Seems to be a lot of people on here who think it is a cake walk.
Trying to develop Junior Leagues and create development pathways in todays society is much harder than it ever has been.
With parental commitments of most children, trying to engage them in a sport that may only partially have their interest, taking up for 1-2 hours a week of families busy lives, and having a willing and cooperative parent is extremely difficult. This is coming from first hand experience.
It takes time, resources, and support to be able to make a noticeable impact.
The days of going to a school, running a clinic, and signing up 10 kids to play simply does not happen anymore.
Planning is the key, but flexibility is required to provide and interesting and encouraging approach to development.
Perhaps if the people at Norwood who are now having a go at Rogers assisted him better, and the people who were clearly knifing him whilst he was doing his job had actually contributed and focused their energy of helping instead of spewing verbal bali belly, maybe the results would have been different.
Different club, same story. Seen it time and time again. Point the finger, play the blame game, cry that nothing is be done, but sit back and do nothing yourself.