Years ago
Ennis smashing the chair in Game 2
Did anyone see Ennis smash the chair to smithereens? Amazed he didn't break his hand.
Years ago
Did anyone see Ennis smash the chair to smithereens? Amazed he didn't break his hand.
Jack Toft
Years ago
No? When did it happen?
Were the broken pieces sub sequentially fashioned into a hook to retrieve things out of the water?
Statsheet Stuffer
Years ago
Absolute lies! Ennis is a saint. Whoever said he's a punk the other day is lying.
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
That poor defenceless chair never even saw it coming. I take solace in the fact that it died almost instantaneously from the impact and did not suffer.
Years ago
Ennis will go nuts tomorrow. Expect a show to remember!
Sadly, it will probably be the last time our league is graced with his presence. He's done a brilliant job this year and really drummed up some good interest in the competition. We need more showmen!
Years ago
What's the insistence with starting a bullshit thread.
Jack Toft
Years ago
Steven, the thread is actually not that silly. There is an accusation of him "losing it" with a chair. I presume this is after being fouled out, or after the game. There is also an accusation of him throwing a trophy into the Yarra in a fit of disgust after the NBL awards dinner.
All jokes aside, that pattern of behaviour, if true, is pointing to a sportsman who is in urgent need of a mentor or other help before things get worse.
Years ago
The chair is in his bag and he will give it to his mom when he gets back to the states.
Years ago
Jack, I will agree Ennis appears to have issues and leave it at that.
Tomorrow will be his last game regardless of result.
Years ago
Ben Madgen told him that was the best way to ensure he got the club MVP award.
The Situation
Years ago
And like I said in one of the many threads discussing Ennis last week, his attitude has not translated to anything on court at all this season.
Years ago
@thesituation makes a fair point. After the MVP snub came out and dominated game 1.
Peach and Hire said a few words last night. I think the ref's will need to get on top of things pretty early as it will be very fiery.
I hope Ervin shows up tomorrow and plays like he did last night
While his attitude has definitely been poor at times, you certainly can't question his passion. I'd much rather see that from an NBA calibre* (*yet to be officially determined) import than the general sense of disinterest conveyed by Sam Young.
Years ago
You rarely see 2 mediocre games in a row so I'm sure he will fire up tomorrow (on court!)
Years ago
He certainly hit the chair, it's not a lie, it's even on my Instagram lol...
Hit the chair when he got subbed out just before half time after that big offensive foul. Snapped the back off completely. Us in the East got a good view of it!!
Years ago
Guy is a douche. His little waving of his hand over his face after a long 2 was dull. Anyone who doesnt realize Beal is their true MVP import is kidding themselves.
Ennis aint no MVP for mine....Beal was the one who tried to carry his team to victory last night, not Ennis.
His post dunk/three antics are poor as well...at least ensure you have some biceps if you are going to flex after a dunk or hit more than 1 three before pulling out the gun/face wipe routine.
Just smells of arrogant immaturity to me.
Statsheet Stuffer
Years ago
Haha yeah 2nd quarter, Ennis wipes the face after foot on the line jumper. Ervin says nah up ya Jim and whacks the three next play.
Years ago
Anon - when you say "that big offensive foul", you mean the ONE that was called.
jokes aside, Ennis has been good this year, for the league and for the Wildcats. He played a terrific hand in the first GF game, regardless of the refereeing. Last night he was well defended and wasn't able to be as influential but his effort and intensity were still there. He kept working at both ends and didn't stop trying. That suggests he's not a self-possessed douche, as others have suggested, more likely just immature and lacking some self-control.
Agree somewhat with the observation about Beal. Not MVP for Wildcats but has stepped up every time he's needed to, all season long. He's also been good at recognising when he needs to take over the game and when to let team mates do it. Hopefully Ennis has learned something of this from him. It would make him a more effective player, long term.
Years ago
I strongly disagreed with the call on Ennis for that charge on Teys. That was a block for mine - every day of the week.
Home town call.
Years ago
Agree with you Poker. Blocking foul.
Broke a chair? passion. Shows he cares.
All the Ennis attitude haters. Far out. He's young, he brings people to the games, he can play in the NBL who cares whether he can in NBA, is an MVP to Perth, probably biggest pay check he has ever received so far.
The MVP was awarded to a good player, but who would be missed more, dunks, highlight reel type player, or just a three point shooter and layups?
I'd say he needs to have that chip on his shoulder, or what? He cowers in a corner?
If he did throw the award in the river, it shows he is all in or nothing, wouldn't you want to be know for that? Plus its a crappy plastic that says first all NBL team. Doesn't mean much to an american who is here for a year.
He will show it tomorrow.
As a side note. Damien Martin is a defensive wiz,but far out, surely a pro basketball works on his shot to get some consistency. Missed to many open looks. No team pays respect, nor should they. Big disappointment for me.
Years ago
Ennis was out of control, Teys picked correctly and Ennis barraged into him, clear charge by todays standrads! And Perth cant complain they got the 'home town call' when Ennis charged in to Luke Schenscher's chest in game 1 too... Great D by Teys and will go down as a massive GF highlight for years to come for the 36ers.
Jack Toft
Years ago
Look at the replay for those who think that was a block.
All Ennis has to do was keep going right and he was straight to the basket. Instead, he deliberately went left and charged full bore into Teys, simple as that. The contact was un-necessary because if he had been going towards the basket he would have scored.
When confronted with players who like making deliberate contact to try to draw a foul, best to move just at the last moment so they have nothing to fall into and they fall on the ground. Makes them look like fools.
Years ago
Perfectly called by Kobe24.
After watching the game I am not sure what Gleeson is complaining about. Here are IMO the incorrect/debatable calls (Feel free to disagree)
1st Quarter
8:02 Redhage knocked over. No foul.
7:46 Knight travels. No call
6:40 Redhage gets two shots when still dribbling (DJ gets a similar call in second quarter)
6:25 Moving screen by Redhage. No call
4:38 Should have been a foul on Petrie
2:07 Ennis Swipes at ball. Foul debatable. Umpire magically made the call from behind the play (The genius Mayberry made the call)
1:37 Schenscher called for the foul with arms straight up. Debatable call
0:42 Ennis foul debatable
2nd Quarter
7:44 Foul on Jervis. Maybe not a foul. Hard to see on the replay
6:03 DJ get's two foul shots incorrectly called (Like Redhage 6:40)
2:51 Debatable foul on Schenscher
1:07 Hire shot clock violation (Gets a 3 point play out of it)
0:28 Debatable foul on Schenscher
3rd Quarter
8:48 Clear Body foul by Ennis. No call
0:48 No foul or minimal contact by Carter. Debatable
4th Quarter
9:28 Foul by Carter. No call
7:55 Foul by Petrie. No call
0:24 Ball goes out of bounds and the umpires can't decide who it is off. You can watch the replay 10 times and still can't make a clear decision, so there is no chance the umpires could have got it right. Logic says it is off of Ennis because why would Gibson knock it away when Johnson is in prime position to get it. Furthermore, why would a defensive player knock it out towards the 3 point line? Ennis arm clearly looks like it is knocking it in the direction it goes. Correct call by the umpires to not guess and call a jump ball instead.
After the game Gleeson says "It came down to (the last) 24 seconds, Jermaine (Beal) was going for the ball with Daniel Johnson and Adam Gibson and you know, a white hand against a black guy and a white hand tapped the ball out and the referee, who was right there, couldn't make a call" Some how magically Gleeson sees the ball go off Gibson from the other side of the court, yet some how doesn't realise it was actually Ennis and not Beal. Nice try Gleeson!
Out of the clear incorrect calls I have it as
Adelaide 4 clear bad calls (1st 7:46, 6:25, 2nd 1:07, 3rd 8:48)
Perth 4 clear bad calls (1st 8:02, 4:38, 4th 9:28, 7:55)
The debatable calls could have gone either way.
At the end of the day there is no clear discrepancy of poor umpiring like Gleeson imagined. Nor should it get a reaction of "The referees adviser, I’ll talk to him, and hopefully there’s a change up in the personnel."
GOOD JOB KING JAMES...….. Exactly right…. It was a fair fight last night for a change...
GOOD JOB KING JAMES...….. Exactly right…. It was a fair fight last night for a change...
Years ago
Well poker, correct him on those facts then instead of just making bland posts.
The Situation
Years ago
Did anyone do the same analysis for game 1 or did we just look at the misleading foul count as way of proof that Joey was correct?
Years ago
Clearly lots of Adelaide fans on this thread. I was there and have never seen a more disrespecting bunch in my life. Booing every time Jimmy had the ball, classy. Just wait till Ervin hits the court tomorrow. Can't wait.
The Situation
Years ago
I booed every time Ervin touched the ball in game 1 so I don't begrudge Adelaide fans for doing the same.
Muzz Buzz
Years ago
Classy is telling a lady to suck my dick in wollongong
Classy is throwing your league award in the Yarra
Classy is punching Goulding and not shaking his hand
Classy is smashing a chair to pieces when a call doesn't go your way
Yep Adelaide has much to learn about class from Mr Ennis
The Situation
Years ago
Classy is starting a melee when someone shoots the ball.
Classy is kneeing a guy in the nuts when you aren't playing well.
Yep, Adelaide do need a few lessons in class.
Years ago
Classy is winning Game 3 in style on your home court. Oh wait we get to witness that tomorrow.
Years ago
LMFAO at Muzz Buzz the Situation already covered what I was going to say but essentially people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Years ago
+1 on Adelaide fans being the worst in the league.
At the start of game 2 they were booing everyone wearing red....including one D Martin. How anyone can boo that bloke has me beat. (neutral fan remember).
Piss funny was last night Carfino was stroking Maher by saying how good and knowledgable the Adelaide crowd are but he shut up with that real quick when they started the stupid booing...
Muzz Buzz
Years ago
Fans were not booing Martin
Just Redhage and Ennis
Just another Perth fan telling pork pies
Years ago
Perth fan? LOL
And FYI - in the 1st few plays, every player was being booed. Watch the replay.
Adelaide fans are so knowlegable though as Boti keeps saying. So can you have redneck knowlegable fans?
Years ago
He might go nuts tomorrow, but I for one don't want show ponies in the NBL. Great players YES! But he wanted the MVP cos he was good at dunks and 360 moves which earlier on in the year were travel calls, but not against him. Nah, look after him and wipe his backside says the NBL. Good riddance.
The MVP if the league Rotnei Clarke deserved it way more. Plus the tool would have probably sold his trophy at cashy's/
Years ago
Most Adelaide fans on this forum are good but occasionally you get an idiot like nalina3.
"plus the tool would have probably sold his trophy at cashies" good one nalina3 (troll).
Dunkin' Dan
Years ago
Whereas I DO want show ponies in the league. The more players we have in the NBL that aren't "vanilla" the better, and I'm not talking about race.
Players who arouse people's emotions are a good thing. I never wanted Homicide on my team, but I always loved that he was in the NBL. His presence was good for the league.
Ennis is not the perfect player, but he has been damn good for the Cats and damn good for the league. If he fouls out after shooting 0-20 tomorrow then he still will have raised the profile of basketball in Perth and brought tens of thousands of extra people through the turnstiles, and that's a good thing.
Only 1 club can win a title each year, but if every club filled its stadium every season then basketball would be in a damn good place.
I appreciate the hell out of the Damian Martins and the Rotnei Clarkes of the league, but I wouldn't want a league full of just them. I'd still watch it, but if no one else did and the league died as a result, then I would no longer be able to watch it.
So I also appreciate the guys like Ervin and Ennis who might be less than perfect but who create drama.
Years ago
"As a side note. Damien Martin is a defensive wiz,but far out, surely a pro basketball works on his shot to get some consistency. Missed to many open looks. No team pays respect, nor should they. Big disappointment for me."
He was the third-best three-point shooter in the league this season, if you exclude Gleeson and Schenscher, who only had six attempts between them. Even if you include them despite the useless sample size, Martin is still fifth, shooting 44%.
How much better do you want him to be, exactly?
On topic please, everyone.
This thread is about the fragility of Adelaide furniture, not the offensive liability of Damian Martin that to the superficial observer is disguised by the fact that he never takes a shot when he isn't wide open with his feet set.
Picture this - Ervin smashed a chair....
Front page news, everyone talking about it, charged and fined with suspension………
Ennis - Opps maybe people were right about him !!
Goulding - Yes he is a flopper, no argument after the one next to Petrie..
Rdhage - Yes you do use your elbows a little too much..
Both just made themselves look like fools to those with any form of intelligence and had raise concerns about their attitude.
Send the abuse now, but please anyone who agrees do not continue on this thread and enter into debate Enough said.
Years ago
"the offensive liability of Damian Martin that to the superficial observer is disguised by the fact that he never takes a shot when he isn't wide open with his feet set."
Yes, not taking bad shots is an excellent indicator of a poor offensive player. Given that he has such non-scorers as Redhage, Beal, Ennis, and Knight on his team, he really should be getting a lot of shots up.
Years ago
Better than 3 made from 13 in the grand final! To many open looks to miss for my liking in this series.
Ask Adelaide why they scout him and let him shoot. Good coaching? Lucky? I've seen other teams do same.
For me, over the years, just not consistent enough for a highly regarded player. One year 46% and 44%, the yr prior 38% and 22%, a couple of years before that 46% and 49%. The sample size abt the same.
Love him as a player, love hussle guys over flashy, but if only he added a automatic jump shot from range.
el presidente
Years ago
Lol at the guys complaining about Ennis's post dunk celebrations.. like Gary Ervin doesn't carry on in exactly the same manner post layup.
Years ago
1. Nothing was going to happen between Ervin & Hire until everybody else came in and escalated it
2. Ervin's knee to the nuts didn't show class
3. Ennis is immature and is possibly only thinking of himself ( May be treating this stint with Perth as something to put on his resume, already getting an NBA mindset )
4. There's been plenty of arrogant imports in the past ( one former 36ers import would answer the phone with "speak" until his college coach rang and that changed quick)
5. We hate Perth and they hate us but there is still a mutual respect there for some of us( still laugh at Perth fans on twitter calling Gibson a cheat when he apparently knocked the ball out of bounds like he made the call )
6. Refs will never be consistent ( can't believe I said that with a alias like Rasheed30)
7. I must love using brackets ( ......)
A few things to add
1. I agree with some of what you say (but not all)
2. People who love using brackets all the time are f---ing annoying (and really should be banned from here)
3. So are people who number all of their points (A. I don't need to know how many points you got up to; and B. even if I did I am perfectly capable of counting them myself)
Years ago
@The Situation, I will do the same analysis for game 1 just for interest sake sometime soon.
Either way lets just hope the players decide the game today. That 4th quarter in game 2 was excellent with players hitting huge shots. From an entertainment prospective it is what we all want to see.
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