Years ago

BSA winter draw encouraging club talent hoarding

The allocation of clubs to divisions by BSA absolutely favours larger clubs such as Sturt and disadvantages the smaller clubs in the competition.

For example just focusing on the boys competition, for the winter season Sturt has:

2 teams in the under 12 div 2s
2 teams in the under 14 div 2s
3 teams in the under 16 div 3s (yet no teams in the div 4 or 5)

Similarly South has

2 teams in the under 12 div 3
2 teams in the under 16 div 3

I know BSA will counter that allocation of divisions are based on results of the summer season. But the outcome is that all the talent stays at a few clubs whilst other clubs struggle for talented players. That effects where players to choose to play in summer season.

If you had a situation where each club could only have one team per division, if you were not good enough to make the div 2 team at a strong club like Sturt you would go somewhere else and play div 2 or 1 with a club with less depth. But that flattening of the playing field does not occur because Clubs are being allowed to field 2/3 teams in a division whilst other clubs don't even get a team in that division. Having 2 teams in div 2 also gives STurt a huge advantage for the following season as they have a larger pool of players playing at a higher level prepping for div 1 the following season.

Time for a rethink BSA.

Topic #34012 | Report this topic

Years ago

Or you could encourage players who don't make a div 2 team to stay at that club and show some loyalty. Instead of taking the easy option they can work thier tails off and make d2. In the mean time they would be playing D3 and there would be an uneven d3 comp with 50 point thumpings being a weekly occurrence. The only way the comp would benefit from your idea is if kids/parents had no club loyalty, and changed clubs based on what team they make. Encouraging taking the easy option instead of working hard and improving. If you ask me, that's not a benefit at all!

Reply #463873 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't you think various committees have tried that. It doesn't work. More kids leave basketball than go to another club.

Reply #463880 | Report this post

Years ago

I see your point about club loyalty. But does no one think having 3 teams from the same club in one division a little ridiculous? Does this happen in other junior sports? (My kids only play basketball so I don't know)

Reply #463881 | Report this post

Years ago

just the sort of anal retentive attitude that is stifling talented kids by blackmailing them into thinking that they need to leave their current club.

those teams earnt the right to be there.

be grateful - by restricting sturt to one team - they will be unbeatable - where as 2 the are spread out a bit.

let whatever club have multiple teams in div whatever - if the kids have talent - let them rise.

instead of attacking sturt maybe look at your own programme and why you aren't cutting the mustard.

Reply #463882 | Report this post

Years ago

so we force sturt into playing a lower div - and guess what ? instead of winning by 10 they win by 50...... LOLarama - good thinking

Reply #463883 | Report this post

Years ago

roxy - we have had 3 teams from norwood, forestville, west and north in years gone by in several age groups.

no big deal in any shape or form.

Reply #463886 | Report this post

Years ago

No worse than kids coming straight from social / school basketball and being placed in div 1 comp and getting flogged - cause the club needs to start them in div 3 or 4 and work their way up - but no they must place beginners in div 1 and make everyone drive across town for it......

Reply #463887 | Report this post

Years ago

Not attacking Sturt or any other club, they are taking taking advantage of the system as it is currently presented. I am sure my club would do the same if they were in a similar situation. I am just not convinced having 'mega clubs' is in the best interests of the competition as a whole.

Again the question is, does this happen in other junior sports?

Reply #463890 | Report this post

Years ago

melbourne basketball has pro/ rel right through. most junior sports have pro / rel

Reply #463892 | Report this post

Years ago

What's in the best interest of the competition in Adelaide is if clubs actually took some responsibility and were accountable to their members for their junior program. Stop winging and sooking about it. There have been the same problems with the same clubs for many years now and it amazes me that the circle continues to repeat itself. This is not cyclical people. Back in the days when players just turned up to clubs/trainings you could argue that population density may have had something to do with success. Fast forward many many years and parents and players are smarter in where they spend their money and invest their time. People will travel for a better service. A very small number of clubs have recognised this and provide a pretty good service to paying members but that majority are run by nice people who have a self serving interest. If you want to get different results then you need to change your approach.

BSA will not be helping any time soon. They are muppets who wouldn’t know where to start themselves. They’ve done nothing for the clubs so take responsibility and start making good decisions for your players.

Players move clubs because they see what awful coaching they get and conversely players will stay at the bigger clubs because they know they will get better by training twice a week in a good program.

Another place to start is to stop chasing ABA success at the detriment of your junior program. It’s a terrible league and continues to get worse. What do you actually win IF you win it?

I couldn’t care less if Sturt dominated the basketball landscape in this state. They are most likely working smarter to achieve this.

What is your club doing...besides making excuses?

Reply #463896 | Report this post

Years ago

Answer above


Reply #463898 | Report this post

Years ago

^ Yes they are!

Reply #463900 | Report this post

Years ago

All clubs poach to varying degrees. My club always winges about other clubs poaching but now they are in a good position in certain age groups, they are doing it too.

Reply #463904 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know how sturt got2 teams in 14/2 when North won 14/2 GF and in div 3 finished even with Sturt but beat them both times they played them in pro/rel. is the competitions committee devoid of any logic or intelligence??

Reply #463968 | Report this post

Years ago

Deliver something, and you will find there is no need for hoops talk. Otherwise, post away!

Reply #463971 | Report this post

Years ago

who is the comp committee anyway ?

Reply #463972 | Report this post

Years ago

north should have got in over sturt in that scenario

Reply #463975 | Report this post

Years ago

Except that North didn't nominate 2 div 2 teams and sturt did.

Reply #463998 | Report this post

Years ago

that will do it

Reply #464014 | Report this post

Years ago

why should any team nominate two teams in a division where they have tried to only have one team in Div 2 at that age group. If it became clear that a team had pulled out and a spot was available the CC should have approached teams in order to see if they wanted to field a second team starting with the best team which was North.

I think this action will open up a can of worms and making grading a slower process I would recommend now that all clubs now start nominating teams in higher divisions and in particular in Div 2 and 3 put most of their requests in at those levels to ensure this type of thing doesnt happen again.

Reply #464115 | Report this post

Years ago

At the start of the season lets have a big tournament where all of the teams play. Yes Div 1-6 teams versus Div1-6 teams.

Then grade the top 10 teams into div1, the second 10 into div 2 etc

This would stop the endless whinging about Divisions.

In any case, most teams get a reality check when they play in Melbourne.

Reply #464129 | Report this post

Years ago

Good idea. Sounds like a full pri/rel competition.

Reply #464131 | Report this post

Years ago

Think you'd then find some clubs with 3 teams in a division.

Reply #464135 | Report this post

Years ago

so be it

Reply #464141 | Report this post

Years ago

Go with 3 x eight team comps with a max if 2 teams from any one club in a grade. Or even limit it to one in the champ grade and 2 in all others.

Reply #464143 | Report this post

Years ago

why not just let the best teams play in the top grade - everyone is always worried about restricting or limiting - talk about handbrake harry's.

Reply #464144 | Report this post

Years ago

I hate it when the best teams and kids get to play in a level of competition most appropriate to their skillset. Force those kids to leave their club, their friends and loose opportunities by going to another club. Or better yet force those kids into another sport. The above is sarcasm.

Basketball needs to support growth and development not hamper it. Imagine telling a bunch of kids that made finals, worked hard to improve, sorry but you all are getting dropped because of a BSA rule. It's about the kids, the players, not egotistical people in admin roles stopping them from playing because they want to ensure they get their teams in div 2 or 3 that will get thrashed week in week out.

THe players need to come first!!

Reply #464145 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodville dropped their U14 div 1 girls team to div 2 and got beaten by more than 50 points in div 2.

In doing so a top 4 team was dropped into div 3 where they will thrash everyone.

How is basketball the winner here?

Reply #464147 | Report this post

the bagwan  
Years ago

all clubs start from somewhere - nearly every club have had to work their way up - and teams have taken pride and gelled as they moved up the ranks.
This hand a junior div 1 or 2 spot to walk ons - is not appropriate way to recognize / promote achievement in basketball - and the results show.
What credentials does our junior comp have when a junior can just turn up at a club and get a div 1 spot ?
Why blackmail our juniors into leaving their club by choking what work another club has done.
What agendas do the decision makers keep ?

Reply #464148 | Report this post

Years ago

So getting back to Sturt having two Div 2 teams in U 14's when not the best Div 3 team how do we stop this happening again or do we let clubs just abuse the nomination process in a "fishing" process in case a higher spot opens up.

Reply #464154 | Report this post

the bagwan  
Years ago

north have to be on the front foot and apply

Reply #464156 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt beat North in the last phase and therefore would have won the spot anyway.

Reply #464159 | Report this post

Years ago

Why apply when there was no spot available. Surely if one opens up the CC should be proactive is consulting with potential other clubs to fill the position.

Reply #464160 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe assume that there is always spots available and if you have the ability grade your own teams accordingly.

Surely the competition committee can't be expected to make assumptions that a Saturday morning team can necessarily play Friday nights if the club doesn't nominate them as such.

Fault lies with the club.

Reply #464162 | Report this post

Years ago

North is clueless. WHy whinge if you are clueless and do not nominate. Get your house in order North for the sake of everyone!!!!!

Reply #464164 | Report this post

Years ago

explain this one -

all member clubs get to nominate 1 team per div that isn't pro / rel.

why did south u14 g3 get relegated to div 4 ? that group wasn't pro/ rel and there was space in div 3.

if it was based on our results - then why aren't other teams in non pro / rel divs being demoted on worse results?

Reply #464201 | Report this post

Years ago

How do you know it isn't happening to other teams? Have you done a survey?

It is not just that team but obviously that's the one you're interested in. It has also happened to Woodville 12g3 who have been placed in division 4.

It does happen and I don't know what your problem with it is.

Reply #464205 | Report this post

why bsa  
Years ago

I got told that clubs submit where they want their teams in winter doesnt matter where they end up in pro/rel so my question is why do we have pro/rel if clubs just pick where they want their teams to go
I wouldve thought groups A and B make div 3 group C and D make div 4 and so on

Reply #464206 | Report this post

Well Read  
Years ago

Perplexed, you clearly haven't read the by-laws:

"1.7 Club and Team Eligibility

"b) A Club may nominate 1 team only within each Division 1 competition.

"d) No club may have more than 2 teams in [Division 2], except in cases where a third division does not exist."

No mention of division 3+ teams that aren't classified as "pro/rel", so they must be up to the discretion of the competitions committee.

Perhaps South's U14G3 were moved to division 4 because the following teams are better than them: Sturt 3, Western Magic 1, North Adelaide Rockets 3, Forestville 3, Norwood Flames 3, just to name a few.

Reply #464210 | Report this post

Years ago

why bsa, that is not correct. ALL divisions that have pro/rel are placed by BSA exactly as you have suggested. Clubs can't just pick where teams are placed!

Reply #464211 | Report this post

Years ago

Are clubs to use the By-Laws or not. Seems from the above BSA has got it wrong and not North!

Reply #464228 | Report this post

Years ago

I've been flat out at work all day and you still haven't sorted this out! Simple...

Step 1: form your team
Step2: play all other teams in your division in a grading comp
Step 3: top 10 teams = div 1; next 10 teams = div 2

Step 4: enjoy your kids playing hard competitive basketball
Step 5: seek counselling for your own personality disorder/pent up rage against Basa, your club,other clubs, other team, how unfair life is etc

Reply #464252 | Report this post

Years ago

In U/14 Div 3 - Sturt finished top after the final pool phase - not North! So they would have gotten in even if North were not a disorganised rabble.

Reply #464328 | Report this post

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