Years ago
State League Basketball
Ok, another minor round season is over and the owners of the comp are now looking for " suggestions" to make changes
What changes?
What do they do for the comp other than scheduling and umpires?
Clubs play in sub standard stadiums, with incorrect lines on courts, in stadiums to be honest that are appalling and can't attract any new members in the middle of winter?
So where to from here
BSA has opened a suggestion box for 2015
Here are a couple
Spend some money......
Use the best stadiums .......
Bring in an audited salary cap, in fact, don't have one at all and make it even for all to compete
Move to a different format than the boring as bat shit 18 round season for the past 100 years
Scrap the pre season comp because no one takes it seriously
Move the Under 23 Summer to Saturday nights and allow 2/3 overage players in it....make it a premier comp for development of players, officials and score table and internally for marketing the game
Get together a Comp Committee to discuss the future of senior basketball in the state from the State League , Div 2 comp and Under 23's
If BSA wants some suggestions, take the game on and stop sitting back and letting things happen and having a chat over a few frothies at the Grand Final.
The players, coaches and clubs deserve some discussion in September/October for the game we all love .
If they don't do anything, go and knock on the door of Darryl Simmons and his group, get a team in SEABL and get some quality into the state in 2015
Ok, all the critics, have your say