Years ago

Open letter to CEO of BSA

Do we deserve better?

Here we are , one day away from Winter season starting and still Friday nights details for players and parents is not up on the site? Why

Here we are with some up, but only 5 rounds ? Why

If we want the government to invest in you organisation, surely you need to improve your game, so the 700+ players in Juniors and 400+ in seniors tell all their local members to support our game.

If we are 1 day away from a new season and some teams are off to practice and have no idea where they are playing, or if you are a Div4 senior team looking to plan your games around work, do you think we deserve better than what you dish up every year and then we might have some positives to speak to people about our Governing Body?

Sure, you can say you an introduced this and are planning that, but surely letting people know where they are playing 48 hours before they go there is not to much to ask?

Surely after your 8+ years in the role! you must get sick of this as a CEO trying to get local ,state and federal governments to help you improve the sport with the worst stadiums in Australia and New Zealand?

Surely you have planning days and catch up meetings with staff members to say" ok, how are we going re getting out the schedule for a full year this year."

Seriously, we wonder why the sport is suffering financially when we can't get out a simple, you play each other twice season a week before you start?

Seriously, go to a Uni or TAFE and get someone to help you improve communication to your members

End of rant

Topic #33986 | Report this topic

The Situation  
Years ago

Why not write to the CEO instead of ranting anonymously.

Reply #463387 | Report this post

Years ago

anonymous or not....good point. seems like a simple thing to do

Reply #463394 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with @the situation on this one.

Reply #463400 | Report this post

Years ago

[email protected]

3 seconds on google and bingo!!

Send it to him instead of being a dick!!

Reply #463411 | Report this post

Years ago

When you really think about it, the fact you have to send anything, email wise, or on here, is pretty poor form in my books..
If they need all of this actually explained to them in black and white its no wonder we are in the state we are in with basketball, it comes across as no real thought for anyone but themselves, we all have lives to plan around besides basketball.
If they need a week to get the schedule out, fair enough, we are all human, then the games should have started next week.. Would in my books shows respect for the basketball community at large.

Reply #463414 | Report this post

Years ago

Great points there OP!

Hey BMF, yeah, you ya dick, oh and TS, the OP(that stands for "Original Poster" just in case you have no idea what that means, you dick) probably wrote it here because the CEO probably reads here, you dick! SIMPLE. Get with the program.

Agree - the timetable released today is like hide and seek - now you see you don't......why the f*ck bother paying fees to this joke of an Association?

Reply #463423 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago


Reply #463425 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure how this is inappropriate. Good to see I'm not the only one who has had enough of the programming.

Nothing wrong with expressing what most people are thinking.

Reply #463437 | Report this post

Years ago

More effective if you're willing to put your name or avatar to it, though. Or at least state what your interest is (player? coach? parent? umpire? club official? failed applicant for CEO position? CEO of a competing sporting body?), so people can make an informed judgement of your motivation for posting. Hell, Derryn Hinch was prepared to go to jail for being seen to state his views openly. Posting a critical view anonymously reduces its weight significantly.

Reply #463439 | Report this post

Years ago

And those playing Div 1 at mt barker have just found out games rescheduled due to Mt barker Show.

BSA incompetent! !

Reply #463441 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #463446 | Report this post

The Situation  
Years ago

The content of the open letter isn't inappropriate. I just don't know why it wouldn't be addressed and sent personally to the CEO or anyone at BSA.

Below is a list of people who respond to open letters;

Reply #463448 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone could potentially make a similar list about changes achieved by underperforming organisations due to private letters received. How many calls are made and ignored in those types of situations?

I have no beef with BSA and can appreciate the scheduling challenges, but it's not as though this is the first complaint about delayed scheduling on Hoops - it's been happening for about 10 years. If the way teams are nominated and filled causes it, change that. There would have to be a way to do it and fix that problem.

Public letters and rallying of a community can realise change. I don't know if this is the letter to do it, but I wouldn't deny someone the attempt.

Reply #463451 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with Isaac that people are entitled to post an opinion. Replies by people like weeeeeeee (which appears to be a bit of a rant) are not really necessary, but I recognise that some people are unable to supply a constructive reply.
The Situation - "Below is a list of people who respond to open letters;" - were you being facetious or did you forget something.
As most people have suggested "contact the CEO or whoever at BSA".
If you go to the BSA website you will find a "Contact Us" topic which leads to ALL THE STAFF with their email contact addresses. Try that, it may not work, you may or may not get a reply, but at least you have tried.

Reply #463457 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd suggest The Situation has also listed the BSA employee's who would respond to a personal letter.

Reply #463468 | Report this post

Years ago

If you are from a club and you contact BSA directly expect a tap on the shoulder from the club as BSA will complain to your club is my guess.

Reply #463472 | Report this post

Years ago

And that's exactly what happens. Your club (like mine)may want to know why you didn't go through their admin. It's hard to keep everyone happy.

BTW have we all given up complaining about the atrocious scheduling of NBL games?
Have been told, directly from the office, that improvements will be EVERYWHERE next season.
It's just that the de-merger took so long/so late, that they couldn't change anything.
Honest....from the horse's mouth!!

Reply #463482 | Report this post

Years ago

An open letter is just a vent, which forums are good for, and get sweet FA done.
Email the person, call the organization. I know this happens in small associations because teams pull ut, teams go up a div, down, etc and hence they only release a few rounds.

More often than not it's the clubs who can't decide, don't nominate because kids/parents/players mess everyone around.

So weeeeeeee (that's really baby talk for a dick yeah?) jump up and down on a sex toy!!

Reply #463537 | Report this post

Years ago

Online petitions that's the way to go - clubs should be able to fine BSA for late notice just like when a club forfeits - Come on presidents make some noise.

Reply #463543 | Report this post

Years ago

BTW have we all given up complaining about the atrocious scheduling of NBL games?

How is the scheduling atrocious?

Not long ago people moaned about Wednesday and other weekday games, that was removed yet people still complain. Now it is basically Friday night, Saturday night or Sunday afternoon. I don't see a problem. If there is any it is a weird junior system where the games are played on a Friday night (WTF?)

Reply #463573 | Report this post

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