First yr college import is hit or miss, luck of the draw. For every chris Williams Ebi Ere Ricky Grace there is a one and done flavour of the month guy like Johnson from the Breakers last yr or Corin Henry or Carmouche or Sanders- theyre not bad but not great either. The fresh out of college athletic american pg has been done to death, to mixed reviews much rather they got Damian Martin. The revolving doors of imports continue and fans can't get attached to them cause they're gone next season. One of many problems with basketball in Australia. In the 90s you knew what you were getting. The DMacs, Ruckers, Graces Heals Gazes Mclains. Gone are these genuine stars of the game, now it's like fools gold.
Am I expected to believe that Madgen and Garlepp can lead me to the promised land. They will just be out there and we are tricked into believing they are good players but if you know the game well enough and the history of the Kings well enough, those guys along with White, Ellis and whoever else they have signed are well below par for a team representing Sydney. Even if you bring back Sam young, it turns into the Sam show which can be great at times but can also be frustrating. The off season, along with last season has turned me into a cynical fan. I have a long history as a supporter but some of managements decisions baffle me and I think the overall standard of play is well down. Frustrating times as a fan of the game but the Kings do themselves no favours on and off the court unfortunately. 3 seasons from the rebirth you would think the kings are headed in the right direction but they are going backwards and it is getting a little embarrassing. They're facebook page is pure amateur hour. You have a budget vegemite as your main sponsor and they pretty much have an online meat tray raffle lol.