advice and will be running their state trials next weekend in Tasmania!! Then the follow up trial will be held in Brisbane! Good to see SAC's advice rubbing off onto other states!

Reply #496693 | Report this post

Slam dunk  
Years ago

Was there any feedback as to how the trials in BH actually went?
Obviously the teams have already been selected but I heard that SAC didn't have enough players to fill out all three U14 girls teams so everyone that trialled made the team. Seams strange you would add an extra team (normally two teams attend the tournament) but not have enough players to fill those three teams!
Was anyone cut from the BH trials? Seems stupid if they we're then not have enough at the main trials to fill all three teams!

Reply #505366 | Report this post

Years ago

They only had 15 kids in Broken Hill. Biggest joke ever!
Trials next year have been shifted closer - Kangaroo Island!!

Reply #505370 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm confused so if they didn't get 30 kids out to the u14 girls trials how are they sending three teams to Albury??
Surely they aren't sending teams with only 8-9 players in each team. Wouldn't it be smarter to only send two teams so you can have an actual selection trial? Seems like SAC have made some silly decisions lately!
And I hear they are not sending u13 teams to the Eltham tournament next year, can someone fill me in why they aren't doing this!

Reply #505446 | Report this post

Years ago

If you are confused here is an idea. Why not ring the SAC office and ask them first rather than bleat about it on this website. I am sure there are good reasons for this. If you are still not happy then make an issue of it. Make sense!!!

Reply #505648 | Report this post

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