Years ago
Thanks Dean Parker @ Sixers
I am usually quick to have a whinge on this site (rightly or wrongly) whenever I think things aren't going right for the Sixers. On this occasion I thought it appropriate to share something positive.
I emailed Dean Parker to raise my concern over the lack of signings, the lack of communication in general and the I unavailability of club merchandise.
Today I received a prompt and respectful reply from Dean which sought to put my concerns at ease and provide some clarity about where the club is headed. A statement of particular note was -
"Ultimately our aim is to have a successful team on court and a successful club off court for all of us to enjoy for many more years yet."
The cynic in me says this is just lip service, but the optimist in me is pleased that the club appears to be in good hands and is heading in the right direction. I chose to think the latter on this occasion.
Thanks Dean.