I agree Aussieballer,
Just offer Thompson, Waiters and a few picks and leave it at that, i reckon by the trade deadline, if the Wolves cant get anything better, which is likely imo, they will end up taking.
The Cavs are in the stronger position imo, and need to use it. If i was the Cavs id be telling the Wolves, we will create cap space via a variety of trades and sign him as a free agent if you dont do this deal.
But the Wolves are being demanding and looking to be acting as if in the strong position, i hope teams dont fall for it and offer too much, they flat out dont need to.
Think about it what offer is out there that is better than Bennett, Thompson and picks?? Cavs just wait and see, do not offer more than that.
Waiters/? Allen
might get you 1 or 2 titles in the next few years, but not guaranteed, thats not as good as the Heat had imo, within 5 years they will be in a similar situation to the Heat, needing a re-fresh and possibly not won a title, and Wiggins would likely be peaking elsewhere.
Love/?? solid banger
Varajeo/?? solid banger
If Love stays healthy and sticks around, LeBron sticks around at a high level, Wiggins develops into a all star level player, atleast Kawai, then you have a potential for a Spurs like run of 10+ years at the top imo, as LeBron declines, Love will be peaking, as Love declines Wiggins will be peaking, then Irving is also in the mix and will peak inbetween Wiggins and Love.
Thats what im aiming for if im the Cavs.
Play hard ball, offer Thompson, Bennett, Picks for the next 2 years and thats it, the Wolves will struggle to get better at Feb so may end up taking it, if not you are better off missing out imo.
AS over the next few years
Wiggins/Waiters/? Allen
will be better imo than
Waiters/? Allen
So just give up Thompson and Bennett or forget about it Cavs, let someone else be ripped off.
Bulls, please dont do that trade, just stick with your team, dont need to do it imo. If you are going to do a trade like that go for Paul George or something, he is more what you need than Love is.