Years ago

Thanks Dean Parker @ Sixers

I am usually quick to have a whinge on this site (rightly or wrongly) whenever I think things aren't going right for the Sixers. On this occasion I thought it appropriate to share something positive.

I emailed Dean Parker to raise my concern over the lack of signings, the lack of communication in general and the I unavailability of club merchandise.

Today I received a prompt and respectful reply from Dean which sought to put my concerns at ease and provide some clarity about where the club is headed. A statement of particular note was -

"Ultimately our aim is to have a successful team on court and a successful club off court for all of us to enjoy for many more years yet."

The cynic in me says this is just lip service, but the optimist in me is pleased that the club appears to be in good hands and is heading in the right direction. I chose to think the latter on this occasion.

Thanks Dean.

Topic #35165 | Report this topic

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Its nice that Dean has indicated the management's focus.

However what did Dean say about the signings and merchandise?

Reply #488761 | Report this post

Years ago

that sounds more like an automated out of office response than a real answer to your questions

Reply #488763 | Report this post

Years ago

It was actually quite a long email where he explained that the issues with signings were mainly waiting for multiple party approval and emphasis on NBL approval before anything can be announced. I don't know if that was just an excuse or an actual reason as to why nothing has been announced.

Regarding merchandise, Dean explained that they have been negotiating a new provider and a greater range and product quality would be available soon.

As I said in my original post, I am choosing to see positive out of gage fact that he bothered to respond at all and am trying not to be too critical. Perhaps some good news on the horizon?!

Reply #488768 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Did you ask him about a naming sponsor?

That is a big gap right now that could better prepare the team for the next season.

Reply #488770 | Report this post

Years ago

Cash strapped!!! Spent it all last year. Trying to shut the post Marty wingers up I would suggest.SOS coming soon!!

Reply #488781 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Dean is a pretty clever guy and he would take on board the feedback you provide. Merchandising is a very hard thing to get right. Look at something simple as t-shirts - how many do you order? sizes etc? One item I would love to see them bring back is the clappers. In any situation, you can never get enough feedback, but a couple of my opportunities for improvement for the Sixers are: (IMO)

1. Social Media. Need to get on the bus here. With any FMCG product or entertainment, you can never have enough PR and social media campaigns. Would like to see more in this area. Some NBA clubs are even snap chatting fans (what the heck is a snap chat?) It is basically marketing.
2. Benchmark. We have the best stadium facilities, but would be good to see the Sixers take a leaf or two out of some other sporting organisations. Perth do it pretty well and I am sure a week in Melbourne having a look at how Collingwood do things wouldn't hurt. I hear that some of the Perth Admin staff spent some time in Miami to see how the NBA do things. Perhaps a trip to a larger NBA club like the Bulls, or Celtics? There could be a few takers in the from office for that!
3. Player Involvement/Engagement in the general media. Link this with social media, the local rag we called the Cro-vertiser, and the TV & radio stations. Even second locally made show has a Crows player talking about his grandmother's secret scone recipe, or their favourite fishing spot. Would be nice to see, for example, Peach casting a line with the guys at "out of the blue" and then cooking up salt and pepper squid.

Reply #488782 | Report this post

Years ago

previously where issues have arisen, i always aim to make people aware. last season only a handful came about, but everytime; to deans credit, he replied.

it doesnt take much, however given people's unavailability in running a club or empire, i understand we arent major corporations, just members and supporters but its nice to feel acknowledged.

Reply #488785 | Report this post

Years ago

Another point I forgot to mention, Dean stated that the season ticket holder numbers have already exceeded last year's numbers. No mention what the number was, but that is good news!

Reply #488789 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the biggest issue is the lack of use of regular social media. Even background stories, pictures etc to generate conversation with the members. Every other club is regularly posting to their Facebook for example but Sixers is pretty much dead and when something is posted by the club, it is light on and not on time and not very interesting. You lose the buzz around the event if not posted that day as we all move on to other news.. We lose interest... Sixers need to compete for the hearts of fans and new fans who thrive on information. This is how the world is. I'm not a fan but most are of this kind of instant life and a connection to the club and players as if they are your friends.

A great example is the first preseason game where an underrated mock up side came close to a team that Joey rates. No pictures, no results, not a word after the event.. We were all hanging on that game to see how our season might pan out, regardless of if you can gain anything info from the game and read in to it, there should be hype. The United site (yuck, hate saying it), has a lot of hype and reader response from that game. There Facebook likes are through the roof… ours are down… If Sixers had no marketing staff there then inspire the bench and trainers to have a camera, anyone…. even some happy snaps after the game on the old iPhone…. anything to start that connection…. Get people talking…..

For me the most disappointing thing about the Sixers as a club today, is the communication to the members from the Admin and Marketing Department of yesterday. They must change to being a user focussed group. No excitement. If our memberships are up , great but don't let complacency set in and imagine how many more we would have if we found a spark… If you go to a club site and find a week later there is no info updated from last time you stop going there…… THe lightning have the same issue and yet have the most exciting roster we have in years coming up…. BORING……..

Reply #488799 | Report this post

Years ago

Annon, I agree. It's very sub-par. All well and good for someone to get a nice response to a private email, but that information should all be going out to the 8k on Twitter and 20k on Facebook. That sort of information provided is enough for 5 posts on each. Easy content.

Recently, the 36ers went 2+ weeks without anything on Twitter. In that time, Adam Gibson played multiple games for the Boomers, the deadline for member renewals (to keep seats) passed and they were training in the lead-up for a pre-season game. Boti had photos from training of the two coaches filling in; staff who actually work there at the venue had nothing. It costs nothing to tweet. It is not a difficult or scary process.

Social media is not about waiting until you need people to buy something and then promoting it, it's about consistently establishing your brand and building rapport with fans.

And, as annon said, while having extra staff as Perth do helps the process, having meagre resources is no excuse. Buy a club DSLR, send 1-2 people to a WEA photography course or take phone photos outside in decent light if needed. And keep at it. Two items a day plus general interaction. If times are quiet, ask questions of your fans - favourite Apollo memory, favourite finals series, which opponent are you always keen to see play, blah blah blah. Or talk about the rest of the league and how those teams and players might match up. Schedule tweets in advance if needed.

A while back, I offered to introduce the club to someone who was interested in helping with social media, who does it professionally for a living, is smart and loves basketball, who was willing to do it for a few tickets, and who would be one of the most perfect people in the state for the job with that blend of interest and ability. Got a 'thanks, but we're good' type of response. Oh well.

Reply #488818 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Isaac...

Over communicating is the key, it builds excitement for those that thrive on it and they are your marketers in the community… They are the people that will round up others with enthusiasm and go that extra mile to share the buzz….

Reply #488819 | Report this post

Years ago

I think your last point says a lot about the club Isaac. A few measly tickets for great fan engagement and social PR is a great ROI in my eyes.

They could get in touch with the Universities and get a marketing/comms intern for the season and use them for free is they are worried about cost. Heck I would have loved to put my hand up to intern a few days a week while studying in that field to gain experience, that would have cost them nothing!

Reply #488833 | Report this post

Years ago

Interns require oversight and that can be taxing (I've had four Dutch trainees work for me in past years - great experience but can take up your time). Still likely worth it and I would do what you've suggested for other areas, plus this is definitely an area where you can be self-starting, but it'd take effort and oversight.

This though was a chance to take on an absolute pro who would likely be really hands-off and easy to work with.

Reply #488838 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't have a problem with the lack of updates from teams in the NBL during the off-season in respect of player signings. You can only really disclose the information once the player is signed - you don’t want to be releasing to the public any names of guys you are going after because other teams will pounce. What else can you say "We are in contact with a few guys for the upcoming season" – that’s implied. Pretty boring social media update so I am glad they don’t do that.

Also I don’t think people understand how hard team management is in the NBL – usually GMs in Europe would say ..”here’s X dollars, go out and find me the best available player for this position”. Over here you have the points cap to deal with which you have to be extra diligent around (otherwise you won’t have enough points for the guy you really want or you won’t have used your full allocation), you have a smaller player market (its hard to find a backup C) and you have to deal with imports who at this time of the year are fixated with the NBA/summer league and chasing paper.

A lot of imports get sorted out last minute because realistically for the good imports, Australia is not their first option (because they think $$ straight away) – even though Australia is often their best option, they just take time to realise that. So I am not one to criticise the lack of player info over the off-season. Teams should keep in touch in other ways though – events to keep in touch (bbqs, dinners) with fans, open training sessions (where applicable), dunk contests and 3 point off season shootouts and camps with the youngins.

Reply #488850 | Report this post

Years ago

^ most NBL GM's have very little to do with team selection. That is handled almost exclusively by the coach who works to the budget approved to him.

The coach has to be the one who recruits the players. If a coach fails with a team imposed upon him by owners who is to blame.

Reply #488852 | Report this post

Years ago

Anything is better than nothing! Understand that interns take some time/management (did you have to learn dutch?!), but IMO it would be better than nothing.

Shame they didn't take up your referral, what might seem like a small issue to them can be a major factor in the club-fan relationship. Sounds like we could have had someone with both the passion and skills needed to make a difference.. oh well

Reply #488870 | Report this post

Years ago

No, I didn't need to learn Dutch - all four spoke English, brought their own laptops and software, etc. A great experience though. Two of them especially are good friends now and I've caught up with them in Munich and Milan last couple of times I was in Europe, they've hosted my brother and sister-in-law in Amsterdam, etc. Another one returned to Australia to visit a year after he was here.

And there are always more of them keen to come over for a few months to do their compulsory traineeship and then see a bit of the country. Any NBL club could get themselves a Dutch trainee or two that handled design and web stuff. One of their intakes would even correspond pretty well with the NBL season.

Reply #488873 | Report this post

Years ago

Must have been reading this... Now a link to creeky SEABL player of the week.,… Still nothing about the Preseason game…. BAck to how it use to be….. very disappointed…..

Reply #488875 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm floored that they wouldn't give your suggestion the time of day Isaac. You clearly have a passion for the sport, want to see the club successful & know a thing or two about technology.

Anyone in business knows you can not be an expert on everything, but it is important to surround yourself with people who are.

I am not a big user of social media, but know that most other people are and I am the minority. It is not just the way of the future, it is the way of the present.

The club are trying to set up a culture and product to attract families. Do they not realise that kids are very reliant on social media and can provide a lot of "pester power" to influence the family to get to the basketball.

The club needs to reconsider there position on this, particularly if your contact is a top operator with a successful track record, is passionate about the sport and is willing consult or actually do it for a few tickets to seats that would otherwise be empty anyway (ie at no real cost to the club).

Even do a little trial period and review all info before it goes out. This should be a no brainer, I just cant see any downside.

I suspect the club will wonder why they didn't do this earlier once they see how much FREE PUBLICITY can be generated via social media.

Reply #488877 | Report this post

Years ago

No more excuses.... JUst need to look at other clubs and that is how you do it…. Some local clubs do a better job. ….. So much you can put on there. Pictures are so easy…...

Reply #488881 | Report this post

Years ago

I love how what was meant to be a positive post has turned into a bashing again.

Reply #488898 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm floored that they wouldn't give your suggestion the time of day Isaac.
They weren't dismissive to that extent. From memory, they indicated that they believed that they had the role covered or would have it covered. Their right, obviously.

I'd say that generally the evidence since suggests they have not had it covered at all and that maybe fixing that was and is worth doing.

FWIW, in the past they have had some form of marketing trainee on game nights, involved in the live commentary thing they used to do with Sapper and Nino before NBL TV came about. There was a student called Elise involved for a while. And they've used Arija's volunteer work for some game-night social media. But they seem to need more help throughout the year.

If they don't already, they should formalise some sort of rotating intern thing. 3-6 month stints to get CV experience. Get one doing web and social media and another doing offline marketing or community relations or something like that. If there's no office space, split the role with a sponsor in exchange for the sponsor hosting the intern.

Reply #488902 | Report this post

Years ago

BMF - thats because there are many unhappy members again !!!!

Reply #488909 | Report this post

Years ago

The reality is social media is free and easy, and there is no excuse I can think of for not using it regularly.

Reply #488910 | Report this post

Years ago

I have nothing but respect for the achievements of the SOS group. They stepped up to save the club when things were going very poorly. And they have hung in there during some tough years since too (some of the issues admittedly, of their own making, think Marty Clarke).

But the finances have always seemed to be an issue for them. They have always given the impression of trying to save every possible penny and do things on the cheap whenever they could.

I'm guessing that the lack of communication with members reflects the lack of resources available to the club. The people there are already doing too many other things.

The best possible thing that the SOS group could do now would be to put their energy into finding owners who have the resources to take the club up to the next level of professionalism and performance.

Reply #488915 | Report this post

Years ago

Probably easier to get help with the lacking areas than find new owners.

All the expensive stuff last year worked fairly well. It's just the attention to detail.

Reply #488918 | Report this post

Years ago

What sort of dollars does it cost for naming rights sponsorship? Obviously, the more the better, but I am a bit surprised that a sponsor with some vision of how they would like the brand promoted hasn't come forward? Perhaps the improved communication strategy can be driven by the sponsor with how they want it to occur for their money?


Reply #488938 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes I agree things have gone off the boil. A 'Message from Dean's Desk' - regular updates didn't last too long last season after him saying at a meeting for season ticket holders they would be regularly kept in the loop because they value them!!!

They have a young female 'intern' working for them on Fridays I think. She volunteers on the phones and front desk and is very competent. During the season they had many more photos of game night( which were good) but little in the off season. Thank goodness Boti took a few photos a week ago at practise to know they are actually training!

The NBL season starts in less than two months. Time to get the ball rolling- more pics on social media would be a start.

Reply #488951 | Report this post

Years ago

Spinner, the corporate economic environment in Adelaide is not that great at the moment, even the big players in the market place making positive profits are not willing to take risks in sponsorships without a great return. Trust me it's bloody hard right now to invest in sports in Adelaide.

This is the only reason the 36ers/ownership group have to hold back, I would think the Wildcats would be around $700,000 ahead of the 36ers just in partnerships/sponsorships for the upcoming season.

That alone pays for most of the player payments, so you can see how hard it would be for the 36ers to survive let alone splash out for marquee players.

From what I am seeing at the moment, feel very lucky that you still have a team to support. And I believe the ownership group have done an amazing job.

Reply #488952 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Joey suggested for the Sixers to go Marquee, they have to average 5,500 fans a game.

The fans have to step up too.

Reply #488961 | Report this post

Years ago

Marcus thats the point.... Fans will come if they are made to feel welcome, included and kept informed and for some they need that constant feed of information. THis is the new generation whether we like it or not..

Reply #488963 | Report this post

Years ago

Last season we averaged 5,600 for H & A games, so why would getting 5,500 be a problem with a marquee?

Reply #488967 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

If the Sixers already averaged 5.5k, why would Joey be saying we need 5.5k?

Reply #488969 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not sure he did! Wasn't the figure he stated more like 6500?

Reply #488970 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, merchandising is really easy to get right, unless you've never ever done it before.
Social media really no excuse for not having this up to date with a post daily (shouldn't be more than 2 a day, and spread out at most appropriate times to maximise views). Why hasn't the club got Instagram also? Really not hard to do or set up for a week at a time in a spare hour every Monday.
I'm not fussed about being updated every minute on signings. Let us know as it happens, not some wasteful "we hope to have this soon" and similar posts in regards to the club and it's business. Posts need to be engaging and to the point, not useless information that will be skipped over.
Great that Dean continues to be involved personally with fans and teaches out himself to them, and replies as much as he does. Don't think he should have to do this though. It's great for news fans, and one of the reasons an artist I previously managed was able to grow his career so fast, but ultimately for an established brand it's a bit too much to do one would think. Regardless, it's positive and good to see, and I'm sure it is keeping peoples perceptions of him and the club at an all time high.

Reply #488971 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Spinner...sorry Joey said memberships at 5.5k levels not bums on seats.


Reply #488978 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds more like it Marcus. With that many members, one would think that it would be sellout every night. Not impossible if the right team was on the floor. I guess given the current climate though, we will never know - definitely not this year anyway.

Reply #488979 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes I agree things have gone off the boil. A 'Message from Dean's Desk' - regular updates didn't last too long last season after him saying at a meeting for season ticket holders they would be regularly kept in the loop because they value them!!!
Biggest mistake with Dean's emails are that they are too long. Longer content is less likely to be read and less likely to be written consistently. Problematic on both sides of that coin.

It's no accident that Twitter has thrived. Quick and brief content works.

Any updates to members should be 2-4 paragraphs more often than not.

Game two of the grand final series, the club should've been locking in members and sponsors immediately while everyone was on a high and before they could see roster changes or other teams upgrading. Forget "not sure what the pricing will be" - lock something in beforehand and have people commit right then. Other teams do it. Lock that money up so it can be refunded if for some reason the league or club couldn't continue.

Someone told me they should've invited back every old, big sponsor for that game, free, put them in a corporate box, let them see the Arena at its best and get them back on board with a soft sell. Have them thinking "return to glory days" and use that money to bring back a marquee and continue the good feeling everyone had for that game.

Reply #488989 | Report this post

Years ago

Catch 22 - Members waiting on who the team will be and we have lost our most exciting player with some spunk and personality to the opposition and no information coming forth.

The club is waiting on members to commit to commit themselves..

Now what do you think will happen...…….. Action not talk is needed, but talking is needed….. round the roundabout again…… Ahhhhhhhhhh

Reply #488990 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

Exactly Isaac. I was floored that there were no pamphlets going around the grand final informing how to secure seats for next year. Maybe a stand taking deposits or a good early bird deal. During one of the terrible Marty years they starting promoting season ticket sales before the end of the current season when there was no enthusiasm. Why oh why would you not take the opportunity to promote season ticket sales when he place was packed.

Reply #488996 | Report this post

Years ago

We saw last year that success brings the fans which brings the dollars which further brings bigger dollars via sponsorships.

Last year was a stepping stone which the Sixers should be building on. Unfortunately compared to other teams we have gone backwards.

As a result, we will not bring in as many fans overall which will also affect sponsorship.

There are old sayings still used today because they continue to hold true;
"You've got to spend money to make money"
"You get what you pay for"

You can fix all the social media, marketing and fan engagement but if you dont put a potentially winning product on the court then the fans and sponsors wont come...this is especially true in Adelaide.

I'm still goig to support my 36ers because I am a die hard, hoping they can overachieve but it is very disappointing to say the least. Last year was the first time in years that I would go to a game believing we would win. This year, I wont be heading to games with the same confidence.

Reply #489008 | Report this post

Years ago

we spent money to make money and lost money

Reply #489009 | Report this post

Years ago

When did they spend money to make money and lose?

Reply #489012 | Report this post

Years ago

^ you think owners and coaches put rosters together that will knowingly lose? Many past teams have exceeded the cap and not even made finals.

Hawks are the antithesis of the theory money spent equals success.

The Tigers reportedly spent $600,000 on a big name import for no success, the Kings last year too missed finals with a prominent import.

Reply #489013 | Report this post

Years ago

When did they spend money to make money and lose?

Last Year, thats why they are not spending the full cap this year.
Tight $$$$$$$$

Reply #489026 | Report this post

Years ago

YOLO...yes I do. You cant honestly tell me Dean thinks this budget team will compete for a title?! on paper, in comparison to other teams they wont even make the final four.

I'm not sure who you are referring to in relation to the Tigers so cant comment on that.

Everyone knows the Kings situtation last year was set for doom, that was just poor team management!

Anon #489026 - Ok, so last year they spent money and look what happened...they had success which I'm sure translated to their most profitable or least expensive season in a long time.

You cant argue that expenditure more often than not translates to success...more so than the cinderella stories.

If true, I dont understand why the 36ers would spend big in 1 season if they couldnt afford to build on the back of that success - its just giving fans false hope of success and doesnt pose as a good business plan.

Reply #489041 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon above.

What ppl are telling u is last yr we spent over the cap. One player gave up a portion of their salary to give to another player (gibbo to ervin I think) so one player needs to be topped up this season.

With the quality of other imports and above situation I think dean has made a business decision. Save money this yr, higher members numbers than last yr plus opposition imports will keep bums on seats. And save some money for someone maybe like jingles next yr.

Reply #489043 | Report this post

Years ago

You are assuming that this years roster is cheaper than last year. You state that this is a budget team.

MVP runner up import
Ex NBA Centre
Hottest young Australian talent in the NBL
2 x 2012 Olympians
The only current Boomer playing in the NBL
Fringe Boomer in Petrie
Tall Black

What part of that looks budget?

On what basis do your make claim?

Facts are that Creek re- signed, a 2012 Olympian was signed the make up of the player delayed payment from last season kicks in. Imports that are on par talent wise with last season have been signed.

The league is strewn with the wreckage of owners who thought high payments to players equated to on court success.

Reply #489044 | Report this post

Years ago

I also can give it to you on good authority that last years team was on par budget wise with those of Ninnis and Clarke which visited the cellar.

Reply #489045 | Report this post

Years ago

This thread is not about where it has ended up at... THe point is someone is happy with a patronising response from Dean on a complaint letter. Others are not buying in to it and are disappointed. It is the communication and promotion that is the issue…….

Reply #489048 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Spending money to make money needs to apply off the court even more than on it. Gotta advertise!

Reply #489052 | Report this post

Years ago

YOLO that is a blatant lie!! You just made that up.

Reply #489053 | Report this post

Years ago

Ervin played last year for what Gibbo gave up...its not like Ervin was on big bucks last year.

Despite Gibbo being owed back pay, had DJ of decided to play out his last year they still would of had to pay him his contract which has been rumoured to be significant.

None of the players coming in would demand bigger dollars than those going out (minus DJ) - well they shouldnt.

Yet, even if some of DJ's salary is used to cover Gibbo's back pay (which shouldnt be the case as DJ would have received the full amount if he exercised his final year) there would still be a surplus of funds.

No matter how you look at it there is a discrepancy in total salaries compared to last season.

Reply #489062 | Report this post

Years ago

Nathan of Perth....I agree to a point but if the product on the court is bad then the fans wont turn up regardless of how much advertising you do. At least that's the case in Adelaide.

Reply #489067 | Report this post

Years ago

YOLO...last years team and the teams through the Ninnis and Clarke era are not the issue. Spending this season is...

The Ninnis and Clarke teams result were more an indication of poor coaching rather than expenditure...dont lose sight of that.

Reply #489068 | Report this post

Years ago


MVP runner up import
*who came off the bench for Cairns last season, would hardly command big dollars.

Ex NBA Centre
*On an inflated salary for his production, never the less was within salary cap last year so should have no bearing on this years spend compared to last.

Hottest young Australian talent in the NBL
*Who are you referring to, please dont say Creek?

2 x 2012 Olympians
*PC would hardly command big dollars these days.

The only current Boomer playing in the NBL
*Gibbo, we all know his story.

Fringe Boomer in Petrie
*Great player but would be on the same coin as last season so again should have no bearing on this years spend compared to last.

Tall Black
*BJ...hardly an elite Tall Black and one that would command big dollars. Also, would be on the same coin as last season so again should have no bearing on this years spend compared to last.

DJ = Gone....but where has his salary been allocated? You cant argue there isnt a disparity.

Reply #489070 | Report this post

Years ago

One person saying that spending is the key to success

One person saying that coaching is the key to success

Lots of people with lots of assumptions

I will explain the DJ wage slowly for you

Gibbo took 60k less last season that needs to be topped up this season plus what he would have earnt anyway. That is a hole of $120,000 this season. So the team has $120,000 less to play with on the roster this season.

If DJ stayed there would be no PC and no 2nd Import.

To the anon above , my point was to retort to another anon who may or may not be you that on paper the 36ers are decent and just as good as last season with the upside of Creek and Teys being better. The team hasnt even trained together and people are on here bagging them, typical anon behaviours really.

Reply #489071 | Report this post

Years ago

This thread is not about where it has ended up at... THe point is someone is happy with a patronising response from Dean on a complaint letter. Others are not buying in to it and are disappointed. It is the communication and promotion that is the issue...….
I don't think Dean's response was in anyway patronising, just indicative of how they could be doing better with member communication.

Others, you might be able to find a winner in which team was most expensive, but arguing that they have to spend what was originally budgeted is a bit silly. If DJ leaves and they decide that financial security of the club is more important than spending all that money now, so be it.

Reply #489072 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

i just wonder how many members who have paid up would have knowing this team and what other clubs have

Reply #489077 | Report this post

Years ago

YOLO, our team sucks this year

Reply #489078 | Report this post

Years ago

Compared to what?

Reality is that no one here knows what will happen this season and who will beat who

Reply #489081 | Report this post

Years ago

YOLO; How does a $60K top up equate to $120K differential?

Gibbo took $60K less last year to allow for Ervin.

This Year Gibbo is owed an additional $60K, not $120K.

Reply #489085 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets say he was due $100,000

he takes a cut to $40,000

This season he gets paid $160,000

Reply #489087 | Report this post

Years ago

KET, bit early to say definitively. Everyone's talking up this crop of imports but so many are unproven here. Awvee Storey was a big name, Orien Greene, Sam Young, Johnny Flynn.

In: Wilson, Crawford, Montreal, benchie
Out: Ervin, Carter, Johnson, Cadee

I think Wilson could be a reasonable replacement for Ervin. I don't think Carter and Cadee were outstanding so Teys or Crawford may be able to cover that. If they get back Daly, I thought he was solid in his last year.

Leaves Johnson (known scoring quantity) for Montreal. If Montreal is a mediocre SEABL import, sure. If he's 18 and 8 and can do what Dusty Rychart once did, I think that's OK. Rebounding will likely become the issue unless Schenscher or Petrie step up.

I'd happily support some upstarts who share the load rather than have two stars and a support cast.

Reply #489091 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I wouldn't write off any Sixers team coached by Joey. The NBL is pretty even and yes there will be some teams improve from last season's efforts, but let's just play each game on its merits.

The competitive edge that the Sixers had last season was their home win record. That had a lot to do with the confidence of the team, which is part had a lot to do with the great support they had from fans. I don't see any Sixer moping about with a lack of confidence.

Memberships up and I would suggest the crowds will be up as well. There will be some obvious sellouts this season. The Perth GF rematch should be standing room only, and any NZ game gets packed with the Kiwi ex-pats looking for a choice night out. The Melbourne games should be full as well. There's a high chance there's another "blackout" game and I am sure there are other surprises in store.

The team needs crowd support to be successful, and success will bring crowds.

What I say to any Sixers fan is get behind the team. Any fan can contribute to the success of the club because the club is not just players, coaches and owners.

Reply #489110 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Can the Sixers profit from all this spending?

New Zealand

All in Marquee territory....wonder how big the Sixer share of the luxury tax can be?

Reply #489138 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Put it this way, I saw Paul Bonsor at Bunnings buying a wheelbarrow to carry all the cash

Reply #489139 | Report this post

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