Years ago

SA Junior rankings from the stats room

Someone else (not me Isaac) posted this request earlier. From the stats room, please post details on how the clubs did this year!

Topic #35223 | Report this topic

Years ago

why dont you calculate it all and post it yourself?

Reply #489806 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ WHy double up? Someone does it every year and has the understanding of collating and processing the information. Why do waht someone else has already done? Doesn't seem smart now, does it?

Reply #489808 | Report this post

Years ago

if theyd done it they would post it. they only do it because people hassle them and everyone else is too lazy

Reply #489812 | Report this post

Years ago

What clubs?

Reply #489813 | Report this post

Common fella's, BSA just got the Ladders up today. Give me some time. Have done average ladder position.

So have tried to add a little more this time, but still working on the top 2 or 3 teams in a grade and included u/10's. If more than half the clubs are in a grade it counts. And if you don't have a team you get ranked on the bottom. 14 Boys comps and 12 girls comps.

As per usual this is raw data and due to pro/rel, and double div 2 and especially clubs not entering teams it might be a little off center. SO make of it what you want!


Div 1 only

Sturt ave position 2.2
Forestville ave position 5.0
South ave position 5.2
Norwood ave position 5.4
Woodville ave position 5.4
Centrals ave position 5.6
Southern ave position 5.8
North ave position 5.8
West ave position 7.0
Eastern ave position 7.6

Top 2/3 boys teams for each club

Sturt ave position 2.14
Norwood ave position 4.43
North ave position 4.43
South ave position 4.64
Forestville ave position 4.86
Southern ave position 5.78
Woodville ave position 6.14
Centrals ave position 6.50
West ave position 7.28
Eastern ave position 8.78


Div 1 only

Forestville ave position 2.4
Sturt ave position 2.8
Eastern ave position 4.0
Southern ave position 5.0
Norwood ave position 5.6
Centrals ave position 5.8
West ave position 6.0
North ave position 6.6
South ave position 7.8
Woodville ave position 9.0

Top 2/3 girls teams for each club

Forestville ave position 2.00
Sturt ave position 2.75
Norwood ave position 4.00
Eastern ave position 5.66
Southern ave position 5.75
North ave position 6.25
South ave position 6.58
West ave position 6.58
Centrals ave position 7.33
Woodville ave position 8.91

Overall Div 1

Sturt ave position 2.5
Forestville ave position 3.7
Sourthern ave position 5.4
Norwood ave position 5.5
Centrtals ave position 5.7
Eastern ave position 5.8
North ave position 6.2
South ave position 6.5
West ave position 6.5
Woodville ave position 7.2

Overall top 3 teams

Sturt ave position 2.42
Forestville ave position 3.57
Norwood ave position 4.23
North ave position 5.26
South ave position 5.53
Southern ave position 5.76
Centrals ave position 6.88
West ave position 6.96
Eastern ave position 7.34
Woodville ave position 7.42

From a glance

Sturt out in front more than I expected. Their boys are very strong as per usual, but their girls closer to Forestville than expected giving them top spot.

Forestville girls are the pick of the bunch even though Sturt are close. Div 1 boys are a srtong but surprisingly their lower division boys teams are letting them down.

Norwood are proving the doubters wrong and finished 3rd overall. Strong in all sectors without one dominant spot giving them 3rd club status as they are closer to the top 2 than the group below.

North are struggling in div 1 but their lower div boys group are keeping them in front of the rest.

South might be the big improve-rs, with their boys, and more particularly their div 1 boys leading the improvement. Their girls are very much stopping them from getting higher, but this is still better than previously.

Southern will be hoping for a similar improvement from their new coaching director. Sitting 6th is a good base to jump up the charts from. Their Div 1 girls doing well this year and expect more of the same. Need to increase numbers especially with girls and improve those pockets of lower division teams that struggle.

Centrals are riding some good results in specific age groups. To make more headway they will need to continue to grow in numbers of teams and be more consistent across the age groups.

West are certainly on the downwards spiral. Apart form their 18 div 1 teams, there doesn't seem to be much joy here. Not sure when the west girls would have out performed the boys either.

Eastern have good resutls in state girls except with their U10 group. And we all know that they get more and more country kids in over time. But their boys are in a bit of trouble. And I mean Woodville girls trouble. Lack of numbers of teams and no boys in finals in not a good sign.

Woodville are doing ok in div 1 boys in a very competitive comp. But everywhere else they are sitting on or near the bottom, especially with their girls. And if the rumours are true that they have lost a number of boys to North right where they were building, this doesn't look good for the future.

Thoughts people. And keep them clean!!!

Reply #489835 | Report this post

Nice effort, question though - have you kept Summers? any real big movement and how about a 2 yr +/-

ahaha see which club is on the rise or slide?

Not asking to much am I Stats Room?

Reply #489841 | Report this post

If you hit my name you will be able to see all previous posts.

Reply #489848 | Report this post

Years ago

Brilliant effort stats room. I hope the clubs capture and monitor this closely. Wishful thinking?

I know of one club does alot of this kind of analysis and it's not too hard to figure out which club that is and where it's placed on your list.

Reply #489872 | Report this post

Years ago

So what are everyone's predictions?

Sturt to win all boys and Forestville to win all girls?

Reply #489911 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty  
Years ago

I doubt that Sturt will win all the boys.

And Forestville aren't even in all the girls, so that has already not happened.

Reply #489912 | Report this post

Years ago

My predictions:

12 boys - Woodville
14 boys - Centrals
16 boys - Centrals
18 boys - Sturt

12 girls - Sturt
14 girls - Forestville
16 girls - Forestville
18 girls - Sturt

Reply #489915 | Report this post

ice bucket fail  
Years ago

mavs will claim some girls titles - boys looks about right.

winter finals are a different ball game than state champs - depth does not matter that much when you are only playing 1 game per week.

12g Fville
14g Mavs
16g Fville
18g Sturt

Reply #489918 | Report this post

Years ago

918 - You may find you are wrong !!!

Reply #489924 | Report this post

Years ago

So Sturt could win 3 of 10? Hardly the dominance they think they have

Reply #490007 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty  
Years ago

Sturt could win anywhere from 0 to 9.

The dominance seems to be more about consistency across all grades rather than winning all grades.

But keep in hating, it fuels the fire.

Reply #490012 | Report this post

A different look consistent with previous posts.

Number of teams in Div 1 and 2 finals


Sturt 12 out of 10 grades
North 5 out of 10 grades
South 5 out of 10 grades
Forestville 4 out of 10 grades
Centrals 4 out of 10 grades
Woodville 4 out of 10 grades
Norwood 2 out of 10 grades
West 2 out of 10 grades
Southern 1 out of 10 grades
Eastern 0 out of 10 grades


Forestville 10 out of 10 grades
Sturt 9 out of 10 grades
Norwood 6 out of 10 grades
Eastern 5 out of 10 grades
SOuthern 3 out of 10 grades
North 2 out of 10 grades
West 2 out of 10 grades
Magic 2 out of 10 grades
South 0 out of 10 grades
Woodville 0 out of 10 grades


Sturt 21 out of 20 grades
Forestville 14 out of 20 grades
Norwood 8 out of 20 grades
North 7 out of 20 grades
Eastern 5 out of 20 grades
South 5 out of 20 grades
Centrals 5 out of 20 grades
Woodville 4 out of 20 grades
West 4 out of 20 grades
Southern 4 out of 20 grades
Magic 2 out of 20 grades

Reply #490016 | Report this post

Years ago

0007, I think you may be wrong LOL. Those results look pretty dominant to me. Seem like there might be a bit of envy that you/you're kids aren't involved.

Rather than be envious maybe find out why sturt are so successful across virtually all age groups and divisions and offer this advice to your club. Sturt have an open door and I know our club has been in discussions with them to adopt similar standards, coaching capabilities and support as well as governance.

However, I doubt you will as you clearly want to believe something that is outside of reality.

Reply #490021 | Report this post

Years ago

We should all adopt Sturt's theory of stealing the very best kids from other clubs should we?

Say like their JCD did at SAPSASA to the best big Under 14 boy for next year who is now moving from North to Sturt.

Cue the Sturt people to defend him again, with their people don't move if they're happy crap. Meanwhile a loyal Sturt player gets bumped down a Division because a player from another club is a little taller, stronger and faster.

Sorry I'd rather my club showed loyalty to its members and families than go out and recruit over the top of them.

Reply #490022 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Good work stats room.

At the end of the day, all comps are roughly ten team comps. If your club has an average ranking of around 5 +/-1 ranking spot, then you should be happy.

If the win/loss ratio is close to 50% in a two team contest, then there's nothing really to work about. It's only a worry if your club is running around the 8/9 ranking with a win% of about 25%.

Reply #490033 | Report this post

Dirty Sturty  
Years ago

Do you mean like North has done with almost 2 teams worth of Woodville kids?

Maybe the pot calling the kettle black.

Reply #490034 | Report this post

Years ago

we moved our kids from sturt to advance into higher grades, only to find the ABL players kids and those in the 'know' group gets preference over 2nd years who are well suited to play in higher grades. So there was no advancement and it was all about those players above the group. The teams finished 6, 8. Some left and others are disgruntled. So we decided better to be at a club who looks after the club overall in a lower grade at a better standard and without the nepotism.... It is working out great by the way... Perhaps the parents who are moving their kids have made an informed decision to get out of the club they are at and can't believe their luck when approached by Sturt to join them…if that is what has happened. Good luck to them.. My kids have been knocked down by incoming players and we now live with it as we have done the move and found it not beneficial… Thats sport... We get to go to tournaments with a successful club and our kids have many friends and it is more than just the basketball. Keep whinging, we are staying no matter where the kids end up…. We are happy….

Reply #490053 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ I think you hit it on the head.

MOst clubs are hungry for volunteers and the existing volunteers are burned out looking to find someone to replace them. This desperation leads to people on committees able to get away with a high level of unfair influence.

This creates a feeling of entitlment by many of the volunteers in these clubs, who feel because they put in the time they should get what is in their families personal interest, who either get their kids into guaranteeed spots by building relationships with coaches in positions to select their kids and when they don't get what they want they basically play politics. Good coaches won't put up with this and just want to coach, not provide opportunities based on nepotism. This is why clubs fail. They can't seperate the management of basketball from the committees and parents that get involved generally do so because they have a vested interest.

Then they wonder why the the good kids who have to play with kids who are there because their parents are on the committee end up leaving to a better environment that doesn't have these issues. Likewise with coaches.

Reply #490092 | Report this post

Years ago

022 aka hypocrite
Would wanna check your sources I reckon - that North player has been connected to more clubs than just Sturt. Reckon he's just as big a chance to be a Warrior - you know, the club you are poaching half a team from...

Reply #490129 | Report this post

Years ago

The Sturt JDO was at SAPSASA? Wasn't that up in Townsville?

Reply #490130 | Report this post

Years ago

Think they are talking about local school sapsasa carnival not the state rep at SAPSASA Nationals.

anyway, since when did anyone wrestle a parent to the ground and hog tie them until they agreed to move ?????

Reply #490132 | Report this post

St Anger  
Years ago

Hogtie = promises and deals.

Oh are parents still trying to get their money back for a US trip that never eventuated or was that rumour false too?

Reply #490149 | Report this post

Years ago

Just another slanderous rumour perpetuated by the like of your good self.

Reply #490152 | Report this post

Years ago

If Sturt are so dominant in the boys, why doesn't that translate to success for the men?

Reply #490155 | Report this post

Years ago

Cause all their best players are playing Nbl, seabl, or college.

Holmes nbl
Foreman nbl
Maynard nbl
Hill nbl
Daly seabl
Warbout seabl
Owen-Thomas college
Spehr college

Reply #490158 | Report this post

Years ago

And you can add


As well. Both just left.

Reply #490160 | Report this post

Years ago

women have lost 2 as well to college

As clubs should.....

Reply #490162 | Report this post

Years ago

Men lost big to injury this season which was an issue throughout the season....

Reply #490166 | Report this post

Years ago

And I guess they come back and play for Sturt then....just like McMath?

Reply #490169 | Report this post

Years ago

Steph Wright at COllege. WOuld be a very solid ABL player too.

Add McMath too. Went to Woodville but just another solid Sturt junior.

Reply #490170 | Report this post

Years ago

The question is why so fixated on knocking Sturt? Jealous, you couldn't get a gig there, want to bring something down to your level rather than step up to the plate?

You seem like looser to me. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, stop wasting your time and energy hating everyone and think about what can you do to improve your current situation or environment. A bit of hardwork, dedication might improve YOUR situation.

Reply #490173 | Report this post

Years ago

Warbout too.

Reply #490175 | Report this post

Years ago

Young Daly as well.

Reply #490195 | Report this post

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