Years ago
Paul George injured, game called off
I just saw one of the worst injuries in basketball - I wish Paul George all the best - season over for sure
Years ago
I just saw one of the worst injuries in basketball - I wish Paul George all the best - season over for sure
Years ago
Video here - warning Vine videos loop by default so you might see it more than you want to. It's not pleasant.
Years ago
Yeah absolutely shocking injury. They've called the game off as a result. Looks like he's broken his leg very badly. I'm guessing he could be out a couple of years. Lets hope it fully heals and doesn't limit or end his career. Absolute tragedy for a great player.
Statsheet Stuffer
Years ago
Shades of Kevin Ware. They strap ankles too tightly I reckon -- Simply loosening the tension may have saved both injuries.
spiros arion
Years ago
this is very similar to the louisville player leg break a couple of seasons ago
spiros arion
Years ago
maybe existing small stress fractures weaken the bone without the player knowing
Years ago
You guys actually watch the video?? Dude landed on the supprt. Just like when people break there collar bone the pressure has to be released somewhere! Maybe they should blame UNLV on not putting there hoops back far enough!
Years ago
that was a pretty horrible looking injury and I can't for the life of me imagine it feeling any better than it looked!
poor dude, ouch.
Years ago
2 years?? Has anyone ever come back from an injury like this? Is the fact it was the lower part of the shin any different than if it was a bit higher up? Poor dude. But having said that the reactions on Twitter are slightly over the top, it's not like he died.
Expect a change in design of the backboard support, had a player nearly brake their neck often hitting one
Years ago
My only comment is that courts need to accommodate the players. If there is not enough run off or padding to protect them as they become more and more athletic, then venues may leave themselves open to legal action.
Down the track this may be what is required to make organisers and organisations do what they can to minimise such horrendous injuries...
Years ago
How do you change it though, I guess you could have more clearance from the base to the ring but will it support players weight when they dunk. Just think it was a horrible accident. If they do anything they should get the photographers off the group so the players have more run off around the ring.
Years ago
From Celticsblog:
"ESPN reported that the support in Vegas is 2 feet, 2 inches closer to the court than a regulation NBA court. That is a big deal that with these athletes should never have been permitted. George has made that play a thousand times without incident. If that support was further back by 2 feet, this would not have happened. Very, very sad."
Looks like someone needs to look into ensuring that all elite basketball stadiums place basketball supports further from the court. Something for FIBA to check before the World Cup I would've thought.
While they're at it, the NBA should really increase the minimum crowd distance from the baselines. There's a serious injury waiting to happen there too, for both spectators and players!
Years ago
Man that was a nasty injury, hope he recovers fully, has a great career ahead of him if he does
Years ago
this is from Paul George's twitter 3 hours ago
Paul George @Paul_George24 ยท 3h
Thanks everybody for the love and support.. I'll be ok and be back better than ever!!! Love y'all!! #YoungTrece
Years ago
I was watching the game live and did not realize how bad it was till I saw the replay, brutal stuff, let's hope he can stay strong and comeback from this....
Years ago
From a doctor posting on Reddit:
This can be classified as a Grade I Gustilo fracture (since its isolated and clean): Average time to healing after surgery is 21-28 weeks (5-7 months)
I have a couple of orthofriends looking at the injury: "I'm comparing the two injuries and PG24's is more distal (further down) and looks frankly like there was more muscle involvement than Ware's. Ware's was higher up in the leg, and the bone came out the front of the leg. That makes me think there was less involvement of the muscle and blood vessels that are crucial for healing." Thus PGs injury might be worse based on the video because it came out the back and side of the leg where a lot of crucial blood supply structures are located.
So in terms of time frames, Ware did his during the NCAA tournament (late March) and played during Louisville's pre-season (October). A similar recovery for PG is probably possible given the difference in medical experts and rehab opportunities.
Or Indiana could just do a Philly.
Years ago
anon, their is a 0% chance he plays in the 2014/15 NBA season.
I didn't see the video but i saw a picture of it. Absolutely horrible. You have to feel for him. Hopefully he makes a full recovery.
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