Years ago

Dandenong Rangers poised to sign Liz Cambage

Dandenong Rangers are poised to announce they have signed Australian star Liz Cambage for the next WNBL season.

Cambage's signing gives the WNBL its best chance in several seasons to grow its supporter and sponsorship base with both Cambage and superstar Lauren Jackson playing this season as Jackson rejoins Canberra Capitals.

Cambage spent part of her junior career at the Rangers and grew up in Mt Eliza. She has played in China for the past two seasons after leaving the WNBL at the end of the 2011-2012 season.
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Topic #34476 | Report this topic

Years ago

Liz and lj will dominate . Nobody has any match ups

Reply #474700 | Report this post

Years ago

That's if they can remain injury free and fit Ljubljana in particular

Reply #474730 | Report this post

Years ago

Wonder if Mark's coaching style will work with Liz?

Reply #474766 | Report this post

Years ago

"Liz and lj will dominate . Nobody has any match ups"

I haven't seen much of LJ since 2012. Will be interesting to see if she still has it.

Or if she can get on the court and stay on the court for an extended period of time.

Reply #474782 | Report this post

Years ago

Two very big egos with liz and mark wright, trainings could be interesting !!!

Reply #474800 | Report this post

Years ago

This has the potential to end in tears once again for Dandenong Rangers. Dandenong will be stacked with talent once again but can they get over the hump & win another WNBL title? Time will tell...

Reply #474806 | Report this post

Surely there are no excuses for Mark Wright not to win the WNBL title. The only way you can lose is if you are an average man manager and strategist. Let's see what happens. Hope the rest of the Dandenong Rangers club understand why there is nothing spent on the rest of the club when it is rumored that they are paying one player more than $200,000

Reply #474881 | Report this post

Years ago

Really? 200k? I guess the Rangers are basically the spenders of buying championship teams.

More respect for someone like Bernie Harrower/Chris Lucas winning a title.

Reply #474893 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh what Christ Lucas not buying a team Come on Suzy rumoured to be on $130k for next 2 season each with option of another , she must be laughing especially coming to the end of her career - is she really worth it?
New American/New Zealander would be getting a bit, cumming , mccully , Newley , cox on good money , and one more to come .

Reply #474900 | Report this post

Years ago

The numbers she's put up, I'd say she is worth it for Townsville.

Reply #474908 | Report this post

Years ago

Batwoman is on $140,000 this year with an increase each year of the deal allegedly.

Reply #474924 | Report this post

Years ago

So for a team that was struggling where have they got the cash from. The first year back that was their total budget not one player .

Reply #474929 | Report this post

Years ago

Townsville and Bendigo have so far reaped the rewards of their performances, both have been having the largest crowds also at games I'd say so also.

Reply #474931 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't believe Mark Wright is actually going to be seen in public coaching Cambage. The comments he made about Liz when she was at Bulleen the year the Rangers actually WON....WOW what a hypocrite.
$200k is generous, it's more than that. Also heard Cayla Francis knocked back an offer from Rangers $80k. Who's funding this circus?
Monica Wright earning big bucks to come back Plus Cambage, plus his Daughter in Law and Kunek???

Bottom Line is Jayco is funding the show. Mark Wright answers to no one whilst The Caravan man pays the bills, the CEO is a wanker and the President loves party pies and sausage rolls.

I hope Liz collects her cash and they get beat in the prelim again.

Reply #474947 | Report this post

Years ago

Remember dandenong also have the biggest sponsor, the same sponsor that BA have it's not the club who is spending, that money that is provided by JAYCO is for the WNBL not the junior program's. Plenty other clubs pay big money for players just the same without a huge sponsor, that's when it comes out of club revenue. With JAYCO comes wright and vise versa, so don't be too quick to criticise

Reply #474948 | Report this post

Years ago

Must be selling a lot of caravans!

Reply #474951 | Report this post

Years ago

#474948 you sound like you are trying to protect the decision around spending money to buy players and cover up the mess. At least you admit Wright now comes as a non negotiable with the JAYCO sponsorship and the club are to weak to move him on in fear of losing JaYco.
Piss weak in my books, and clear lack of control and management.
I've never seen so many complaints, departures and lack of accountability and loss of talent year in year out.

How did last years post season review go? Wright refused to attend, didn't show and he still got the gig.

The Cambage signing will also be an embarrassment for the people who know the truth. Your kidding yourself thinking she wants to come to the Rangers to develop. She's coming for one reason CASHOLA!
What a short term plan with little to no vision of the future.
Just a power play for Wright so he can stroke his own ego and push his own wheelbarrow.

You guys run a poor ship, you are all ventriloquist with Wrights hand shoved firmly in your behinds.

Grow some balls!

Reply #474965 | Report this post

You are correct Anon. Rumor is that Liz preferred to play at the Melbourne Boomers but they don't have the sponsors to pay the huge cash ask. Can't blame her, you only have a certain life in sport. Shame for the Boomers as they would have been red hot favorites with Cambage.

Reply #474985 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps clubs should stop working hard to obtain sponsors so no marquee players are recruited and like player Jennifer Screen can become the best player in the league while any of the talented players play overseas.

It will be great for every club to have Liz back in the league. Jayco sponsor the Opals and do a lot for women's basketball and Australian sport in general.

Bendigo will still be favorites this season. They have a very talented group that have been together for a few years now.

It has been mentioned here that the Rangers are paying Liz big money. Canberra are paying LJ more (1mil over 3 years) so shouldn't they be favourites next year?

It's great to have so much talent back in the wnbl next season. I can't wait. I also can't wait to watch the young players like Bec Allen develop and continue to improve. With the league as strong as it's looking those players will get better every week.

Reply #474987 | Report this post

Years ago

Sponsors are critical to all clubs, to get one thing straight there isn't enough Liz's around the World to fill a team.
Cambage is the best big in the "WORLD" not WNBL. If Jayco didn't pay for her Rangers had no chance of doing that deal. Rangers have never looked after Liz that's why she ended up at Bulleen last time around.
Wright has Jayco on a string and that's the only thing protecting his inappropriate behaviour and no accountability.
Bendigo Favourites again - ARE YOU KIDDING YOURSELF?
Cambage and Monica Wright are legit WNBA Draft picks. Kunek, Mcleod and Ardossi bought to try and compete against Spirit. Sherf up and coming Australian player Rangers fell over two years back from Tigers.

If Cambage does sign Rangers are odds on Favourites.
The proof will be in the pudding when Liz walks away after one season ending her relationship with the Rangers once and for all.

Hopefull Mcleod is learning to pass the ball in the off season too, no doubt Liz and her entourage will struggle with that all season.

Cant wait to see the real story unfold.

Reply #474989 | Report this post

Years ago

@474989, no Ardossi for the Rangers this coming season, from April 11:

The Rangers are close to re-signing Alice Kunek and have made contract offers to Alison Downie, Aimee Clydesdale and Lauren Scherf, with Brigitte Ardossi, Rosie Moult and Natalie Novosel not returning.

Read more:

Reply #474990 | Report this post

Years ago

thanks for the article link. Hard to believe any comments from Wright as most of the time it's hot air and smells of sewerage.
Bunton was never going to sign at Rangers, what a name dropper. Ardossi got paid way overs to cover the loss of Mijovic and Blicavs which never paid off.

What a joke comment to about Monica Wright playing a bigger role. How do we believe that when Macleod wants 15-20 shots, Cambage need minimum 30 looks with shots inside and Kunek will launch a minimum of 12-15 attempts per game.

Great development for the young kids warming the pine all year "Again". Might as well play Downie 20 mins plus again too cause you wont play D all season.

Enough Hot AIR to float a balloon Mark Wrights comments and view of basketball. Matched by the CEO when he tried to convince the public the Rangers did a post season review with Wright!

What a bunch of wankers!

Reply #475006 | Report this post

Years ago

^475006....... Wow you sound like someone who got shafted or your kid got shafted from rangers at some time ,so bitter. At the end of the day this IS a professional league, if one club can get a strong loyal sponsor who is prepared to put the money into a team of their choice, how is that a coaches or clubs fault. Every club would love a sponsor like jerry JAYCO, but they don't have one, tuff tittys mate, as for wright, yep he's far from perfect, very few coaches are especially in the eyes of disgruntled players/parents. But that's his job, he gets paid to coach not wine and dine them. A lot of talent does leave rangers, you just can't have a team of 12 outstanding players all wanting huge minutes and big money, it doesn't work for any team and all coaches will admit that, and so those extremely good players that leave are actually better off. Is that the coaches fault that good players seem to gravitate or come out of the rangers program'.

So what if JAYCO are paying liz big money, batkovic, Jackson and a dozen others are getting the same, don't see you ratting on them. Liz isn't stupid, she's a job to do and that job pays her well, but as in any job she will be accountable to the boss and in this case that boss happens to be mark wright.

Reply #475065 | Report this post

Years ago

475065 - I think the above posts are quiet factual you are a critic of.
Not sure your point around sponsorships is fair game. Put a Salary cap in and you will find out the truth.
Not one player is getting what Liz is going to get including Jackson, if you think half dozen you are kidding yourself.
The thrill of following the Rangers is not bitterness it's commercial incompetence and watching the lies and innuendos followed by sewerage explanations to members and the public.

Players don't leave Rangers chasing minutes, they leave Rangers because of the behaviour, treatment and false promises made by administration and a coach who has no accountability and reports to no one.

Your point is fluffy and diplomatic, you should ask the Rangers for a promotion of some sought.

Reply #475170 | Report this post

Years ago

How many other elite professional sports have salary caps , and don't count the ones that pay their players millions per season. If you don't like a team don't follow them that simple, the bitterness and nasty remarks in your comments clearly show a disgruntled person, not one who has a balanced view.

Reply #475252 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice one #475252 your comments don't make any sense and contradict your question. I'll do a check on the salary caps for Lawn Bowls you Muppet.

The WNBL is a National league and needs a salary cap to control an even playing field and rogue behavior such as the Jackson and Cambage deals that have gone on the past few years.

Disgruntle? incorrect. More just aware of the dubious uncontrollable circus and poor treatment of players, families and volunteers tolerated at the Rangers when certain agenda's are found out and people are held to account. Recent Eg: the treatment of Darren Perry being sacked as DOC for no reason and then being accused by the President of having a suspected conflict of interest coaching the SEABL Men because Bulleen appointed him as their DOC after being sacked/demoted/removed/not required.

Don't dribble crap. maybe worth making another request to delete and remove certain posts in an attempt to hide the truth, embarrassment and lack of management capability.

Reply #475424 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree - Perry's treatment was terrible. Maybe Jayco should donate a few caravans and send a few of them on a non returning holiday.

Reply #475425 | Report this post

Years ago

475424.......... Rest my case re balanced view ... (You muppet, really mature) If you put a salary cap on wnbl you won't get the likes of Jackson and Cammbage .....when your trying to increase the sports public image these are the names you need to do it. Get over yourself, would you be carrying on like a screaming toddler if it was any other club, no because you have a beef with rangers. I know perry, he has less of an issue than you do maybe take a leaf out of his book.

Reply #475433 | Report this post

Years ago

Of course you know Perry, because you shafted him and are at the helm of all the other issues having no balls to manage the CEO and WNBL Coach. Keep ducking and weaving and thinking you are important in the world of basketball.
You sit right at the top of only being involved to push your own personal agenda with nothing better to do than prance around thinking you are important.
The entire management have the exact same profile, old fugues with no friends and minimal to no basketball experience.

"est your case re balance view"the only thing you rest is your heart rate climbing the stairs to sit in the card board box you think is important to get your free drink and food at games. That photo copied pass must make you feel real important!

Take some accountability and stop deflecting statements back to suggest a personal issue. Start explaining why the WNBL coach wouldn't attend Post Season review, explain why so many people and players have left the past three season? Why did Cheryl Chambers leave? Did Jayco call up and demand Wright NEEDS to be the coach this season? Why did Perry get sacked after doing such a good job, true the previous Ops manager and Marketing Manager couldn't work with the CEO? Do you agree the media statement about management doing a post season review identifying change was bullsh&^, please explain what changed? How come the VJBL referee requirements for Rangers was stuffed up two years in a row?

Roast Beef - I think it's ridiculous this type of activity and behaviour is accepted. People are entitled to opinion and being able to express helps alert and protect others from being royally shafted again and again.

Both Rangers Seabl teams are an example of how to move forward. The reason why they run so good is a result of urrent president removed from instructing the previous coach to play his son and demanding control over import selection. Look what's happened the past few seasons now that's been strategically removed. Best imports in years, good young kids getting to play and great team culture!
Perry and Anderson do a great Job and players want to play for them. The previous Ops manager and marketing manager did a fantastic job setting this all up and removing the MAIN issue.

You are probably right reading back, I do get frustrated when un qualified people manipulate situations with self serving agendas then put together a group of friends on a board to protect there own incompetence, lack of experience, poor decision making and lack of corporate understanding and governance.

Keep up the good work and I hope these opinions shared by many expose the truth and protect other players, coaches, volunteers, parents and supporters from being shafted like many before.

Reply #475471 | Report this post

Years ago

Well your obviously well in the know so you obviously have been shafted yourself to be so bitter. Yes gooding did a great job so too Paul Flynn , and Darren perry, but there has been a change of management, is that wrights fault ???no. So don't blame everything on one person. You have an entire committee and board there who could step in anytime they feel the need but chose not too. The committee at dandenong has been filled with nepotism for years, like many other clubs, same crap just different address. This is about a club that has the fortune of having a very loyal and obviously financial sponsor one they have had for several years, and this sponsor has chosen to pay big money for a big player, so be it , it's not about all your issues about who got dropped for what ever reason good or bad. And for the record I would much prefer perry gooding and Flynn back at dandenong over what they have now, but that's not going to happen so move on. Players have a choice they either stay and play under wright or the don't simple. Get over it for goodness sake, unless you have the finances to sponsor and the ability to coach then really there is bugger all you can do about it. This is seniors , this is professional, no one is making them sign and play no one is paying subs and expecting value for money, this is not juniors where equal court time is expected by parents.

Reply #475480 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree - But take note in all points raised, the issue is the DBA Board and committee accept the recent results, behaviours and mass exodus of players, staff and coaches as acceptable . They wont ever step in unless their personal agenda's are being exposed and they need to play the power card.
I haven't been shafted at all, I have been educated, contacted and spoken with numerous players and members who first hand have been shafted, lied to and treated poorly by the CEO,WNBL Coach and management.
I wouldn't call that in the know, I'd call that a consistent message of coincidental repetitive evaluation and peoples experience and opinion of how things operate at the club.
Close people with Flynn, Gooding and Perry also talk about them having no operational control and the dislike of working with the CEO and board.

As above, the DBA committee is full of agenda based parents manipulating situations to suit their own kids and the Board of management is full of old fogues with limited to no basketball knowledge that band together to protect themselves and there position. How Ironic the Board employees the CEO and the CEO is on the Board?

Good discussion and glad we could share opinions.

Reply #475537 | Report this post

The Fog  
Years ago

I believe you were sacked from coaching by the Board.

Reply #475590 | Report this post

Years ago

Believe what you want to believe, this isn't about any individual. What matters and should be held to account, recognised and dealt with is the management of the association making continuous mistakes, the hidden agenda's, the acceptance of poor behaviour from the WNBL coach, loses of significant basketball talent, the president stalking people on social media and making written commentary, the lies and innuendo's. That's what forms these opinions.

Of course Dandenong are poised to sign Liz Cambage, they have a history of trying to buy championships.
Not to mention they are running out of player options churning through 25+ players with one coach in 3 seasons.
I got no Beef, just enjoy sharing opinions on facts, and yes some of the people royally shafted by the Rangers I know, respect and stand up for by sharing opinion and take seeing so many consistencies in other people's messages and opinion.

Keep applauding the fantastic job being done and relying on MR Caravan to keep buying them out of trouble and hiding the truth. unfortunately this ain't primary school for the president where kids run scared, its business and clearly the lack of commercial acumen, poor leadership and ignorance has been highlighted by many volunteers who have freely posted the similar/same information.

I'm surprised the request to delete this topic hasn't happened yet? Can't be to far away.

Believe what you want to believe but your eyes don't lie!

Reply #475601 | Report this post

The Fog  
Years ago

You were sacked and so are always looking to bag everything done at the Rangers. Believe anything you like but it doesn't mean a thing to them. Oh to be that bitter and twisted just confirming the Board made a good decision in your case.

Reply #475602 | Report this post

Years ago

Your entitled to your opinion The Fog, and more than happy for you to express you thoughts and feelings.
Given no doubt you sit in the relms of "no basketball experience" or more than likely one of the many cancers that gossip, knife and manipulate situations to push their own agenda's in the hope to position their children. I don't play that game!

Many people have left the Rangers some by choice, others by the virtue of incompetence and poor management of people who have no idea and don't want to be held to account or have their agenda exposed. Flynn, Perry and Gooding as an example... Cheryl Chambers, Warren Escort...and a plethora of players on top.

You only have to reference the issues in the WNBL team, the love for the current CEO, the dislike of the President, the unstable junior committee full of agenda based parents, (How many restructures have gone on there the past 5 years? The mass exodus of Rangers players, Quality Staff leaving because they cant work under the CEO & Board.

The list goes on.....

Players talk, people share experiences and everyone is entitled to an opinion as you have so kindly offered yours.

Believe what you want to believe, my opinions are mine and they just so happen to refer to facts and real time occurrences that various different people have shared just uncanny as a coincidence similar to my opinions.

Who cares about any individual being sacked?? What's this got to do with Liz signing and the point Rangers have a history of buying players and Mr Caravan bailing them out with $$$ because they cant recruit players without a budget 3 times any other club? Is your comment an attempt to deflect the examples or truth? or water down the thread trying to highlight what you think is a personal issue?

No personal issue at all, I follow all basketball very closely and as I have indicated before, will always stick up for people I respect who get shafted, unfairly or poorly treated. It just so happens to be the Rangers are renowned for all of the above and hopefully my opinion in support of many others sharing the same view can make people aware of this behavior is being accepted by the board of management.

Back to the point - so easily drifted off track by your comments trying to justify and deflect facts with no substance-


Of course they are, Rangers have a history of trying to buy championships and a history of Mr Caravan bailing them out of trouble spending big $$$ to lure players because players wont play for Wright.

In my opinion the members of the board have a lot to answer for. It's an injustice to the members and a clear lack of leadership and ability to manage. But what do you expect when they are all inbred and mates protecting each others turf!

Believe what you want to believe and form your own opinions on what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears.

Enough said.....Good luck to them if Lizzy Signs. Lizzy is a legend and Icon of the game. It will be interesting watching her and her entourage manage the season and relationship with the club......or should I say Mr Caravan! Lets hope it doesn't end in tears. I hope Kunek and Macleod are learning to pass the ball in the off season and Monica Wright isn't expecting to many shots!

Cant wait to see it all unfold! Hopefully in the meantime a management restructure is done and the dead wood is cleaned out.

Reply #475639 | Report this post

Years ago

I guarantee not one single club out their has a perfect record, every year their will be disgruntled people leaving for a variety of reasons. Your just digging at dandenong because they have such a high profile and your obviously unhappy with them lol but look at the overall success of this club, and it's still continuing so they must be doing something right somewhere wouldn't you agree. ? So cut them some slack so what if wright isn't your ideal coach some do like him as a coach,so what if the management is not what you would like, if your a member of the club you can leave if your not it's not effecting you is it? Let the wnbl season run, you never know that championship might just come back to dandenong AGAIN!!!!!

Reply #475641 | Report this post

Years ago

Righto the last 20 posts have been the same mumbo jumbo over and over again, time for everyone to get off their high horses and relax, everyone who need to know what happens at Dandenong are in the know, those who don't know what happens dont know for a reason and are generally the ones on here laying the boots in!
Enough with the Dandenong bashing lets just sit back and enjoy what is shaping up as one of the best WNBL seasons we have had in a long time if not ever!


Reply #475646 | Report this post

Years ago

There is enough on here to bring people up to speed and enough people in the know to keep the inappropriateness and opinions in the public to protect everyone.

Agree The End hopefully of an era real soon!

Reply #475660 | Report this post

The Fog  
Years ago

What ??????!!!!!!

Reply #475697 | Report this post

Years ago

Aren't BA paying some of her salary? Isn't this the same with Batwoman? And I know they were contributing to LJ's. Obviously the wealthier clubs have a better shot but they aren't paying the entire salary!

Reply #487725 | Report this post

Years ago

Her salary is 1.5 times the Melbourne Boomers salaries. Her's alone. Then add the rest of the roster. Good for Dandy they have a great sponsor but think the WNBL should consider bringing in a salary cap. Let's face it, most other professional leagues did to ensure the competition remains healthy

Reply #487760 | Report this post

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