The General
Years ago

Norwood Jun Program

What is happening at this once proud club with coaches departing quicker than the English batsmen! The Jun program is a shambles. Really sad!

Topic #33911 | Report this topic

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Who's left now?

There was a number of country coaches that move to the club, are they there for winter?

Reply #461595 | Report this post

Years ago

more info plse

Reply #461597 | Report this post

Years ago

Too many knobs running things. Bring back jenny clarke!!!!

Reply #461608 | Report this post

The General  
Years ago

A couple of the country coaches are non committal about the winter and beyond. We are losing kids by the week, the former DO left the club in an absolute mess! Simon P is an absolute rock and there should be a bronzed state of him out the front of Mars. Please bring back the glory days when Norwood was the envy of all.

Reply #461609 | Report this post

Years ago

Why did Berry and Schroeder leave? They both coached at Norwood for a long time. What is the problem?

Reply #461618 | Report this post

Years ago

From Norwood's facebook page:

"The Norwood Basketball Club invites expressions of interest for the Under 18 Girls Division 1 coach position for the Winter Season.

The current coach, Troy Schroeder and his wife, are expecting a baby in May so he will have his hands full! We wish him all the best with his new family when the times comes, and thank him for his 10+ years of service at the club!"

Contrary to what's been posted on previous Norwood threads, that's the reason behind one prominent coach not continuing for Winter.

Traveling hundreds of kilometers a week to coach basketball teams may be enough reason for coaches to move on. Perhaps this was the case with Peter Barry - I don't know.

As an outsider looking in it's quite difficult to gauge whether Norwood is indeed in shambles, or if posters are doing a poor job disguising their agenda. A lack of specifics outside of coaches leaving and the postponed AGM might just be a telltale sign.

Reply #461622 | Report this post

Years ago

Berry lives in Adelaide so that's not the reason. In any case if the rumours here lately are true he'll be coaching at another club next season. To me that says there's a problem.

Congratulations to Troy Schroeder and good luck to him on his new journey.

Reply #461624 | Report this post

Years ago

I suspect things are dodgy at nwd. Their results plummeting whilst a club out nth reaps the benefits.

Reply #461638 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed, poor state of affairs. Please help us BSA!!!!

Reply #461639 | Report this post

Years ago

From my perspective ,coming from s stable club previously ,my son has had 5 coaches in 2 years ?I think norwood r stuffed .

Reply #461647 | Report this post

Years ago

And I hope u parents are good bbqers now u have 2 lads?im sure your subs wont go up now.due 2 new aquasitions;

Reply #461648 | Report this post

Years ago

Close the doors, the horse has bolted! No coaches, too much country influence. Mr Rogers and his band of inbred cousins have left the club with zero local representation. Bring back the days of the Coleman brothers, the Nagys, Lester Fonville, Matt Dodson.

Reply #461666 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure what the anon poster expects BSA to do? The PAID members need to demand an Executive meeting to execute a swift resolution. Not sure what this postponed AGM is about or results from but it surely shows weakness at the club be it due to an internal squabble or some other issue it's taken to long to resolve and people don't like uncertainty..

Not a fan of the club but its up to the members to demand action and take control.

Reply #461671 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I know the anons will bag me for this, but Norwood really need to have a good hard look at themselves and where they want to be. They have always actively sought out country kids from the DNSP programmes and offered them incentives to play at that club. A few players is fine, but when you have significant numbers of country players on a team, I can't see how that is a good thing for the long term benefit of the Club. I don't think a FIFO culture helps a club.

Sturt set the benchmark in this state, so what do they well?:

1. Have a plan to recruit good coaches
2. Develop those coaches
3. Retain those coaches
4. Clearly articulate their standards required by both players and coaches
5. Have clear follow through when those standards aren't met.
6. Work on skills development
7. Develop players early on
8. Don't look for the "next best thing", develop what they have

How does your Club stack up against Sturt?

Reply #461672 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, you're asking for it!

Reply #461673 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack I agree with all bar 8.

Sturt do! look for "next best thing" they do! certainly approach players and actively recruit better players from other clubs.

The one thing Sturt also does is seems to manage its players well in terms of grouping - building core 1st and second year teams and keeping numbers low.

Whilst forestville and South have 113 teams and surely not 113 quality coaches Sturt have 79 and while they probably don't have 79 quality coaches Quality control, management of players and coaches is a lot easier.

Sadly Sturt have the benefit of "attraction", some coaches want to go there because they get to work with quality players, players want to go there because they get to be on teams full with good players and winning history.

Like Moths to a Flame - Flys to Shit etc etc.

Reply #461684 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt approach good players from other clubs so point 8 isn't entirely true!

Reply #461685 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt approach good players from other clubs so point 8 isn't entirely true!

Reply #461686 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I agree about the core group. When you keep a core of players together for a long period they know each other's moves etc. "a quality team will always beat a team of quality players"

We have heard it before about Sturt and their "you know you could go a lot further with your basketball if you played for Sturt", but look at their team lists. They have a core group, low turnover, and the occasional player from another club. Clubs that are "easybeats" are always changing their rosters.

Reply #461689 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't think everything is all too good at sturt! Watch this space announcement imminent

Reply #461690 | Report this post

Years ago

You only see the players that change to Sturt. You don't see the other players that they approach to which families decline

Reply #461692 | Report this post

Years ago

What announcement?

Reply #461693 | Report this post

Years ago

There will be announcement with a coach leaving for another role. Everything at Sturt is not what it seems. As long as Meseche stays at Sturt this will now help basktball in SA

Reply #461695 | Report this post

Years ago

the whole culture at Sturt now is negative. So abusive, angry and nasty. Only coaches who treat players like objects are being promoted.

Lack of respect for players and parents, starts at the top.

But the brand and the brain washing still working well so parents continue to believe you have to play there to win, on the boys side.

Girls program falling apart very quickly.

Reply #461698 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt attracts coaches because there is no bullshit there. Coaches want to:
-spend most of their time Working with players, not parents
-have communication with their peers that are normal, intelligent ppl. Snds silly but some -clubs seem to attract wierdos as coaches and working with these types is draining.
-players that are motivated and self driven. U have to build an environment that encourages ans supports these traits
- an environment that measures, respects and rewards achievers and eensures accountability
- coaching director that understands pathways for junior athletes, and coaches.
- in an environment that they feel has a vision for their club, players and coaches.
- committees that realise that their 2 yrs of watching jane play u12s does not make them experts and a coaching director thats able to make decisions without a democratic committee on every single decision around selections, plays, team standards etc

U bring this into ur club environment and u will not only attract coaches but players as well. If not, well there are examples of what happens out there

Reply #461699 | Report this post

Years ago

what rubbish

sturt attracts coaches for the same reason it attracts players

because they want to win easy.

All Clubs including Sturt have the issues listed above, that's just part of junior sport.

Reply #461700 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^ Anon you are either one of the Sturt coaches or have no clue to what goes on and are guessing. There is plenty of bullshit going on and the committee hates Meseche with a passion but don't have the guts to terminate his contract due to a president who thinks he is doing an ok job.

Reply #461701 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ and there is the problem. If u dont know it's broken then how are you going to fix it??

Reply #461702 | Report this post

Years ago

Troll away anons

Reply #461704 | Report this post

Years ago

The General,

I find your 'inside' opinion very intriguing. You sound like you are significantly involved in what goes on at your club which is also very interesting.

A committee member perhaps? Not likely. After the AGM, a brand new committee was appointed, all who are very much on the same page. A parent then? Also unlikely. I wouldn’t imagine a parent would be privy to all this ‘information’ you seem to have about ‘a couple of country coaches’ being non-committal. I believe the majority of the country coaches are involved in the girls program. Interesting. Whilst anyone can have an opinion on the current state of the junior program and the performance of the former development officer (many on this forum have already), I’m going to take a stab and suggest that maybe you’ve been a bit more involved than your average anonymous poster.

As for Simon, he brings a wealth of experience matched by few other coaches in the state. It must be a really great opportunity to be involved with him. Unfortunately, it might be difficult to erect ‘a bronzed state’ out the front of Mars.

Alias’ only hide so much, General.

Reply #461708 | Report this post

Years ago

AK-47, I can't see anything in The General's posts that suggest any inside knowledge at all. What are you trying to prove? Whatever it is you are drawing a pretty long bow.

Reply #461741 | Report this post

Years ago

Look closer, anon.

Reply #461743 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Calling "The General" !

Reply #461745 | Report this post

Years ago

Ak-47, your previous posts suggest that you are also an insider at Norwood. You seem to be suggesting that The General is someone highly involved at your own club. Do you think sniping at him or her on a public forum is wise?

Just seems to prove the points of others that all is not well at your club.

Reply #461761 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone who thinks Pritchard is coming back in to save the day is sadly mistaken. He was the start of this whole mess back when he took over the JCD role previously. He only cared about his own kids teams.

My mail is that the new committee won't allow him to continue to feather his own nest by buying ABA championships. But rather will be shown the door cause he backed the wrong horse, and has run the club dry.

Reply #461769 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The unanswered question that keeps cropping up in my mind, "what does Norwood stand for?"

I look at the culture of every junior club and I see a distinct culture at each club, albeit range from Bogan pride to elitist snobbery. I would be keen to hear from a Norwood person "what does your club stand for?" "What does it mean to pull on the red and the blue?" "what is the culture at your club?"

Reply #461777 | Report this post

Years ago

You have way too much time jack,

Reply #461792 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd like to think Norwood has a plan with the calibre of coaches they have at the D1 level.
Trudy Ireland with the 12 girls. Wigzell with the 14 girls. Murphy 14 boys. Helder Borges 16 boys.
So 2 state country coaches, and a coach who has played basketball overseas.

Reply #461807 | Report this post

Years ago

I feel for kids at Norwood who have done the hard yards only to have kids continually recruited over them. See what changes will be happening in winter season. If it wasn't for their senior program where a lot of money is spent the output of juniors is abysmal for a club who professes to be top 3. A good team here and there occasionally but no system for continual improvement across the club.

Reply #461817 | Report this post

Years ago

^^^ Well if you feel for the kids at Norwood, how do you think the kids at Sturt feel?

Reply #461824 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes Sturt and Norwood are similar in one respect - you risk getting recruited over BUT once at Sturt you do get developed compared Norwood

Reply #461827 | Report this post

Years ago

All these peanuts that talk about recruiting. So, a kid is jacked off at their club. OK, so stop them from moving and let them go play another sport??? Get a grip.

Some clubs just don't do a good job and players/parents as they move through realize this. Normally it's the better kids that see a gap in the coaching they're getting in other programs (school/state/NITP etc) and in their club environment. 99% of the time parents/players make the approach first to move. If this is the case you can't really turn them away.

Reply #461829 | Report this post

Years ago

Not at STurt, it is 99% Meseche chasing and poaching the better kids to bring over.

Reply #461830 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous 807 - that coaching line-up is hardly striking fear into the hearts of opposition clubs.
Most clubs have a stronger line-up than that.
Also what about the age groups you left out. What about your Under 18 coaches. Last I checked you don't have any.

Reply #461845 | Report this post

Years ago

829, problem is that the kids are promised the world and then realise that it is not all roses and in the end they leave as well. Are you serious about 99% of the time. I guess I am the 1% so I can work out who the other 99% who approached others are.

Reply #461846 | Report this post

panther nation  
Years ago

get with it and compete for a spot - that is why we have half baked div 1 teams - cause they just roll up and get a gig

Reply #461849 | Report this post

Years ago


Div 1 Girls rankings Summer Season. U12 to U18 combined performances.

1. Forestville. Ave ladder of 1.3, win % 94%
2. Eastern. Ladder 2.5, Win % 80%
3. Sturt. Ladder 3.5, Win % 66%
4. West. Ladder 4.3, Win % 58%
5. Southern. Ladder 5, Win % 55%
6. Centrals. Ladder 6, Win % 46%
7. North. Ladder 6.5, Win % 34%
8. Norwood. Ladder 6.5, Win % 33%
9. South. Ladder 8, Win % 18%
10. Woodville. Ladder 8.7, Win% 8%

Reply #461964 | Report this post

Years ago

My money on mavs for state.girls and fville runner up

Reply #461965 | Report this post

Years ago

Some kids leave strong stacked clubs from winning Div 3 teams as 1st years which shows strength in abilitys hoping for Div 1 gig as 2nd year and more than capable only to be used to prop up the 1st years that haven't developed well in Div 2. The Div 1's take on the superstar 1st years knocking out 2nd year opportunities to develop in a good all 2nd year team. Those Div 1 teams generally don't quite get there as the superstars mostly have not matured and developed a team attitude and up against smart 2nd year defence are taken out of the game. Sturt boys are strong because they rarely do this and keep most age/year groups together. Its not just about skill and potential but maturity and building a team that know each other and equals. Many teams that are successful start together and move up together and go interstate and have success. Clubs need to look at the formulas and see what is working on the whole. Sturt girls on the other hand do the same as most clubs fast tracking players only to miss the opportunity to develop the 1st years in Div 2 to make a winning Div 1 team as they mature together. Forestville is the anomaly as it somehow aquires a dispropotionate number of talls... Come on clubs change your formulas and the tally board will look substantially different. Only then can a Div 1 and other coaches have a team to work with who are all in the same page. Clubs please remember that the younger the superstar the less likely they will be mature enough to handle the team concept. If you make a nine year old feel like they are better than their team mates then you will get a player who plays that way. When schools fast track kids they have a long process of interviews to discuss issues with parents and the student. Perhaps this needs to happen in sport too. On the flip side you lose those potenti strong and maybe late developing 2nd years you pushed aside to other sports or emotionally knock their confidence.

Reply #461982 | Report this post

Years ago

Some kids leave strong stacked clubs from winning Div 3 teams as 1st years which shows strength in abilitys hoping for Div 1 gig as 2nd year and more than capable only to be used to prop up the 1st years that haven't developed well in Div 2. The Div 1's take on the superstar 1st years knocking out 2nd year opportunities to develop in a good all 2nd year team. Those Div 1 teams generally don't quite get there as the superstars mostly have not matured and developed a team attitude and up against smart 2nd year defence are taken out of the game. Sturt boys are strong because they rarely do this and keep most age/year groups together. Its not just about skill and potential but maturity and building a team that know each other and equals. Many teams that are successful start together and move up together and go interstate and have success. Clubs need to look at the formulas and see what is working on the whole. Sturt girls on the other hand do the same as most clubs fast tracking players only to miss the opportunity to develop the 1st years in Div 2 to make a winning Div 1 team as they mature together. Forestville is the anomaly as it somehow aquires a dispropotionate number of talls... Come on clubs change your formulas and the tally board will look substantially different. Only then can a Div 1 and other coaches have a team to work with who are all in the same page. Clubs please remember that the younger the superstar the less likely they will be mature enough to handle the team concept. If you make a nine year old feel like they are better than their team mates then you will get a player who plays that way. When schools fast track kids they have a long process of interviews to discuss issues with parents and the student. Perhaps this needs to happen in sport too. On the flip side you lose those potenti strong and maybe late developing 2nd years you pushed aside to other sports or emotionally knock their confidence.

Reply #461983 | Report this post

Years ago

That's your problem right there! Pick your best 8 players for div 1, next best for div 2 and so on, worked when I played and there wasn't much changing clubs back then!

Reply #461986 | Report this post

Years ago

Best player definiton is not always the one who can do the fancy tricks and skills and pop a few shots. Thats pretty much useless if they have no team concept and cannot stick to plays and as soon as good defensive pressure they turn it over. Thats poor Ball IQ. Most trainings have no decent pressure and its against the Div 2 weaker 1st years so hardly a measure of game time. Sturts high low help and split line defence breaks those players every time. For every shot made there are missed opportunites, lazy defence creating holes as always waiting for the fast break and glory goal and for my money I want some smart players who can create assists across the board and move the ball around. Best teams in U10 don't always equate to that in U16 either so ensuring you can develop some size is also important. Last years nationals displayed SA lack of size and I wonder if a different approach can rectify that over time.

Reply #461989 | Report this post

Years ago

^Anon I agree, also don't forget that quite a few players aged 10-11-12-13 who dominate this group may have already peaked in maturity, their bodies may be advanced to a stage where they can monster other kids, only to see the bean poles grow and tower over them by under 18 level.

Seen this many times, the junior team of early devlopers stop growing at 5'11" and then revert back to football, where many of them belong!

Reply #461991 | Report this post

Years ago

Wigzell gone after the winter season. There will be others that won't continue in the navy blue beyond this coming season. Poor state of affairs, North not far behind. Centrals the club of the north, it is hard to believe but true!

Reply #461999 | Report this post

Years ago

Once Norwood gets into gear they will comeback quickly! You watch, 3-4 yrs time Norwood will be back, with some better results starting sooner rather than later.

Reply #462002 | Report this post

Years ago

So 1 or 2 years back when Norwood were claiming to have all these great coaches coming into the junior program from SA Country, I was one who laughed because I knew of their track record and zero results. Fast becoming club hoppers who burn junior groups with short term recruiting and self ego inflating. Not to mention being clueless.

Political problems now at Norwood.)) With insight now Centrals are laughing and trying to forget.

Where will it be next??

Reply #462006 | Report this post

Years ago

trying to fast track success by brining in "state country coaches" who attract "state country players" does not work unless they commit to the club. Div 1 players need to train twice a week. It's ridiculous to promise kids Div 1 spots over kids that live close by. It only drives a wedge between players and creates an "us and them" at the club.

Reply #462007 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #462008 | Report this post

Years ago

Murphy has been at 4 clubs, Ireland 3-4? Dragging country kids from one club to the next and then burning the locally based players in the process. Bad fit, next club they lob at beware!

Reply #462011 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not sure you could say that these country coaches did too much damage at Centrals. The girls program was basically non-existent before they got there. The club had a 1xgirls div 1 team that was getting belted each week, coached by a local Dad with virtually no basketball experience and 25 girls playing in the club in TOTAL! This represented no base to build on.

By turning a non-existent program into a program that had numbers, div 1 teams in every girls age group (for the first time in history - that's EVER) it provided competitive teams for the local girls to play in (some local girls were good enough to make div 1) and the chance for girls that were only capable of playing div 2 to play at that level, not filling in holes in div 1 like they had to previously. Not each everyone of their teams were not getting thumped by 60+ points each week, infact some teams started making finals and U14 Nationals. Previously, with no suitable, adequate, girls coaches locally, mostly parents, non-basketball people coaching girls teams it created momentum shift.

When you create teams able to compete in the competition, pathways by having div 1 teams competing you attract players and coaches both locally and from country areas.

Only problem was that they did not commit, moving to Norwood.

However, the benefits outweighed the negatives, with girls teams having winning seasons for the first time ever, actually getting teams in div 1 competitions, growth in numbers and some future Australian Camp reps actually moved down to the Gawler area from country areas as a result. This change in performance, growth, winning culture, improved coaches only makes it easier to attract and retain local girls.

It has been impressive that Centrals girls program has bounced back from the hit it took when the country girls/coaches moved on and continues to build. Well done!

You will find that this season there will be lots of new country girls added again. They are choosing Centrals because of the fact the club has div 1 teams and actual coaches. These same players would have drvien past the club 5 years ago.

Reply #462019 | Report this post

Years ago

019, you sound like you have inside knowledge on Centrals, were you a CD there?

Reply #462031 | Report this post

Years ago

Ireland coaching Immanuel College. Sturt only had her for 1 season before she moved to West.

Reply #462057 | Report this post

Years ago

You are talking about Hopgood. She played at Norwood.

Trudy Ireland is coach from York Peninsula.

Reply #462070 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #462083 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumour going around is that two state U18 players are going to Norwood Another great development effort by the club. I wonder what happens to the players displaced by them especially as the team made the GF. I guess the development in Div 2 will bring them back better and stronger players for the future!!

Reply #462390 | Report this post

Years ago

From which club are these players? North Adelaide Rockets???

Why would they go there? They don't have a coach. Maybe ABL.youth league is selling point??

Reply #462394 | Report this post

Years ago

I've heard a rumour Mavs U18 Boys have folded.

Reply #462402 | Report this post

Years ago

Total disarray at Norwoood?

U23 Div 1 Runners Up
U23 Div 2 Premiers
U23 Div 3 2nd in Group A

U18 Div 1 Grand Finalist
U18 Div 2 Grand Finalist
U18 Div 3 1st in Group A (one round to go)

U16 Div 2 Grand Finalist
U16 Div 3 1st in Group A

About time they got their act together ...

Reply #462408 | Report this post

Years ago

So what is coming through in the lower age groups?

What happened to the super team of U14's coming through - where are the U16's Div 1's?

Yes at this level you mention it looks all glossy and fine but underneath that paint is a collpasing infrastructure!!

Reply #462424 | Report this post

Years ago

its ok, the ABA women are spending all your money again, you can bask in their glory

Reply #462433 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh my god people.

Why bother with the sniping and hate?

Do you feel better about your Club, your life because you can say negative things about someone else.

What an embarrassment you are and I hope your not a member of my club as I certainly wouldn't like someone so insecure and weak to be involved in the club I am.

This whole thread is an indictment on basketball in this state and how horrible it is.

Reply #462439 | Report this post

Years ago

The funniest thing is that in trying to defend his club Anon has actually proved that Norwood are struggling.

u23s travelling very well.

u18s successful but the coach who is largely responsible for that has walked out on your club.

u16s div 1 nowhere as good as people expected, maybe because half of their players have jumped ship to Centrals.

u14s are ordinary and u12s are really bad.

I'd call that total disarray.

Reply #462472 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the problems at Norwood have not happened overnight. They've been progressively occurring over the past 7 or 8 yrs. The loss of Jenny Clarke roughly coincided when the problems started and the club has dug itself a progressively deeper hole since then.

Im not convinced the loss of the u18 coach caused the problems. He was actually a part of the problems. Im pretty sure with cooper on board, a new president and soon to be new coaching director it will be turned around in a very short space of time.

Reply #462475 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't believe anyone is saying the loss of the u18 coach caused the problems. How exactly was he part of the problem anyway? He's one of the only ones who ever had teams that were winning lately.

If you really think it will be turned around in a short space of time then you are delusional.

Reply #462477 | Report this post

Years ago

Not good timing on drafting 2 new guys to 18s.sturt will be sitting back laughing.The fringe 18s will be thinking about their spot on roster next season.probably couldn't b helped.

Reply #462489 | Report this post

Years ago

Any wonder why no SA teams play the Norwood Easter carnival?

Reply #462492 | Report this post

Years ago

Fully agree 462439 - this is a really sad thread... Some people just really get off on rumours, speculation, hate and dragging down everyone around them. ... Who really cares.... Just play ball peoples...

Reply #462525 | Report this post

Years ago

"u18 coach caused the problems. He was actually a part of the problems. Im pretty sure with cooper on board"

What rubbish - I think you've got it back to front! At least one of the people mentioned cared about his players workloads... pity he's no longer there.
Norwoods significant loss will be another clubs gain.

Reply #462559 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting coming across this post..

the state of affairs at Norwood are 100% worse now.

there is a strong group of 14 boys and that's about it.

Still poaching random counrty coaches and kids.

the mass exodus has begun, kids transferring and unfortunately quitting.

Reply #632817 | Report this post

Years ago

But they have the ARC - surely this and their professional development of competitions outside of district basketball is counter intuitive to what anon above is saying

Reply #632820 | Report this post

Years ago

ARC is the most expensive court hour they have. Costing money whenever they use it.

Reply #632831 | Report this post

Years ago

And sorry,but only 2 out of the 5 courts are regulation size.

Reply #632832 | Report this post

Years ago

Leisure centres are bloody expensive if privatwly run for councils. Marion Leisure Centre old as they come was council run and charged $33 an hour for a basketball court. YMCA came in and now almost double the cost for same thing so can't imagine cost to ARC users such as Norwood. Pasadena the same, pay BSA who pay Education Department so cheaper to hire externally. Coats to clubs that are non BSA owned are huge.

Reply #632846 | Report this post

Years ago

Please dont let a new stadium trick you into thinking the affairs are together, ha ha ha they are anything BUT.

Any new people to the club have anything to say?

Reply #632879 | Report this post

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