Years ago

Sino-Aus Challenge Game 3 tonight

The series shifts to China for the next two games, Game 3 tonight in Jiangsu 10:30pm on ABC2.

Topic #34606 | Report this topic

Years ago

Can't wait !

Reply #477571 | Report this post

Years ago

Hope the Aussies don't forget their mouth guards. No doubt the best defence China will offer, will be their ability to throw plastic chairs, & pack kick a man while he is down.

Reply #477578 | Report this post

Years ago

haha exactly Voldis!

Reply #477589 | Report this post

Years ago

Got my cringeworthy glasses ready for the game... Looking forward to seeing Walker and Neville Play. I'm very impressed with Walkers IQ, effort and composure under this coaching group. Always thought he had the goods but not under the 'Tigers United' group…..

Laying bets on XXXXXX being in the thick of it tonight…. disappointed he hasn't taken a leaf out of Walkers composure and just get on with playing the game…

It's so typical of a player who has natural talent and looks that cruises through their basketball career to develop an attitude, while the Dellys of the world work their asses off and earn everything they get included the respect of the masses.

Betting that China win both = political equalising…...

Reply #477596 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd watch but.. The Beards are on town and I haven't shaven for about 5 weeks for tonight.

Reply #477604 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Watch the Chinese complain about the physicality. Like a tired old record....but if the footys no good i'll watch it.

Reply #477608 | Report this post

Years ago

Reffing is hilarious so far, though much more consistent than down here!

Reply #477641 | Report this post

Blowout Troll  
Years ago

Does anyone have a link to the live stats? Ta

Reply #477642 | Report this post

Blowout Troll  
Years ago

I am not understanding this full court press. NOT once has it caused a turnover and all it has done is led to fast break easy points for China. But this team and coach is from the NBL so I wouldn't expect anything competent from this rubbish league

Reply #477643 | Report this post

Blowout Troll  
Years ago

I am not understanding this full court press. NOT once has it caused a turnover and all it has done is led to fast break easy points for China. But this team and coach is from the NBL so I wouldn't expect anything competent from this rubbish league

Reply #477644 | Report this post

Blowout Troll  
Years ago

Let me just say, I am so happy we are going to have minimal NBL representation in the world championships...Otherwise we will get absolutely humiliated.

I still think we get absolutely swamped because their is a coach who has sweet F##ck all on how to coach...

Reply #477645 | Report this post

Years ago

Ben madgen is terrible

Reply #477647 | Report this post

Years ago

what are the commentators on about? the Australians had to travel, tough turnaround, etc etc.
did the Chinese teleport there or something ?

Reply #477648 | Report this post

Years ago

Between the refs and Ben madgen, this game is impossible to watch

Reply #477649 | Report this post

Years ago

Glad to see others think Magden is stinking it up. Why is he still on the court!!!

Reply #477650 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair calls and good play

Reply #477653 | Report this post

Years ago

lol. Dirty AUS suck! Seems you know here is China and without the help of referees you can't play like a boxer or striker same as in AUS! Shame on you, such a hypocritical country!

Reply #477654 | Report this post

Years ago

You must be an absolute tool if you think those refs were fair! I lost count in the first half alone of the crap no calls which allowed China to foul at will. Do you even know the rules of this game?
I couldn't even bring myself to watch the second half.
And by he way Mr AUSSUCK, I don't remember seeing anywhere in this thread anyone writing rascist rants against China. Keep your crap to yourself.

Reply #477655 | Report this post

Years ago

wow, look, AUS complains about the refs! To be honest, even my dog is better than the refs in AUS. I guess you must live in the MARS and it's the first time you watch this series OR -- you are blind. Here is my advice: Check the video of the past two games and enjoy those AUS BOXER activity, and , check the posts of the past two games, carefully read everything and keep those bull shit rascist rants by yourself!

Reply #477659 | Report this post

Years ago

good grief !

Reply #477660 | Report this post

Years ago

By the way, I know the rules of course. The rules in your eyes is: AUS is a BOXER team and they can do anything(kick, elbowing, wrestling etc.), meanwhile, CHINA can only make some jump shot and nothing else is legal. LOL.

Reply #477661 | Report this post

Years ago

Fave Five of the night - Motum, Walker, Neville, Martin, Brandt

Reply #477666 | Report this post

Years ago

I was at the game 2 in perth. I saw a coach get ejected and refuse to leave. Why wasn't he suspended by FIBA?
I didn't see any Boomers players try to intentionally trip anyone.
I could also direct you to many youtube clips of many incidents involving the Chinese national side but I guess you would only say that it is all of us who are wrong.

Reply #477667 | Report this post

Years ago

Aust. Basketball - Shooting Coach
Position Criteria
Whatever current coach doing do opposite!

2 Guard
Position Criteria
Ability to pass basketball to teammate (they wear same colour singlet)
Not be prone to picking up your dribble in stupid situations
Move a bit quicker than shopping centre escalator
For negative examples see B Madgen Game 3

Reply #477668 | Report this post

Years ago

Very pleased to hear others feel Madgen is not up to anything but shooting and looking to create his own shot rather than run an offence. Not a team player for me and obvious from his stint at Sydney. Prefer Greenwood and Martin.

This was obviously a training game, given the lineups. It was not a play to win game strategy..

Reply #477669 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know what was worse - the pathetically one-sided refereeing or the fact that not one of the Aussies had their first names displayed correctly on the TV coverage! We need some impartial referees from overseas to stop this being a complete farce, and to have parity across the whole series.

Reply #477671 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't feed the troll with terrible english people

Reply #477672 | Report this post

Years ago

We can obviously complain about the refereeing in China, and more broadly the player and fan behaviour. They have a notorious reputation of corruption and poor sportsmanship well known around the world. But ultimately it is Chinese basketball which suffers, when they continue to struggle away from their cocooned home environment. They were the easy beats of the last Olympics and couldn't even qualify out of Asia for this World Cup. For a nation of its size and the resources it would have at its disposal, this is pretty damning.

As for Australia, I think it's fair to say that whilst some of the calls didn't help they would have struggled to win playing the way they did in a neutral setting.

Reply #477673 | Report this post

Years ago

It makes no sense. Seems you forget why the coach got the second TO. CAREFULLY CHECK the video before he become furious on the refs, is it a fair judgment? Now, let me tell you why he didn't leave: Chinese Technical Delegate appeal to AUSs Technical Delegate against this issue, then AUSs Technical Delegate double check the flashback, feel shame about the judgment and your refs, so they didn't have a say in insisting on our Coach leaving the court. You don't need to show us those video, let me show you something about the AUS dirty job:
Here is a gif of your dangerous play in game 1: (btw, enjoy the antigravity-flopping performs by Rhys Martins)
Here is a interesting video:
Last, pay attention to the AUS guard in red, then tell me who is the initiator:

Everyone, enjoy these!

Reply #477675 | Report this post

Years ago

ooooo, you mention about the Olympics!! tell me how much medal you got in LONDON? AUS are so funny, lol

good bye guys!

Reply #477676 | Report this post

Years ago

How many players from this Chinese National Team will likely be apart of the full strength squad? The chinese team has some talented players and highlighted the boomers weaknesses particularly its shooting.

The offence of the Boomers so far has been pretty average, certainly poor shooting doesn't help (and dodgy reffing) which limits options but there haven't been that many sets which actually looked like much offensive structure was in place. I would like to see things like better spacing and more ball movement but also staggered screens, side screen and roll, baseline cut and curl etc. hopefully we will start to see it emerge it Game 4. Also if you've hit a 3 before and you're open, shoot it. Guys like Gliddon and Steindl and (obv Madgen) are useless unless they are shooting, but too often they looked for passes that won't there and let the defence set or took shots to late in the clock.

Reply #477679 | Report this post

Years ago

Walker and Martin both played very well, Motum and Worthington also showed a bit, nice to see Brandt fel a little more comfortable after his poor first two games.

The Aussies hung around pretty well but never recovered from that poor spurt in the second quarter. It's tough to come from double figures down in China.

I thought the Boomers had a lot of excellent defensive sets where they disrupted and then forced contested shots late in the shot clock.

But for every one of those there was a set where they got too impatient going for the steal and opened up the back door.

The pressure defence is to disrupt and slow first, get steals second, and Lemanis will have some good footage to show this group and the main group later in the year on what to do and what not to do defensively.

Will be interested to see the adjustments in Game 4. Offensively the Breakers style angled screens in transition were very effective against the pressure D, hopefully we'll see a lot more of them on Sunday.

Reply #477680 | Report this post

Years ago

Ah, there were three Bench techs in Game 2....
1. Coach tech for something he said to the refs
2. Bench tech for leaving the bench in the scuffle (both teams got a bench tech, which cancelled out, and Australian player got Unsportsmanlike foul, hence China had shots)
3. Bench tech after the player who attempted to trip Martin on the fast break received an Unsportsmanlike foul, being his 5th and final, and let the refs know what he thought of it... no longer being eligible to play, he became a bench player and the tech on him is worn on the team as a Bench tech.

1 Coach tech, 2 bench techs.... hit the showers coach.

Nothing a FIBA Commissioner can do about it.

More likely that with less than 2 minutes to go, in a 'friendly' match, they decided to deal with it afterwards.

How's China's training for the World Champs going?

Reply #477681 | Report this post

Years ago

pretty average game from the Aussies and a good game from china- didn't really see anything wrong with the refs calls a few minor ones went the way of the home side to be expected but china hit some tough shots all game!!

Madgen was terrible and wortho's way past it and brings nothing to the table except thuggery

I was surprised by how well walker has come along but his defensive lapses will not get him into the final 16 but he and Neville should get an invite to the next camp though.
I also thought motum and greenwood would be a little better than they have been - perhaps I read too much of the hype!!
I also think gliddon is not a point guard looked terrible when pressured up the floor.

my picks for the next camp would be

neville, Walker, Greenwood (for experience)

with neville the most likely to make the final team!!

Reply #477684 | Report this post

Years ago

For anyone wondering why the Aussie team wasn't complaining to the refs last night and just were quiet when the China team wanted to be physical, it's because everyone knows China basketball is a joke and the like to storm the court, kick and brawl.

China Vs Brazil -

Chinese Team Vs Georgetown -

Just Funny -

Reply #477686 | Report this post

Years ago

AUSSUCK please don't leave, I haven't had that much fun in ages, love you long time.

Reply #477687 | Report this post

Years ago

A lot of Australian fans seem to overhype our guys in college and set up unrealistic expectations when they become pro or represent Aus.

Motum was up and down in a mid-level comp in Italy this year, while Greenwood is a combo guard who is too small to play SG internationally and not enough of a playmaker to play PG yet.

Mind you, the Chinese were allowed to get away with a lot of physicality up the court, it was like the NBL from two years ago, and that's a tough test for a rookie like Hugh.

I like the refs making it tough for the Aussies though, means these two games are a real test for the guys over there trying to prove their worth.

Reply #477688 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #477689 | Report this post

Years ago

Saw the second half and agree with anon above that Lemanis saw this as a 'training' or experimentation game. He definitely wasn't running lineups to try to win. Eg, letting Gliddon play PG! WTF! Here's a tip for our coach: if your ball-handler is so slow he can't even get over half-court without turning his back to protect the ball, then he is NOT a PG!

I agree with you Lance, guys like Steindl, Gliddon, etc need to shoot the damn ball when they're open. That's what they're there for!

Speaking of average offence, does anyone know how many more games Lemanis will have before the World Cup to actually get his guys on the same page? At some point, it would be nice to get the guys who will actually be playing minutes at the World Cup some playing time together!

Also, I know Goulding is exploring NBA opps, but would've been really helpful to have him play against China to see what he could do as a focal point on this team. Is he trying to get drafted, or is he just hanging out over there trying to get noticed so he can get on a Summer League team?

Reply #477690 | Report this post

Years ago

Without wanting to indulge AUSSUCK (which is a v clever name btw) you gotta hand it to someone who in an attempt to prove that Australians are dirty and thuggish posts a vid of Mark Dickel rugby tackling Dellavedova around the neck and of Chinese players advancing on retreating Australian players and throwing chairs at them while the Chinese fans bay for blood.

Reply #477691 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh dear!

Reply #477692 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't feed the troll with terrible english people
I'd hazard a guess that their English is a lot better than most of our Chinese.

Reply #477693 | Report this post

Years ago

Hadn't seen that Tigers v Longlions clip before. Who was the Aussie guard who sparked the whole thing? Shouldn't have done it, but didn't look that bad. Just looked like he took exception to the guy with the ball throwing his elbows around and gave him a love tap in the heat of the moment. Massive over-reaction from some of the other players after that. Some of them need to learn to take a deep breath instead of charging in and escalating the situation. Not surprising for young guys though. Speaking form experience, its easy for the red mist to descend in a game of sport when you're young and too full of testosterone!

Reply #477694 | Report this post

Years ago

"Eg, letting Gliddon play PG! WTF!"

Haven't you heard? He's a point guard now apparently..

Reply #477695 | Report this post

Years ago

to Beantown, thanks for being objective. Sorry for the above comments, I am just a little irritated by some views in the posts of game 1 and game 2. I agree with you that they need to learn to take a deep breath instead of charging in and escalating the situation, also I agree that in some game Chinese player could not control their emotion and made the situation worse. But you know, Where there's smoke, there's fire, there should be some reasons for they became mad,maybe the barbaric defense or some verbal abuse. And because of the culture, some Chinese could not just treat it like some kinds of 'trash talk' in NBA, they just though it's a provocation and it reached their bottom line. But still, fighting is not a real basketball, I also feel ashamed on those conflicts brought about by Chinese player.
Last, I hope you can check the video of the 4th quarter in the first game of this series. Aus refs was the star of that night and they destroyed a wonderful basketball game. Most Chinese fan are mad about the unfair judgement in that game and I hope somebody can admit it.
I know tough defense is a sign of Aus basketball, but some action seems too dangerous. It's just a friendly match, nobody want their players get injured in such a game.
No matter you are Australian or Chinese, as basketball fan, you just want to enjoy the basketball itself.
whatever, there is still one more match to go, enjoy it!

Reply #477696 | Report this post

Years ago

BTW, this is a brand new Chinese national team, only two of them come from the former national team. Now we have some great new blood, such as No.16 Zhou Qi, only 18 years old, his talent is as good as Yao Ming. And No.12 Li Muhao, his athletic ability is incredible. And No.5 Guo Ailun, he is the answer for Chinese shooting guard in the future.

Reply #477697 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice that you moderated your remarks somewhat "AUSSUCK". I agree that the refereeing in the second game was poor, although there were bad calls going both ways.

Unfortunately when you say "some action seems too dangerous. It's just a friendly match, nobody want their players get injured in such a game", the clearest case of this sentiment being flouted was when the Chinese player (number 16 I think) ran closely behind Rhys Martin trying to trip him step after step. Surely you would agree that was incredibly "dangerous" and "unfair".

Reply #477698 | Report this post

Years ago

genuine question for AUSSUCK. Given that the Chinese team is fairly young, are the players on this Chinese National Team that have played in this Sino-Aus tournament likely to represent China at future world champs/Oympics or is this China's B team? It seems to be missing some of its 'stars' like Yi Jillian and Sun-Yue or are they not playing national ball anymore?

Reply #477701 | Report this post

Years ago

Welcome back AUSSUCK, we missed you!

Reply #477702 | Report this post

Years ago

no, it's NO.15 Xu Zhonghao. First of all, I hope you can check this video: Xu was harassed all the game in that way, and refs didn't control well of the game. So I guess Xu did it in revenge.
I agree with you it's a dangerous action. Xu is such a emotional player, he play for an army team in CBA, you know army team could easily got some favoritism from the refs, they are spoiled by the special treatment and become untouchable. Seems he was very maladjusted with the home advantage given by AUS refs. But anyway, I feel sorry about his action.

Reply #477703 | Report this post

Years ago


Apparently Goulding has been signed by Dallas for their SL team.

Reply #477704 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't believe this is the same AUSSUCK. I like the new improved version. He does make some good comments. I like the looks of the No. 4. Sorry can't remember his name.
Others also made some good comments. Madgen is too slow, only looks for his own shot and can't play defense.
Steindl is a flat out shooter. Glidden is not real quick either and not a PG. I believe he's done some deal in cairns about playing that spot.
I thought Brandt and Motum would have stepped up by now.
Can't see anyone except maybe Neville making the trip to Spain.

Reply #477705 | Report this post

Years ago

to Lance_Uppercut: yes,it's the new China's A team. Most of them will present China at future world champs/Oympics. Yi will be back in the future, now he is training in US. But for Sun Yue, I am not sure whether he will be back or not, cause he didn't show any enthusiasm in playing for this national team.

Reply #477706 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, Beantown makes me calm down. Sorry for the above, I was just enraged by some racism comments in the posts of game 1 and game 2 before.
I think you are talking about Liu Xiaoyu, the PG. Yes, he is the best PG in China now, but still he is a little emaciated, your aggressive defense nearly kill him lol. It's a joke, but I doubt whether he could play in a much more intense game, says Olympic or World cup.
BTW, what level is this AUS national team in? Is it a real AUS national team? I think Rhys Martin did a good job in both side, seems he is the leader of this team, am I right?

Reply #477708 | Report this post

Years ago

Only one or two of these players would make an "A" team for the Boomers.
I agree that Rhys Martin has been outstanding.

Reply #477709 | Report this post

Years ago

wow, AUS is much stronger than I though. New China's national team still has a long way to go.

Reply #477710 | Report this post

Years ago

I think only Worthington will make our World Cup side.

Reply #477711 | Report this post

Years ago

Aussuck - it's great that your passionate about your team and all but I don't see how you can go on about racist comments when your using the name "Aussuck" Pot, Kettle Black. Your posts are far more enjoyable when your actually talking about basketball rather thank calling our teams dirty and dogs. Let's leave the animosity on the court ay.

Does anyone know why Adam Gibson is not in this team ? I would of thought he would be a no-brainier after D.Martin pulled out.

Reply #477712 | Report this post

Years ago

Maher said Gibbo will be in contention for the WC team so I'm assuming he's resting until a later camp.

Reply #477713 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibbo is a shoe in compared to the guards running around in this squad

Reply #477714 | Report this post

Years ago

Once playing in China the refs will always be questionable.

Reply #477715 | Report this post

Years ago

That's true but China were the better team last night, they were the aggressors from the start and didnt really relent. These guys are the first crop of the Yao Ming boom, their age groups impressed in recent junior WCs and it will be interesting to see how they develop as a senior team.

I think Wortho and Nevill are t he only two with a real chance of making Spain, but if there's a rash of injuries I think Martin and Walker have shown they could handle a role too. Motum one to watch as his all-around game develops in the next few years.

Reply #477716 | Report this post

Years ago

Aussuck, glad I made you feel better! I was unhappy reading some of the animosity from both sides on this and other threads about the Sino-Aus series. It just creates bad blood and prevents others from having a constructive discussion.

My advice: just ignore those posts and respond to those people who are talking basketball!

Now that we've got some civil discussion going, I've actually learnt a couple of things, like that this is China's A-squad and who some of the better players are!

It seems pretty clear that China has decided to rebuild following its failure to qualify for the World Cup. This team looks VERY young. Can you tell me how many are over 22 years old?

Zhou Qi was pretty good in game 1, I think. How tall is he?

Also, who was the Chinese player that beat his man off the dribble a few times in game 1 and finished nicely near the rim under pressure? Was that Li Muhao? I'm not sure, because Li only had two baskets in that game.

I wasn't able to spot Guo Ailun in the boxscore. If you check the link below #5 for China is 'Cao Fei'. Is this the same guy?

Good to hear Goulding has got himself a Summer League gig. Still disappointed he wasn't available for this series though.

Reply #477717 | Report this post

Years ago

Paul, nobody responded to my question above about how many more series the Boomers will get before the World Cup? Do you happen to know?

Reply #477718 | Report this post

Years ago

They have a camp in late July then head to Europe where they'll play multiple tournaments in the lead up to the WCs. I think it will end up being around 10 games.

Reply #477719 | Report this post

Years ago

Is there any pre tournaments ? A game with tall blacks ? Not much info around the web

Reply #477720 | Report this post

Years ago

No other games in Australia, all lead up games in Europe, they'll base themselves at the AIS camp in Italy.

Reply #477721 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks guys. Lets hope we can get most of the A team on the court for all ten of those games!

Reply #477724 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry, that was me, just no name filled in! The final squad will have been named by the time they leave for Europe, so it will be the main guys.

Reply #477726 | Report this post

Years ago

"It's just a friendly match, nobody want their players get injured in such a game""

Said it in another thread, but I thought that rougher play (not dirty, just unnecessarily hard for a friendly series) was instigated by the Boomers in game one. There's playing hard and then there's throwing elbows and setting brutal screens.

AUSSUCK, shame about Sun Yue. He had a high ceiling. I assume Wang Zhizhi has finally retired? Is Yi trying to make it back to the NBA? I was with an Australian team who played China in Ningbo/Beilun a few years ago and when you see him up close, Yi has legitimate size and leg strength. If he had Yao's attitude, maybe he could've gone further.

Reply #477727 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Isaac I've seen Yi Jianlian play a lot and think he could've been close to NBA all-star level but didn't have the heart.

They said last night there is no one in China's team over the age of 25. What happened to Liu Wei?

Reply #477728 | Report this post

Years ago

To beantown
Zhou Qi is 19 yrs old, and I think he is 219 cms.

He is also the one made a few dribbling to lay up and get the points under the boomers full court press. It wouldn't be muhao Li as Li doesn't dribble that well.

Guo Ailun is a PG but sometimes acts as SG. He had a wonderful steal from the back court and dribbled to the front court, waited for and foul and finished with and one. He also nailed the last second three points shooting. I think official stats missed his number with Cao fei who didn't turn up in the game three.

It is a shame that Chinese 15 Xu zhonghao tried to kick aussie boomer's heel. It is so unprofessional and I don't like either, but referee performance in game 1, especially in the 4 quarters makes sick.

I am new here, hope everyone enjoys basketball.

Reply #477730 | Report this post

Years ago

To beantown, I am 'AUSSUCK', I guess I should get a new name:).
Thanks for your advice, it really helps!
This team is young, seems only 1/3 to 1/4 of them are over 22, but you know some Chinese basketball player has an age problem, so I am not quite sure about that.

hnsc789 is right, it's Zhou Qi. But he is only 18, not 19. He is still growing tall, and the official record says he is 217cm. His arm span is about 235. Actually he didn't play any game in the tier 1 league before, and this is the first time he play in a match with live telecast, all of us are shocked by this big guy. Li is not that good, he play for Dongguan in CBA, you must be familiar with his coach -- Brian Goorjian. Seems that Brian Goorjian didn't love Li that much and Li hardly got some chance to show himself in the league.

It's not Guo Ailun. Guo Ailun only played in the game 3, he just recovered from the injury. Cao Fei is another guard who once contend the possession of the ball with JR SMITH, lol.

Reply #477732 | Report this post

Years ago

to Isaac, we also feel ashamed about Sun, he has a great talent but isn't diligent that much.
Wang Zhizhi prefer to retire, but he is in the same team with Xu Zhonghao, which is an army team, and this team experienced some trouble in rebuilding, maybe Wang will play for one more season.
I think Yi just do some restorative training and keep his physical condition there, he always do these after each CBA season. I think the biggest problem for Yi is his fake age, actually he is 30 years old now. And not like Yao, he is such an introverted person makes him become isolate in the NBA, these things block his road.

Reply #477733 | Report this post

Years ago

I partly agree with you, Yi is diligent, but he don't have the ambition as well as the ability.

Liu Wei is too old, since this team is rebuilt for next Olympic and World cup, I think Liu's national team career is end, so sad.

Reply #477734 | Report this post

Years ago

Great to see some rational debate and discussion back in this thread. Most people on here follow basketball in the NBL, NBA and many also are interested in College, Euro ball and the game world wide in general. There is little discussion or info on Asian and in particular Chinese ball apart from the occasional NBA ex player signing and playing with a little extra traffic when Mills had his short stint. I spend a little bit of time in China and watch CBA games on TV when I get the chance. The league is generally dominated by imports except for Bayi the army team that Wang Zhi Zhi plays for who don't play with an import but get enough home cooking from the refs to stay competitive. While there is a good sprinkling of local talent China certainly lacks the depth that the Boomers have. This team is probably our third string but the current Chinese team is what they see as their top team going forward with only a few additions. Most Chinese players are quite skilled but lack the physical attributes to challenge the big boys.

I thought Goorjian may have been offered the national head coaching gig by now. He has had consistent success in the CBA since he arrived there. Failure to qualify for the World Champs would have had implications across the board in China as qualification would have almost been a given in the eyes of the locals.

I have seen Guo Ailun play a few games live when watching Liaoning in Shenyang. His father was the coach a year or two ago when I was last at a game. A good solid young combo guard but was struggling to develop in the shadow of their imports.That was a few years ago though.Donta Smith who is familiar to Aussie ball fans was on their roster when I last watched a game.

Keep the discussion going and will be interesting to see this young team develop.

Reply #477739 | Report this post

Years ago

Great post FSTOS. As I posted earlier, the depth of Chinese ball is definitely on the increase, they are reaping the benefits of the participation increase Yao Ming inspired.

If they can conquer the physical side of the game they will be competitive internationally, but it's been a little hard to tell so far in this series because a lot of the undisciplined physicality (I'm talking about in the play) that is usually punished internationally has been let go.

Youve got to like the fact they have guys who are big for their position who can shoot pretty well.

Reply #477749 | Report this post

Years ago

Regardless of the ludicrously biased refereeing, China deserved the win in game 3. Even though the Boomers are fielding close to a C team, they should be able to overcome the handicap of this biased Chinese refereeing.

Some of the college names haven't impressed much at all. Greenwood isn't showing much more than the first time he represented Australia in one of these B/C- teams. There was talk that Motum could be a stretch 4 to replace Andersen or Nielsen, but he hasn't made a good case for himself yet. Lemanis likes a mobile 4 who can shoot, but we are struggling to see world class Australians who fit this mould. I have previously always liked what Worthington provides for the Boomers, but his hard-nosed attitude is becoming his only asset as he slows down more and has not been particularly impressive in finishing around the basket nor hitting the perimeter shot. If he makes the WC team, he will just scrape it by default.

I am very disappointed that Goulding didn't play. He could've made things very interesting to watch. Goulding has emerged as an intriguing option for the Boomers at the 2 spot. It would be good to see him tested against some international competition. I don't know if he has much opportunity remaining to work his way into the A-team rotation. I am afraid that Gibson will take that role by default due to his past Boomers experience.

Nevill is the only player that has made a strong statement for the WC team. It might come down to which bigs are available. He might automatically be discounted if Bogut puts his hand up.

Martin continues to impress while remaining one of the most underrated NBL players, but he has too much competition at his position. Madgen was horrible in game 3. Gliddon impressed me last year with the Boomers, but he hasn't done enough in this series.

By the way, I thought AUSSUCK must have been a joke account until he started making some good contributions about the players. Good to see some actual basketball discussion rather than one-eyed rants.

Reply #477773 | Report this post

Years ago

It has been interesting to see Walker play with a level head, something he hasn't done for Melbourne over the last few years. Wortho is definitely past it unfortunately. he is a under-sized 4 who doesn't have the speed to play the internationally, especially with the lack of preseason due to injuries.

The only players who would get a good look into the 'A-team' as some are calling it would be: Neville, Greenwood and maybe on a stretch Motum. McVeigh will be interesting to watch in 4 years time. I think Martin is unlucky, he is having a great series but when you look at the guard supply (delly, patty, goulding, exum) then coaches would probably lean towards Greenwood's youth for future WC and Olympics.

Those who are criticising the offense, they have played 3 games together as well as 4 days or so worth of training, of course it isn't pretty to watch. Plus Lemanis has adjusted the Boomer offense and I think it will suit our top level players.

For the china team, No. 4 is the most skilled player in the series, a little more bulk and he could definitely sit on an NBA bench. I reckon a lack of discipline from certain players on both teams has caused the issues, but that's each players style and with a communication barrier as well as the high emotions from representing your country it leads to retaliation.

Reply #477774 | Report this post

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