Years ago

Funny **** Bogut goes No 1 ****

Congrats to Andrew Bogut for been selected no 1.
The bucks just got a whole lot of Aussie supporters..
Could be some great combinations now at milwake with michael red, desmond mason, Bogut etc

Topic #3447 | Report this topic

Years ago

The Bucks also picked up Jiri Welsch from the Cavs for next years 2nd rounder.

Reply #39637 | Report this post

Years ago

Bogut also made the full back page of today's edition of The Advertiser, making some big claims about him being a better player than any other Australian who has made the NBA. It's cocky, but it looks like he will surpass all other Australians in that league, and you'd have to say that he has more ability than Longley, even if he's yet to prove it at that highest level.

Here's hoping that Luke Schenscher gets picked up too.

Reply #39638 | Report this post

Years ago

Woah this NBA draft has been full of suprises. My immediate thoughts are that Portland did really well in trading down for pick 6 and still being able to pick up Webster and the Jazz would have to be happy to get Deron Williams. I think New Orleans got an absolute steal in Chris Paul at number 4, i had him touted as nothing less than pick 3, the guy is a gun. Felton going as high as number 5 was suprising, athough Charlotte needed a guard pretty badly i'm still suprised he went top 10, as were most of the espn commentators but they *recovered* well by drafting tar heels team mate Sean May.

My initial reactions are that both the Lakers and Clippers have stuffed it up a bit, how they could go for Bynum and Korolev over players such as May, Warrick, McCants and Green is completly beyond me. I think all picks from 13-19 have been great, McCants teaming with Garnett sounds pretty darn good and being a Celtics fan i'm thrilled that we got Gerald Green! Hakkim Warrick at no 19?!?!?! Memphis has gotta be loving that!

Well done on Bogut for going no 1, and i hope that Schnenser gets picked up soon! Rest of the draft should be pretty interesting!

Reply #39654 | Report this post

Years ago

Bogut is an idiot. How dare anyone bag the likes of Gaze and Longley. He has achieved nothing yet and has no right to bag our greatest players.

Reply #39661 | Report this post

Years ago

roberto - dont get caught in the media hype. What were his actual words?

Reply #39665 | Report this post

Years ago

he said,

"i think im much more of a winner, and much more competitive than those guys"

More competitive than gaze? i doubt it!

on Longley...

"im not as tall, im not as slow, im more athletic, i shoot a bit better, im more competitive"

and it continues :S

"with those guys over their careers, they didnt really show much improvement"

Im glad he speaks his mind (for example the kobe comments) but some respect for the greats of Australian basketball would be nice!

Reply #39668 | Report this post

Doctor E  
Years ago

In Bogut's favour he has already produced more at Boomers level than Longley ever did.

Reply #39672 | Report this post

Years ago

thanks for clearing that up anon, what were the questions he was asked? Where can i view the full interview?

Reply #39677 | Report this post

Years ago

mmm doctor although i think that Longley was injured for many olympic campaigns and didn't play didn't he play at Barcelona and boomers finished 4th to Athens where we weren't a medal chance.

I agree to a certain extent that he is more mobile, better shooter etc and after all Longley didn't get picked up at number one.

however, Luc has more championships rings that Bogut has and until he achieves those, he isn't as good IMO. Luc was a great role player with Chicago, he did what was required and was a great fit.

Reply #39680 | Report this post

Years ago

Bogut was named College Player of the Year, already a huge acheivement.

I think Longley has acheived more, 3 rings.

Gaze has a ring, excelled at international level. Second all-time in Olympic scoring, behind Oscar Schmidt.

Bogut WILL be our greatest all-time, but that mantle clearly belongs to the great Andrew Gaze. Bogut should take on some of Gaze's all-round Aussie nice guy status. I like his fire and arrogance, but there is no point comparing yourself to past players.

Reply #39681 | Report this post

Undersized pf  
Years ago

I,m Likeing the confidence that bogut is showing, i think its more of an American attitude. It may be frowned upon by some aussies. The fact of the matter is, he's good and knows it and that shows nothing but postives.

He's a brash young rookie who i believe will make do on his claimes. Its probly a bit far fetched to say that he's already accomplished more than any other aussie but i must admit he put a smile to my face reading that very article as it shows he will be a force in the NBA.

Reply #39705 | Report this post

Years ago

i think bogut sounds very arrogant, it is all very well to be confident, but clearly he has not achieved more than 3 or 4 aussies yet.
i think his (overgrown) attitude will fit right in in the NBA.
good luck to the lad none the less, will be great for aussie hoops to have a big name up there.

Reply #39710 | Report this post

Years ago

How about some respect for the greatest player this country has produced to date.

Reply #39717 | Report this post

Years ago

I personally don't have a problem with Bogut's attitude, and it is one thing that he had going in his favour against Williams. I think it's one of his greatest assets, 'knock'em on their ass and ask questions later'.

What Bogut said about Longley is 100% true, he is more athletic, he is a better shooter, he is quicker than Longley. All he's doing is being honest.

I do have an issue about his Gaze quotes but.... I would say yes, Bogut has won more in his short time (Wooden, Naismith, World Juniors etc etc), but he's still without NBA and NBL championship bling bling, plus Gaze took his college team to a NCAA championshuip game, Bogut didn't.

I guess you have to remember that this is a twenty year old kid, that has been selected no 1 in the NBA draft, now has a $15 millionish contract, and just maybe the hype of all of this his been just a tad overwhelming. If it was me I would be shitting bricks......

Reply #39742 | Report this post

Years ago

At least I keep to keep my balls as well after posting that thread in February asking if Bogut will go No 1..... and putting my nuts on the line.

Reply #39747 | Report this post

Years ago

Just found this story, at least he's man enought to correct his comments, good lad

Here is the link:


Bogut sorry for insults
June 29, 2005

NEW NBA No.l draft pick Andrew Bogut has apologised for derogatory comments he made about Australia's other basketball greats.

Bogut made history today as the first Australian to be drafted at No.1 when he was selected by the Milwaukee Bucks.

It came a day after he said he was quicker, more competitive and had a better shot than countryman Luc Longley, the centre who won three NBA championships in the 1990s playing alongside the incomparable Michael Jordan at the Chicago Bulls.

"I think I'm much more competitive and much more of a winner than a lot of those guys (other Australians to play in the NBA)," Bogut said yesterday.

"With those guys, over their careers they didn't really show much improvement."

The comments drew an angry response from Longley, but the 20-year-old Bogut was apologetic later when speaking via telephone today to a basketball function in Melbourne.

"I'm very disappointed in the way things were written," said Bogut.

"I definitely would not be up here without (Andrew Gaze), Shane Heal, Luc Longley.

"It was certainly taken out of context and I want to apologise ... it was not what I meant.

"I'm very proud to be an Australian basketballer."
Earlier in the day Longley, who retired from the NBA in 2002 and returned to his hometown of Perth, warned Bogut not to get ahead of himself.

"He runs the floor, he does a lot of the things that will translate (from college basketball to the NBA), and according to him he's got a lot of post moves too," said Longley.

"My advice to Andrew Bogut would probably be that there's a good time for blowing your own horn and that's when you've got the runs on the board and that being drafted doesn't prove anything.

"I'm sure he will (succeed), I'm behind him all the way but I think he should pull his head in and get on with the job for a while before he starts mouthing off."

Australian Chris Anstey, who had a short stint in the NBA with the Dallas Mavericks, said that although Bogut was the best prepared Australian to enter the NBA, he needed to let his basketball do the talking.

"The first person I called when I got to the States was Luc and he was absolutely fantastic to me," he said.

"He invited me to his house in Chicago and really took me in and gave me a lot of advice.

"If you look at (Longley's) career just based purely on numbers individually you could say 'yeah, he was probably an ordinary NBA basketball player'.

"But I look at it the other way where he was an absolutely perfect fit for the best NBA team the world has probably ever seen and he's got three NBA championship rings to show for that.

"Championship rings are the way to measure the quality of a basketball player and in my mind Luc has been far and away the most successful Australian NBA player we've seen and may ever see."

Reply #39751 | Report this post

Years ago

"How about some respect for the greatest player this country has produced to date."

Why are people making ridiculous comments like this already. Yes he has a long list of college awards and may be entitled to the above accolade in time but last I checked Bogut hadn't been to five Olympics, captained the Boomers, won two NBL championships, won an NBA championship, played in an NCAA final, led the NBL in scoring umpteen times, scored the second most points in olympic history and been the flag bearer for the whole Australian olympic team.

Reply #39756 | Report this post

Years ago

The article on the back of the advertiser was written by a New York Jornalist. And you know New York loves to hype up stories, no doubt half the quotes were over-emphasised

Reply #39771 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe the 'context' Bogut meant is that he's better than any other Aussies at this stage of their career??
It would be hard to argue with that!
Good luck to him I reckon
(and being a bit arrogant from his position is a good thing becuase of who he will be playing against. He'll need to give as good as he gets.)

Reply #39780 | Report this post

Years ago

bogut is ALMOST certain to be far and away the best basketballer we have ever produced. in fact he may well be already the best basketballer we have ever produced. next year bogut could well average 14ppg and 7rbg....which would be better than any australian has ever produced in the NBA (i doubt longley had those figures). i say much respect to the man, and i am sure glad he was man enough to make a public apology to some of the guys he might have offended.
go Australia!!

Reply #39800 | Report this post

Years ago

And you guys wonder why at 6'4 and 15 yrs old he couldn't make the Dandenong and Vic Metro teams? Being 7'0 kind of overshadows being a prick!

What number did he take? Who is buying a Bogut jersey?

Reply #39851 | Report this post

Years ago

He got No 6. Will be a very interesting year for Bogut. See if he can live up to the hype he is creating for himself. IMO he can and will probably take out the ROY honours. Maybe even take the Bucks to the Play-offs. Best pick up for the Bucks since Big Dog - Glenn Robinson.

Reply #39929 | Report this post

Years ago

there is hell pressue on bogut to perform now.

Reply #39958 | Report this post

Some other guy  
Years ago

How many days until the NBA release his Singlet, how many of us are trully going to buy it? I know I am

Reply #39971 | Report this post

Years ago

Regardless of what he has said and what you all think of it, the fact of the matter is, he is an amazing player and if you were to actually know him, he is an amazing guy also. He has kept a level head and his words are just words of truth. Most have commented about Luc having championship rings.. put MJ in the team at his best and the other dominating players and of course you have yourself championships. I'm not saying Luc isn't great but what Bogut said is absolutely true. I totally admire Bogut and everything he has achieved and where he has come from. I know him well and he deserves abosolutely everything. He has worked for every cent and word his said. Good on him, because no matter how much you bag him, his the one on top and will just keep going higher and harder because noone will ever take away his determination and hardwork to make all his dreams a reality!

Reply #40842 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #40845 | Report this post

Years ago

I didn't know Bogut's mum read this site. Thanks Mrs Bogut.

Reply #40853 | Report this post

Years ago

Bandwaggon.. yeah nice try. Hahaha you people crack me up. If only the success was yours hey!?! It's ok to only wish I suppose!!

Reply #40872 | Report this post

E 4 Phila  
Years ago

A chimpanzee could of played a centre for the bulls so longleys talent wasn't depended on much.

If he played for a crappy team that would of helped his cause.

Bogut is better than longley was by a mile and now milwaukee might be a playoff contending team now with redd bogut mason.

Reply #41034 | Report this post

Years ago

"People go to clubs after games, party, have drinks," Bogut said. "But I'm not going to do that, man, that's stupid &you've got to look after your body."

"I've had a better collegiate career than anyone else from Australia that came over here. I'm not as slow as Luc Longley, I'm more athletic, I can shoot better, I'm more competitive. So I think it's not even fair to bring that name up."

"This is a such great day in the life of Andrew Bogut, the family of Andrew Bogut."

"It was a pretty quick hook," Bogut was quoted by The AP as saying. "I needed a rest anyway."

"I want to become the best centre in the Eastern Conference in the next couple of years,"

"I'll probably have some people come in that I haven't seen for 20 years, and I'm going to tell them straight out, I don't want nothing to do with you. I'm not a posse guy. I'm not going to have a bunch of guys rolling around with me, playing PlayStation and paying them money. I don't see the point in that."

"Definitely," Bogut said. "That's how it is. A big white guy, the No. 1 pick, nobody likes that."

"Not really because there's been the great black stiff, too," Bogut told draftexpress.com. "There's been Kwame Browns and there have been Michael Olowokandis, too. Everyone forgets about those guys, but they went No. 1 in the draft, too. That's just the thing in America: the big white guy isn't supposed to be as good as the big black guy. That's something I can't control, and I'm just going to work hard."

"I played in the Olympics against up-and-down players like Tim Duncan and (Amare) Stoudemire. I think anybody questioning my athleticism is ridiculous"

"I'm not as slow as Vlade,"

"The problem these days is money, and the guys just all want to be All-Stars. That (1992 Dream Team) was all All-Stars, the best of the best. But they were professional in their manner, on and off the court. They weren't immature kids coming out of high school.

"These days, guys play 82 games a year where the ball is going through them every game. All of a sudden, they train with the best of the best and there's not enough basketballs on the court. It's a cliché, but it's so true, I think. They really need to get more role players on the USA team that aren't Dream Team-caliber but just understand their roles.

"I think I will be pretty unstoppable,"

"There's no one I really hate, but Kobe [Bryant] had a demeanor of being very cocky,"

"I can shoot a hook going either way," Bogut said. "I'm ambidextrous. I can get up and down the floor. I can jump. I am athletic enough to play in the NBA.
"I've got go-to moves on both boxes. If I work on counter moves to that, I think I'll be pretty hard to stop."
"I may come across as cocky, but people who know me know I'm definitely not cocky," Bogut said. "I don't like to be the player that says me, me, me."
"There's no one I really hate, but Kobe [Bryant] had a demeanor of being very cocky," he said. "What happened with Shaq. . . . If I had a chance to play with Shaq or Tim, if they told me to buy them groceries, I don't care, I buy them groceries. It's a gift to play with somebody like that. Kobe is probably one of the guys that, everybody knows it, he's got that cocky arrogance to him, everything has to surround around him the whole time. Otherwise, he doesn't function. That's the biggest example."

"My vertical (leap) is only one inch less than (North Carolina forward) Marvin Williams'," Bogut told reporters. "You guys call him the 'superfreak' athleticwise, so I don't see why I'm unathletic."
"If every person who wears a contact lens in the United States has a degenerative eye disorder, I think you'd have a lot of sick people," he says. "I'm not going to go blind in two years, mate."

Reply #51858 | Report this post

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