Years ago

2014 Melbourne Classics & Nunawading

Any interesting or surprising results yet?

Topic #34611 | Report this topic

Melbourne Boy  
Years ago

All you SA teams who complain about Vic teams playing zone have no right to talk anymore. Under 16's all SA teams have played all zone. I don't mind zone, I think it's a legitimate D, but I can't stand when everyone complains on this forum about it like last year. Ross Clarke was made out to be a bad coach for using one.

Reply #477741 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne boy - please do not generalise all teams in SA on the zoning issue. The teams that are playing Nunawading, one club in particular play zone a lot in SA which is not allowed, but they persist anyway and push it because they can even in U10/12's.... Many clubs try to have it addressed court side but most refs will not address the issue which is a huge source of frustration for other clubs. Most clubs and now VJBL agree that playing Man to Man in the younger Junior years is much better for long term development and allows all players opportunities to develop all aspects of the game, instead of playing Netball and using Bigs to block the opportunity to go to the basket and rely on the inability of U10's and 12's in particular to shoot consistently from the perimeter, and grab all rebound due to massive height advantage. This creates an elitism in clubs and and the appearance that lower grades are there to top up funding for the top end of the club…. Many players from lower grades move to other clubs to find them more welcoming and opportunities to develop despite regardless of winning. It is inclusiveness that is important in a club and many in SA certainly provide that. I know of players who have played with teams that are over at Nunawading that were told they are not welcome to come despite having accommodation booked….. They are short and a strong driver so may find penetrating a zone difficult….. Do you think they will stay at that club for long…..

If you go to the Eltham/Dandy tournament in January, the clubs that go there, I think there is about 3 or 4 that enter teams from SA who do not attend Nunawading you will find they have difficulty with the Zone as they do not play in until U16's in SA.. They have shorter players but very skilled ball handlers and some players with great IQ on court.. Playing against the zone is great preparation for moving in to the 16's. There is no surprises that those teams enter a tournament the other club does not generally field teams.. Please have ago at entering Dandy/Eltham or watch a few SA games and you will see other clubs paying respect to the game..

At State League Level, one of the clubs at Nunawading plays a State netballer just minutes in a season to qualify to have her available for Finals when Netball season ends. Gathers little respect from other clubs. can't believe the State netball eague allows it either. One would find it very interesting if she was injured on the basketball court in the seconds she is on, but that is how some clubs roll.

Good luck to all the kids from all levels who are enjoying the tournament. It is more than just basketball… Friendships, fun, exercise, disappointment and bouncing back and all the things you gain in life skills… Beats playing the Playstation and develops great work ethics…. Be proud of all the kids and if you see anything you don't particularly like it is generally adults that create it.. That is the only disappointing thing.. The kids however, I am always in awe that in these times these kids are playing ball and their parents have taken time out to run them around and lightened their wallets….

In regards to classics the same teams that go to Eltham Tourny have been working hard with extra trainings to get use to zones so hats off to the U12,14's that are managing to play it and against it. That is not esy feat to change habits and then return to man on man next weekend for regular season. You will see some experts at zone and they are well practiced as discussed above…..

Reply #477755 | Report this post

Years ago


You wrote all that and it made absolutely no sense!

Reply #477766 | Report this post

Years ago

766 - Obvious which club you are from then,,,

Reply #477775 | Report this post

Years ago

I am from north!

Reply #477776 | Report this post

Years ago

Melbourne Boy is right about SA zones, spot on.

What is that ramble about?

Reply #477781 | Report this post

Years ago

Great job by Altona u16 girls in making the GF, really committed team!

Reply #477782 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone know what time the finals are scheduled for the classic. Thanks in advance

Reply #477820 | Report this post

Years ago

No problem playing zones in u16 and up. What I liked was the hard "off the ball" stuff. I have never seen so many unsportmanlike calls. The more drag down from behind the better for the spectators. And I love the "rejects" (from behind) while players go for layups. And the reaching fouls that start with the hand cocked high behind the head and swing all the way to the ground (surely a new category- chopping foul). With all these skills learned the hard way by the SA boys and girls I expect a record number of fouled out players back in Adelaide on thursday, friday and saturday. More of this type of play in SA for the spectators (and the medical profession)!

Reply #477901 | Report this post

Years ago

755 that is the longest written blog I have ever seen that basically tells everyone you have a huge chip on your shoulder. Keeping it simple, zone is a lazy defence that teaches young athletes nothing as far as denying the ball, on ball pressure etc. What does going to a Tourney anywhere have to do with, "this improves a team/club"?

Reply #478093 | Report this post

Years ago

It must be obvious which club I'm from too........what a rambling, incoherant mess that post is!

Reply #478114 | Report this post

Years ago

Look out for that Centrals 16 boys team. Great team, great coaching with Tim Berry and the most exciting game style in the nation!

Reply #478130 | Report this post

Years ago

Love it!!! Best point guard in the nation too lol

Reply #478151 | Report this post

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