Years ago
Patty Mills Beast Mode Alert!
Patty is currently on 21pts 2asts 2 stls in only 21 mins. Currently in the 3rd. Tune in now!!
Years ago
Patty is currently on 21pts 2asts 2 stls in only 21 mins. Currently in the 3rd. Tune in now!!
Years ago
Currently outscoring the 10th greatest scorer of all-time
Bobby Tables
Years ago
9 for 24 overall though. At least he's 6 for 11 from range.
Bobby Tables
Years ago
Having said that, Spurs needed offense today with Parker out.
Timmy D has himself a nice Double Double with 20 and 14.
Years ago
6 from 11 from 3pt is major. This is the NBA don't forget.
Years ago
6/11 3pt is great but 3/14 2pt is not good in any league.
Years ago
He would still defecate over any of us nobodies on this site. Even if he shot at over 50% there would be haters.
Years ago
Article from the NBA website:
All of the Patty haters who comment on this site should read the above article. They will then realise that they have no understanding of what an NBA team and coach want and maybe then they will shutup.
Just because someone criticises a certain thing doesn't mean they hate it. 9/25 isn't a good FG%. It's pretty clear.
Years ago
Judging Patty's performance by purely looking at his FG% is pretty darn ignorant.
His True Shooting Percentage (TS%) was 0.502, which is neither fantastic nor terrible for a point guard.
Shooting 6/11 on treys carries a lot of weight due to the extra point value.
Not to mention Mills also had 6 assists to 0 turnovers, 2 steals and a plus/minus of +26 (second highest for the Spurs).
As 'Anon12' pointa out: there is more to basketball than just the box score.
Years ago
Today Mills and Bogut combined for 30 points, 10 boards and 7 assists. Kind of like a slightly above average game for Lebron James.
Years ago
Mozgov had 29 rebounds up against Bogut in the other game today...
"Judging Patty's performance by purely looking at his FG% is pretty darn ignorant."
We aren't judging his performance, we are judging his field goal percentage.
Years ago
"We aren't judging his performance, we are judging his field goal percentage."
Anons debating the semantics of their ignorant comments. Wonderful.
You can't see the difference between "9/25 is pretty shit" and "Patty Mills played pretty shit because he shot 9/25"?
Years ago
I can see the difference, but let me remind you:
"purely looking at his FG% is pretty darn ignorant."
I don't agree with the premise that shooting a higher field goal percentage is unequivocally better than shooting a relatively low FG%. I also don't believe that there's no judgement on your part based on Patty's FG%.
He just topped scored in an NBA game as a starter, think we should all be pretty happy with that.
How may times do you see the top players over there getting really high scores but shoot a rubbish percentage. Carmelo Anthony does it all the time.
"How may times do you see the top players over there getting really high scores but shoot a rubbish percentage. Carmelo Anthony does it all the time."
So you admit that Patty shot at a rubbish percentage today? YOU'RE A HATER OMG!!!!!
Years ago
There's no pleasing some people. Seems Patty is respected more by Americans
Years ago
they know basketball while these kids turn to hating
a beast mode AGAIN?
that's too many times
five six seven times? that's too many times, man
Years ago
a 5'11 player from the bench scoring 26 points in NBA. considerably in a beast "mode" man.
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