Years ago
Central Vs Eastern results
How come all results from the weekend are posted except for Central Vs Eastern?
Years ago
How come all results from the weekend are posted except for Central Vs Eastern?
Years ago
Haven't received anything from Eastern yet. Not sure they have the capacity to email them straight after games as with other clubs?
Dr Dunkenstein
Years ago
Mavs 77 def Lions 74
J Goodenough 15 and 4
B Madgen 11 and 8
B Bungey 10 and 9
J Warhurst 11 and 4
B Trebilcock 17 and 11
A Todd 16 and 5
J Clayton 9 and 11 + 7 Ast
P Vanderburgh 10 and 8, 6 Ast 6 T/Os
C Clausen 12 and 2
M Atkins 9 and 4
Mavs 87 def Lions 50
S O'Brien 12 and 12
A Williams 25 and 7
L Lamarche 12 and 6
E Wilkin 5 and 12
S Bayly 14 and 5
Years ago
Add Ben Trebilcock to Ashton Kutchers "dunked on" list. Massive baseline jam over him. Shot fake, 1 dribble from the 3 point line, and KABOOM!
Dr Dunkenstein
Years ago
northerner - what happened to the Blue Army on Saturday. There was one person in the crowd wearing a 'Blue Army' shirt! I heard Centrals were building quite a supportor base. They certainly weren't there on saturday night!
Years ago
Haha, way too cold and too far I presume :)
I think the Eastern boys at the end of the basket had a bit of fun though, I reckon a few coldies were sunk by them.
Years ago
we all drank shit loads at the game! we had our own army.....we were the army of piss heads! great game. bungee great dunk at the end big boy!
I know about 20 of the boys who are in the blue army were leaving for NSW at 6am the next morning, along with Jye, Justin and Ricky
They have gone over to play in a tournament at Broadmeadows. It is the Northern Region Sports Academy.
Years ago
ok .. thanks for that .Never heard of that tourney before .
Not sure what the tournment is called. Apparently it is help every yer over there. The NRSA basketball program is run by Ricky with Justin, Jye,and Julian running some of the training sessions.
last time i checked Broadmeadows was in Victoria...
Years ago
so because there is a Broadmeadows in Victoria there can't be another one somewhere else!!!!! God I hate school holidays. To think some of these Einstein's will be running the show when i'm old. God help us all.
Years ago
There is also a Broadmeadows in Qld and SA. I am sooooo confused!
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