Years ago
livebasketball tv isn't working
Great start to the world cup!!
Years ago
Great start to the world cup!!
Years ago
Never had a problem with livebasketball.tv before.
Maybe they did not expect the volume of users for the WC?
I have emailed them but I'm sure 100's have...
Not great timing.. Very steamed.. I paid $1 for this! Now I'm stuck watching on a grainy illegal stream!
Ugh so shit. Mine wont load and the operator of the so called "live" help isn't responding after saying hi and introducing herself.. total fucking shambles.
Years ago
so i wanted to watch on my ipad - wasnt working. i thought well lets try it on my android phone - not working. so i decided fuck it, probably not working on mobile devices, have to get my laptop ouf of the bag but guess what - not working either. i hope they fix it until the usa game...
Firstrowsports is working ;)
Classic finish in the Croatia/Philippines game.
Finally got to speak to the help operator and she said that that lots of people are reporting the problem and that it has been escalated and will be resolved shortly.. 3 games have already been played and haven't seen any of them. Total bullshit.
Years ago
Is it seriously back? Just rage-quitted after an hours work of hopeless efforts to power the streams up.
Years ago
Mine's not working either!
Again the operator reckons it's the same issue that a few people have reported....
Does anyone know any decent illegal streams?
I kept it buffering in the background and after a minute or two it came on. Watching Korea Angola now
Years ago
nah its not up. nobody cares about angola korea though
Years ago
Can't believe they seemed to not have prepared their IT infrastructure for more than 10 parallel requests...this is total crap!!!
I'm in the UK and its working now.. Probably Aussies shit internet
Can anyone update if it has been fixed? I was considering buying it...
Years ago
I saw last quarter of Korea Angola.. was working well clear HD.. now trying egypt serbia and getting nothing..
Years ago
Are you guys maybe accessing it in locations where geoblocking is in place? Fiba have done a beauty on geoblocking me in japan - good one fiba!
Years ago
johny, are u serious..? its not working because the site is crashing not because of geoblocking, not because of our internet connection, not because of our slow pcs and not because of the freaking moon position
Years ago
if it doesnt work for the tall blacks im going to smash up my flat..
Pauly B
Years ago
Plenty of people, including me, have had feedback from the live support part of the site. The problem is at their end, not ours. Just have to sit tight and wait for it to be fixed. It sux but there's nothing else you can do
Years ago
I tried on a bunch of different devices, none were working, it is pretty obvious they have had a horrid start to this event but instead of acknowledging it what annoyed me was the message on the help page saying all is working well with their streams...I requested my money back and cancelled subscription.
Years ago
Have been trying to connect to the live stream content for hours now... never seen such shitty streaming service. If they can't fix whatever the problem is within 1 day, than I'm surely cancelling.
Has anyone actually been able to get live streaming out of this? And has a possibility to prove it with a screenshot or something?
Years ago
Message from livebasketball.tv:
We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We are aware of the issue and the technical team is working on it.the team is trying to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
worked for a bit for the angola game..after alot of buffering but not live..had to wind the time dial back and it played better..but not working so far for the nz game
Years ago
I am in Cracow, Poland. I've been trying for about 2hours and still not working. Contacted the live support. Some guy named Rahul told me they are aware of the issue and they are currently working on it.
Shit happens :-/
Years ago
I subscribed with the only purpose of watching the world cup. It's not working. Tried everything. Emailed them...
I don't know you, but I call this a SCAM
Years ago
I'm in Singapore and it's not working either. It was for Phi vs Croatia but after that game nothing.
Years ago
Same shit here in Warsaw, Poland. I tried from to watch it from the very first game and still no luck. :-(
Years ago
It doesn't work in France either:-(
Since 12:30, and now it's 17:40...
Years ago
im an aussie living in singapore
watched phils vs croatia. just had to let the screen run for about five minutes then played fine for whole game
then watched korea vs angola. had to refresh about twenty five times till i had that loading thingy. again let it load for five minutes and then whole game played fine
sitting here now waiting for load screen on australia vs slovenia been running for maybe twenty minutes.
this sucks balls. emailed customer service but they dont read emails and just send back standardised emails. likely cancel when i wake up tomorrow
Years ago
"My account" page does not work as well. I am unable to cancel my subscription. Do you guys have the same problem ?
Years ago
Same here in Switzerland.. Hope it's fixed until the Greece-Senegal game!
Years ago
two other aussies living in singas... what is this, do I know you? doesn't work either :(
Years ago
Not working in turkey too. Funny thing is i can not even access "my account" page to cancel my subscription.
Years ago
Not working in The Netherlands. Hoping they get it fixed soon.
Years ago
In Canada... I subscribed back in July and had absolutely no issues watching PBA games, the Asia Cup tournament in Wuhan, some of the u18 and Central America cup.
I queued the phi vs cro game 20 mintues before it started and the feed was working but very choppy using IE. I found it worked better with IE. Watching PBA games Chrome would not refresh the feed once it was lost. I tried chrome anyway and I still found it to be a little bit slow so I decided to try restarting my laptop and resetting my router.
Once I did that, it was over.... I havent been able to watch anything since. Just looks like its loading and nothing else.
I really hope they fix this issue fast.
Yannis (UK)
Years ago
Currently doesn't work in the UK. I 've send an e-mail to the customer services team, they haven't replied yet. I hope they fix this ASAP...
Years ago
I guess things like that happen some times, so I kind of understand. But on the other hand, it's been like that all bloody day. SO useless. Meanwhile, there's no response to my e-mails and no official statements on Facebook or Twitter. This is totally unacceptable. What are they trying to fix for 6 -or so- hours now?
Years ago
If I cancel subscription, i'll get my money back? If yes, how many days i have to do it?
Years ago
still not working here in germany..this is so unprofessional
Years ago
Still not working, and the online chat service says (this has been right now):
[Ruben] Streaming not working
[Yashasvi ] Hello and welcome to LiveBasketball.tv support, my name is Yashasvi , and I will be assisting you today.
[Yashasvi ] Please accept our apologies for the issues you are currently experiencing. We can confirm that our technical teams are working as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.
[Ruben] ok...
[Ruben] so no ETA
[Ruben] right?
[Yashasvi ] Unfortunately, we do not have a Estimated Turn Around time.
Years ago
Ok, seems like only Greece-Senegal is working for me.
Years ago
Dimman yeah.. looks like you earned one of their 10 available slots :P
Years ago
Working great now.
Great game between Lithuania and Mexico - both teams Boomers have to play against.
USA vs Finland now on ABC TV channel 21.
Years ago
in UK and its not working!!! i paid for this shit and its not working!!
Years ago
I'm in Cracow, Poland and all I can see is this fucking media player preloader :-/
Years ago
Not working in Norway. Have been trying all day. This SUCKS!
Years ago
I had the same shit trying to catch the live games...doesn't work!! Please fix it!!!
Years ago
Bitterly disappointed with fiba on a number of levels. They have geoblocked ALL live games that i can see on the sched (and were very sneaky about disclosing this), replays (if they ever materialize) may be gbd as well. I spent last night trying vpns with limited success, but i seems those with out geoblocking issues were no better off.
Well after my 1 dollar trial is over i aint re-newing!
Years ago
Received email from Livebasketball.tv advising of issues due to demand!
Surely this is something they should have planned for?
Contact them to let them know if your issues.
Entire email received here:
Dear Live Basketball TV users
We are aware that many users are suffering access to the opening games of the FIBA Basketball World Cup today.
Firstly, please accept our most sincere apologies if you are affected by this.
The exceptional demand for the live games has taken our servers some time to adapt to. We are working to fix the platform and hope to deliver a more stable service to our subscribers for the rest of the event.
Further email communications will be sent to you when this fix is live and fully tested.
In the meantime, the Live Basketball TV Customer Services team are currently working to respond to all users who have contacted them today. If you were affected are yet to contact the team, we encourage you to do so by email at [email protected] The team will be extending the accounts of everyone who contacts them, and will confirm the extensions individually once they have been made.
Once again, we apologise for the issues many of you experienced.
Your Live Basketball TV team
Years ago
Sent an angry e-mail and urge averyone else to to so as well...
Ask for a partial refund. That might make them work quicker. Our servers took some time to adapt is IT speak for they couldn't cope. Clearly hardware under resourced. With so many people unhappy with this service you now know the truth.
Years ago
Partial refund of US$1 to sign up? LOL!
Would be happy if they extended my subscription by a month...
Years ago
gave up last night and figured id just watch the full game replays.
couldnt find them, so asked livesupport
they said in 24 hours. and i said but that sucks thye may reveal the scores when i watch tonights game
she then revealed the "technical issues" are not yet resolved, i.e. you wont be watching shit tonight sucker!
so i guess we will all be watching replays a day later
i wish i got for the $1 deal. i paid the $7.99 "World Cup Pass". lodging a paypal dispute today for non-delivery
Years ago
do not workin france
question is WHERE THAT WORKS???!!!
and it's a shame to wait 24h for replay! no possible!!!
every year it's the same problems with livebasketballtv....
still streaming free illegal = best solution
It's madness really that Perform still have the FIBA TV and NBL TV contracts not to mention running the NBL's website too.
Years ago
It worked for a quarter today on the New zeeland vz dominican republic game but now its back to not working... Argentina vs Croatia is on and I have no legal way to watch it.. and then they complain about piracy
Years ago
Again not working, I have wacht New Zeland vz Dominican (WAS OK), now want to wacht Argentina and all the time no show image. Has anybody else have the same?
Years ago
watching aus vs korea at the moment and its working
pressed play and was on load screen for ages. actually went off to do something else. then maybe ten or fifteen mins later i could hear commentsting. ran back avoided looking at score and scrolled it to the start.
hope it doesnt die before the end of the game!
still shitty we cant watch the matches from yest
Years ago
Not work in Estonia as well. Contacted them - no answer!
Years ago
Ok that is it, I am done. New day same shyte despite their emails about this being fixed.
Unbelievable. Where's my money!
Years ago
It's not about the money really, we are loosing second day of WCh. Now I am using some illegal streams but the quality is very poor. :-(
Years ago
Here from Brazil I got to wait about five minutes too. After that, Video quality is fine the whole game. if I change game, same annoying process.
Yannis (UK)
Years ago
same shit different day...
I want to watch SERBIA vs FRANCE (in the UK)
and it seems to load forever..
Years ago
Not working in the Netherlands for the 2nd day in a row. FIBA sucks
Years ago
Evwn though I have paid for one month when I try to watch I live I get prompted to the subscription / payment page, anyone else experiencing this?
Years ago
They sent an email with apologies:
"We are able to confirm that a fix has been launched to the platform that will allow subscribers to successfully access live streams from the games today, starting at 1030 GMT. The work of our technical staff continues to ensure that we do not see a repeat of the issues again during the remainder of the event. "
It did work at 10:30 GMT. It doesn't work now that the live games are on though...
Years ago
I don't think you can watch whole game replays on demand. I haven't been able to find anything but recap highlights. good bit of weasely advertising. apparently you have to watch the game live. oh yeah. streaming is totally not working- uk
Years ago
I paid for the second time, as subscription description and price have changed. I was thinking they did some job on their side and would work. Unfortunately I have two subscritptions active and it still doesnt work.
For those who dont know if refund is possible I can confirm that you should start dispute procedure in your issuing bank for non delivery of services. If you bank will follow all required chargeback procedures you can 100% sure you will receive your money back.
Years ago
@pug79. they normally have full game replays they are just running late on the world cup games.
aus vs korea worked all the way thru.
currently watching serbia vs france. took ages to start (maybe fifteen minutes) but running good since
Years ago
@filaus That's great news. thanks for your input. Ive sent a concerned email. lets all do our part and send one to hold these people accountable.
Years ago
after all, with $1 signup and something like $8.95/month after that they've receive a lot of money from all of use and im wondering, since weve received 0% service shouldn't we be entitled to something? paying money was our part of the deal- they've completely fallen short of their part. unfair and frustrated is all I can feel.
Years ago
yeah i feel you! i paid the 7.99 subscription.
and when they told me this morning that the replays were gonna be another 24 hours (i.e. abot 36 hours after the match) i was fuming. because it menat i would hear the scores (which i did!!) before i could watch the replay.
and yep ive sent many an email already. live support insisted i had no chance of getting a refund from them. so paypal would be the easiest recourse.
but seems to be working now. but yes agree shit that replays on demand are not timely as i would love to watch the some of the later games of today after work before the live games start.
Years ago
Also not working here in Canada since yesterday. They stole my money!!
Years ago
Live support said:
"We can confirm that we are aware of the issue you have raised. This is currently being investigated by our technical team and will be resolved shortly. There seems to be some issue with the site. The technical team is trying to resolve the issue at the earliest. Sure, we are in touch the Tech team and they are working on getting it fixed at the earliest.
Unfortunately, we do not have a Estimated Turn Around time."
Years ago
09:09:46 PM [Amrin] Hello and welcome to LiveBasketball.tv support, my name is Amrin, and I will be assisting you today.
09:15:34 PM [Amrin] We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
09:15:39 PM [Amrin] We are aware of the issue and the technical team is working on it.
Years ago
In Canada... Day 2: It seems to work on my phone now but not on my laptop. Makes no sense.
Years ago
Simply not working for UK.
Since yesterday that I get a geo restriction message apearing on any live stream of any FIBA WCup game.
It's rather frustrating!!! :(
Years ago
seems to work fine in germany now. Have been able to watch the whole france-serbia game in good quality and with no interrupt. hopefully it stays that way...
Years ago
It stopped working in the second half of the Serbia-France game and not working. They also stopped responding to the e-mails. Very dissappointing comparing to the NBA League Pass.
Istanbul / Turkey
Years ago
Currently not working in Singapore. Have only been able to watch part of NZ-Turkey, part of Senegal-Greece and Argentina-Croatia. Most of the times however the video does not even start playing. Paid the Global Pass just for the world cup and so far I would not say I am a content customer.
Years ago
I do not know if this helps but I tried couple of options
iphone - working from time to time
ipad - media player error
pc - mozilla firefox not working
and finally I tried to switch browser to Chrome on PC
and guess what ?
it is working fine
Try to use Chrome if you did not try this option
Years ago
Not working in Paris since 2 days....
Right now I jus't even can't reach anymore the home page !!!
Years ago
It works but every link i press goes to lithania angola and I want to watch USA. Any game i press goes to lithuania one. Anyone has same problem? is there a fix?
Years ago
I had the same thing happen to me. it always went to brasil iran. everntually I was able to watch usa. however I had to refresh it countless times during the game.
Years ago
they obviously just dont have the bandwith to keep up with the demand as it seems to work for some (sometimes). so far i have been able to watch four games (two each night) in slight delay, usually hopping on at half time.
im in singapore. using chrome on a mac book pro. not sure if it is making any difference at all, but I clear the browsers cache after each game.
basically after i hit play, i usually have to wait anywhere between five to fifteen minutes and then it works fine.
so far only one game i wanted (aus vs slovenia) the screen never got past the loading screen.
also while i think everyone should advise livesupport of their absolute hopelessness, i wouldnt take any notice of what they actually advise you. its the same old copy and paste bullshyte. i have had answers that dont actually relate to the question!!!
Years ago
ive been a big ass whinger so ill give credit when credit is due. while its still annoying not having full replays, the live games still to be working okay right now.
and i actually got an email frm Paul Stimpson of FIBA TV who said that everything was fixed about half way through yesterdays games. so lets see how they go.
Years ago
Seems to be working fine in the UK as of 14.00 (UK time)... After having missed first two days of the tournament!!! pffffff
Years ago
Working fine in Brazil since Turkey-USA yesterday.
Years ago
Now working in Paris, but image quality is really dirty, very very very disapointed to have paid 8.99$ for THAT, I feel like having it deep in my ass
Years ago
Once again, I even can't even reach the home page !!!
Starting to be fucking angry
Years ago
They have managed to put 2 full games up On Demand!!!!! wow great effort guys :(
I was looking forward to watching some other countries play, but not looking likely at the moment.
But Spain vs Brazil at 5:30pm today should be a great game.
not working on the International Space Station. me so angry
Years ago
On demand 7 gigs per game wtf
can't watch anything on demand
very very poor service
Years ago
Paypal money transaction system doesn't work, i can not select it.
want to watch Eurobasket, but livebasketball doesnt work.... thats some big bs
Years ago
Another thing I found out. I have adblock and avira browser safety as extensions in Chrome. Adblock is fine but Avira doesn't let the site load.
Give it a shot,
Years ago
And again. Blocking the GIGYA tracker causes the issue.
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