I agree with Mick,
Wiggins is a good defender and has the potential to be a really good 2 way player, even if he doesnt become elite.
Love and Irving are not even the defenders that Wade and Bosh are.
Love, Irving, LeBron gives them a really good offensive unit, but they have very few good defenders which will hurt imo.
Hence why im keeping Wiggins, who i reckon within 3 years will be a All Star level swing man, will improve his outside shot to be atleast adequate next to a LeBron and a awesome 2 way player, ie better than Love.
It might sound crazy but id almost rather trade Irving and keep Waiters than trade Wiggins in this deal. Waiters could do close enough to what Irving does (or sort of play the Wade role) and is cheaper, LeBron can do the play making on offense as a point forward and they (Irving/Waiters) wont be together so the clashing wont be an issue.
Offer them Thompson, Bennet, Waiters (or Irving) and what ever draft picks you have for the next 2 years and thats it, really the Wolves would have trouble getting a better offer than that.
To me the biggest tragedy would be if you trade Wiggins in this deal, he becomes elite within a year or 2 like LeBron did, Love doesnt work out at the Cavs and leaves after the 1 season he is currently contracted. You might say its unlikely but id rather not get Love at all than have that happen.
Guys like Love who doesnt play good defense dont usually win titles imo, he is not the player im trading the 'best prospect since LeBron' for.