Years ago

BSA Development officers

Does anyone know what these guys do? Has Vicki Valk started work yet? What is her role and that of fellow Norwood Alumni Mike Rogers? I hope people don't veiw this as an axe to grind or witch hunt, but I am seriously in the dark as what the 2 NEW BSA DO's do for an average week! Schools??? Coaching courses? NITCP?? Watch junior games
Perhaps they could help with getting the winter comp draw out, now that would be value!

Topic #33981 | Report this topic

3 peat  
Years ago

I heard that Rodgers is in charge of the southern associations in the
Country areas and no one has seen him since his appointment.
You would think his job would be to get out and visit these affiliated
Associations as I'm assuming that's what they pay there affiliation fees for.
Can anyone from these southern associations confirm this?

Reply #463237 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem at the moment is travelling by push bike its only possible to reach the toll gate and return to the dome in an 8 hour work day. So I suspect the associations at Mile End, Unley, Urbrae and Richmond are all getting a lot of attention.

And will continue too for at least the next 3 years

Reply #463247 | Report this post

Years ago

Apparently Vicki doesn't leave the office, as she is bogged down doing administrative duties that don't fall under the job description that she was initially appointed to carry out. No fault of hers! Just poor leadership.

Mike Rodgers hasn't been sighted by all reports! This sounds about right and is a big part of why he left Norwood with his tail between his legs. Again poor supervision by Hubbard or Ingham.

Reply #463256 | Report this post

Years ago

I live in one of the country areas that is classified as South and our association has not seen Rodgers since he started his employment with SAC. How many visits is he supposed to make to each area each term? Have other areas received the same the lack of service from him??
Bet the people at Norwood are glad he's SAC's problem now!!

Reply #463280 | Report this post

Years ago

As many as the last bloke made ZERO in (2 plus) years

Reply #463281 | Report this post

Years ago

The overwhelming issue that comes from this topic, and all topics relating to BSA, is the fact that there does not appear to be any leadership. Let's be honest, what has Hubbard done since taking up the job, NOTHING. If the clubs are serious - and there seems to be many complaints - then it is up to the clubs to either shut up and put up with the current leadership - or sack Hubbard and find someone who will actuallly care about basketball in this state. BSA is the laughing stock of basketball in Australia because of the lack of leadership and direction.

Reply #463283 | Report this post

Years ago

The clubs have no control, Wayne Jackson took control off them.

It's up to the commission which are even worse than hubbard

Reply #463286 | Report this post

Years ago

The clubs do have control. All they would need to do is pull all their teams out of the bsa competition.

Reply #463289 | Report this post

Years ago

All they would need to do .... yeah it's that easy

Reply #463291 | Report this post

Years ago

Break away league ;)

Reply #463294 | Report this post

Years ago

It has been considered in the past - issue is finding enough courts to have a competition when many are controlled by BSA and not the clubs!!

Reply #463326 | Report this post

Years ago

And having the ability of players to represent State or be a member of NITP, both of which is run by BasketballSA.

Reply #463327 | Report this post

Years ago

The above discussion demonstrates why running district basketball should NOT be governed by the clubs. That is what caused the BASA disaster!

Reply #463356 | Report this post

Years ago

Rogers had big problems at Norwood! Made a mess of the domestic jun league,had basketball camps in the holidays that werent basketball, focusing on how to run, and school visits were non existent to introduce new players to the club. He could not make a decision, and was basically clueless when it came to developing a club. The committee was sick and tried of the bleak future of the club, and if he didn't leave would have been told to clean out his locker. I can't believe BSA would employ a guy with this track record. He is a clown, but whoever employed him is a bigger clown!!!

Reply #463368 | Report this post

Years ago

Most of the above post is untrue, but don't let the facts get in the way of a good whinge.

Reply #463372 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont know Michael well but have coached against him and believe he has a pretty decent understanding if and passion for the game. A lot of negativity here. .. as usual.

Reply #463373 | Report this post

Years ago

I know MIchael pretty well. Seems to be very experienced, knowledgeable, a good communicator, well educated in this area and hard working.

The problem is that Norwood wanted someone to run community type programs and elite programs. The skillsets required for both these jobs are different. Also to run a district club as large as Norwood AND to setup a local domestic competition is more than a mammoth task. Mike would have been stretched pillar to post.

I bet Norwood make the same mistake with his replacement. They need to stop spending their money on ABL and go out and get some proper resources. .

Reply #463376 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood looking after juniors first? Never going to happen, sadly.

Reply #463381 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems to be a lot of people on here who think it is a cake walk.

Trying to develop Junior Leagues and create development pathways in todays society is much harder than it ever has been.

With parental commitments of most children, trying to engage them in a sport that may only partially have their interest, taking up for 1-2 hours a week of families busy lives, and having a willing and cooperative parent is extremely difficult. This is coming from first hand experience.

It takes time, resources, and support to be able to make a noticeable impact.

The days of going to a school, running a clinic, and signing up 10 kids to play simply does not happen anymore.

Planning is the key, but flexibility is required to provide and interesting and encouraging approach to development.

Perhaps if the people at Norwood who are now having a go at Rogers assisted him better, and the people who were clearly knifing him whilst he was doing his job had actually contributed and focused their energy of helping instead of spewing verbal bali belly, maybe the results would have been different.

Different club, same story. Seen it time and time again. Point the finger, play the blame game, cry that nothing is be done, but sit back and do nothing yourself.

Reply #463384 | Report this post

Big Al  
Years ago

Most posts are off topic! The question is what do the development staff do? Are they out and about? Are they making a difference to the game in this state? Are they given the right direction from above? Basketball SA is in "struggle town" and all employees need to be transperent, and active in their areas. Is it that there is a CEO with no previous basketball background? A High Performance Manager that has no junior coaching experience! These people pull the strings!!

Reply #463443 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like they don't get out and about at all and are bludging and getting away with doing no work but collecting pay cheques. The senior people supervising are also doing the same. What do they do all day, surf the web?

Reply #463584 | Report this post

Years ago

^ your joking right? Vicki and David have completely re-structured the NITP program and they are at all the trainings for the 4 groups. I know for a fact that David has also been visiting players with elite potential as far away as port pirie to discuss development pathways for players. They were both at the country champs and they are over-seeing the DNSP program for all the developing country players. Just because you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they're not hard at work. Don't be such a synic, and don't comment on things (or more importantly people) that your are clueless on.

Reply #463599 | Report this post

Years ago

Its hardly a restructuring. Its actually a decreasing the number of sessions and number of kids a complete restructure. Plus one pwrosn was able to do all that with more sessions and more kids. Why does it take 2 people to do that?

Reply #463787 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey anonymous 787, less kids for squads means a more elite nature for each squad and more coaches for each session means more input and hands on approach for the players. More coaches improves the players and will improve the local competition because of coaches being exposed to NITP methodologies.

Reply #463804 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey anonymous 787, less kids for squads means a more elite nature for each squad and more coaches for each session means more input and hands on approach for the players. More coaches improves the players and will improve the local competition because of coaches being exposed to NITP methodologies.

Reply #463805 | Report this post

Years ago

Real good in theory until you realise that half the coaches there don't actually coach junior teams. So that there can't actually be a transfer into the junior competition.

Or that none of the people planning the session have any history in dealing with volunteer coaches nor actually ever coaching junior players, and there development.

Reply #463826 | Report this post

Years ago

Train wreck! Wasn't Vicky supposed to be the link to clubs? Coach education club development etc?? NITP is minority, not the majority of those involved with BSA clubs. Those coaches actually involved are at a loss to understand the focus of this "revamped" program.
Vicky has become the personal assistant of the BSA competitions manager, god knows they need help in this department. As far as M.Rogers, I don't know him, but if he wasnt making visits and doing what he was employed to do, then someone should be on his back about it, end of story.

Reply #463871 | Report this post

Years ago

Poster 826 you have made the statement that half the coaches at NITP don't coach junior teams. Obviously you must have attended boys and girls trainings to see who the coaches are.

Who exactly are the coaches, who are they coaching now or what experience do they have with juniors as far as you know?

Reply #463884 | Report this post

Years ago

Obviously u all need a life

Reply #463925 | Report this post

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