Years ago

Fearne calls out Taipans fans, players

TAIPANS coach Aaron Fearne has blasted certain sections of the club's fan base as cancerous, accusing them of trying to tear down the community organisation with their criticism following a string of losses that has booted the side out of NBL finals contention.

While accepting the team has underperformed, the long-time coach and inaugural player was stinging of some online critics who have grown in voice since last Friday's woeful performance against Sydney.

In chat forums, Twitter and Facebook they called for Fearne to stand down and questioned the club's culture, but the proud mentor said he had no plans of going anywhere and that it would fuel his desire to succeed.

"I don't have Facebook and I don't have Twitter, I just hear what they say and that's their opinion. But I'll definitely remember who those people are; that's who I am, I won't let it ride off into the sunset," he said.

"There is definitely some influential people in this community that have been part of this organisation that are very negative and cancerous. That's really disappointing to be honest, why they would want to tear it down."

"Lately we've played teams that are in exactly the same position as us and we haven't matched their intensity," he said.

"Alex (Loughton), Jamar (Wilson) and Demetri (McCamey) are the three that need to be solid, inspirational and execute.

"I don't know the numbers on this, but big games against Melbourne on January 5 and the last three games take those three and what have their numbers been?

"To me, that's where your leaders step up."

Topic #33842 | Report this topic

Years ago

pointing the finger at everyone except himself ... absolutely amateurish stuff yet again from the taipans .. if a professional coach is preoccupied with making sh*t lists of outsiders he's got a problem with then he belongs in the grandstand with those outsiders .. the only 'cancerous' element the taipans and their coach should be concerned about is the soft culture of excuses that has infected that club

Reply #460085 | Report this post

Nathan of Perth  
Years ago

Occasions where a coach blasting a fan base can improve a club's circumstances:

Reply #460086 | Report this post

Years ago

Feeling some pressure obviously. Shouldn't be drawn to react to that criticism and instead accept responsibility along with players. None of what he said there specifically accepted any responsibility, just said that it was expected.

Should've said that he and the team are unhappy with those recent games, that they haven't matched intensity and that he has spoken with core players about how they can all address that together. X, Y and Z are the backbone of his team and he and they expect them to lift when the games are on the line.

Reply #460088 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

just signed his own death warrant!

Reply #460091 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

calling out players - worked for Phil Jackson.

do you want the run of the mill 'we're trying hard and working hard, we just need to stick to our systems and blah blah blah' or a passionate answer from someone who obviously cares about the team/club? Sure it'll ruffle some feathers, but I'd be worried if he wasn't fired up after the crap of the last 2 weeks.

I'd also suggest reading the entire article, it's hardly a tirade against the entire fanbase...

P.s. Anonymous #460085 - I'd laugh at your 'soft culture' comment, but i'm too concerned about your mental health......

Reply #460098 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Poor judgement call on his behalf. All hes done is flame the fires.Could get a job down at Morwell.

Reply #460102 | Report this post

Years ago

Podge, did Jackson call out fans and some involved in the club? This seems like a big misstep to me. Nathan of Perth has outlined the risk/reward factor pretty well.

Reply #460103 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be interesting to see how the players (and fans)react in the next game.

Reply #460104 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Issac point taken - though he probably should have taken aim at ole Jack 'I'll leave before half time if we're losing because i have to go make another sub par movie' Nicholson.....

He wasn't blasting the entire fan base either.

He also goes on to say that people have the right (to leave early/complain) but they have to work hard to redeem themselves.

Reply #460106 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

p.s. Issac if no one turns up Saturday and or arrive with pitch forks and torches - i'll take everything i've said back and i'll buy you a cartoon of cask wine (the classy stuff).

Reply #460107 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

or carton...

Reply #460108 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't worry Podge, Fearne is safe nothing in it.

Reply #460111 | Report this post

Years ago

Players win games, Coaches lose... NEVER call out your team or players through the media. Players dont respond well to that.

On the fan front, fans were spoiled by a highly over-achieving team that made the grand final and now they expect that every year. They have a very young team and IMO they were always going to struggle.

Bruce Gliddon Steindl Young in either their first or 2nd year alongside a leader such as Loughton who is their worst and best player each and every night. He frustrates the hell out of me, so much talent but does some stupid sh!t.

There is a process to win, look at the Wildcats; they have had a very stable core over the past 4/5yrs with Martin, Redhage, Knight, Wagstaff & Hire. Those guys have grown together and over time they have produced.

Cairns fans need to be patient and supportive of the process!

Reply #460113 | Report this post

Tiger Watcher  
Years ago

can't belive we comparing phil jackson to Fearne.....totally diff when a HOF coach calls you out!!!

Reply #460121 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

......................weigh is opposed to fair play,he wants it all and he wants it his way,and when he sees his reflection he's fulfilled,but his brain has been mismanaged with great skill. Well, there's a woman, on my block, she'll just sit there facing the hill, she says ; " WHO!
take away his licence to kill."

Reply #460136 | Report this post

Years ago

Townsville went down the road with people in the community tearing the club down and it has almost killed them. People in Cairns should think very seriously before trying to sabotage support for the Taipans.

Reply #460138 | Report this post

Years ago

Paul, you seem to blame the public for that - not the club? If the commentary is coming because the community is passionate about their team then that is something to be managed, and something to build on if the club has their shit together.

Reply #460139 | Report this post

Years ago

Aaron Fearne is not Phil Jackson...

Reply #460142 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Aaron Fearne isn't Phil Jackson? Outstanding observation.

Still not convinced that Shane Heal isn't Michelle Timms though

Reply #460143 | Report this post

Years ago

You can't play the community card then bag the fans!
Fearne is carrying on like he owns the team. He needs to realises he's just an under performing employee!

Reply #460145 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

*sigh* another quality comment brought to you by Anonymous - a name synonymous with quality....

Reply #460146 | Report this post

Years ago

HO, all I'm saying is anyone trying to drag their club down and sabotage support because they don't like something the club is doing should look at the results that has brought elsewhere.

Reply #460148 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Agree Paul - and it's normally the loudest who know the least.

Reply #460150 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with you king podge

The influential people or powers that be may be deterring 10 ppl from coming to games and that ten might be deterring 5 people from getting to games. Soon it snowballs and the community are not behind the team because word of mouth.

Ask Townsville and Wollongong how their crowds have gone this year? These community teams need all the support they can get and I agree with fearne he is only standing up for a club he loves. People clearly take it the other way

Reply #460152 | Report this post

Years ago

The league is close to folding and Cairns are not travelling well. Podge says all is Ok so b it.

Reply #460154 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Zing! Another bombshell! Close to folding now!!

Well played anon 460155, well played.

Reply #460156 | Report this post

Years ago

Who knows what Fearne even actually said, the media always change crap to how it best suits for the story anyway.

It's sad when some of the people putting the most money into the club are the ones on the side line bagging every second player and the coach....

Reply #460182 | Report this post

Years ago

Before the season started I thought Perth would make the grand final and play Cairns/Melbourne...

Fast forward a couple of months roughly 30 January and Cairns beat Perth in Perth (I think in over time) and I turned to my mate beside me and said "Cairns will play us in the grand final this year"

I'm not sure the plane has landed yet from Perth as Cairns has done absolutely diddly squat since.

Trigger is a loss but they are über talented squad and they will be better next season if they can keep their team together... But I don't think we will see Fearne coach in this league after this season.

He is cancerous

Reply #460192 | Report this post

Years ago

the word on my grapevine was that some certain influential people that Coach refers to got a gutfull of drink last Friday at the Taipans legends lunch and few things were said about the coach and players which I guess didnt take long to get back to them

Reply #460194 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

GTS - solid grape vine.

Reply #460197 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe those influential people on the grog are the ones looking for a new coach.

Reply #460198 | Report this post

Years ago

Problem is lots of those influential people are foundation members and sit on the board so they're entitled to some input into the direction of the club. They need to learn that how and when they went about voicing these concerns was totally inappropriate though.

A few of these people also need to grow some perspective too. I want to see NBL played in Cairns in 5 years time and I'm a Taipans fan, which doesn't just mean I show up when they're winning.

Reply #460230 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Agree with proud, Fearne is the cancer.
A quality coach will respond with victories (see Gordie), not whingeing to the press. It's the coach's job to make sure players are playing with the intensity level they need to.

Also agree with King Podge, "Still not convinced that Shane Heal isn't Michelle Timms though"

Camel31 pull your head in, still trying to hate on Weigh. He's the only Taipan playing with a high level of intensity every week.

Loughton needs to step up most. But going by his Take40 article during the week he just seems pretty comfortable (and dare I say complacent) about his situation in Cairns.

Reply #460231 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Gordie and Fearne have almost identical win/loss %.

Given that both coach teams tight with their salary caps - I think that tells a bigger story. Under any definition of the term I don't see how u can call Fearne a 'cancer'.

But at least we agree on Timms/Heal and that Weigh - despite his shooting slump- has been solid all season., especially off the bench.

Reply #460241 | Report this post

Years ago

@King Podge, you say those who know the least are the loudest, yet it seems to be you who just tries to shout down and belittle others who don't agree with you without actually providing any real commentary on what you think should happen (if anything) to make the Taipans successful.
Oh, and anonymous does not immediately equate to ignorance.

I don't know that Aaron Fearne is necessarily a cancer. He knows basketball, that's clear. He's a student of the game, you can tell that by just talking to him about basketball. But as a coach he's stagnated and he's had a very, VERY bad year.
Why he would recruit a combo guard for the second import spot when the team already had Wilson was a head-scratcher, and it hasn't worked. Bringing Wilson off the bench hasn't worked. He struggled to find a starting combination to work. His recruitment of Weigh was a mistake. And his rotations have been pretty deplorable the whole season.
So that's the on-court stuff.
Off the court, in the past two weeks Fearne has twice publicly criticised the fans - once in his newsletter and again in this piece. He has had a dig at the media and has now publicly called out certain players. Dumb stuff, particularly calling out the fans on the very day the club announces its season membership packages for next season. But there has also been a glaring lack of introspection - and seemingly little if any accountability or responsibility on his behalf.

As far as recruitment goes, Fearne has also fallen into the trap that a lot of other coaches have fallen into - bringing guys in thinking he's the one to turn their career around. He thought he could turn Brad Hill into a player and now he's done the same with Weigh (who is contracted for next season as well). Weigh, like Hill, is incredibly inconsistent and will never reach the "potential" that has been placed on him.

The other big thing that Fearne struggles with is being able to inspire his players. In this piece he dismisses a head coach's role in this area, but it's so true. Phil Jackson has been brought up in this thread - do you honestly think he didn't inspire his players? He was constantly finding ways to motivate them. It's also interesting that Fearne brings up leadership in this piece, because IT IS a head coach's role to be the ultimate leader, and to be a good leader you need a certain charisma to allow those around you to be inspired enough to follow your orders. Fearne just doesn't have that personality.

As a club Cairns - basically since the grand final season of 2010-11 - has gone backwards both on and off the court. Key personnel have left the front office and the club has started to again alienate itself from its community (not the other way around), due mainly to its own arrogance. It's almost a mirror image to what happened in the O'Brien days. There is a feeling in the community that there is a "boys club" running the show - from the board to Beecroft and Fearne. Board members and a CEO who just want to be seen as big-hitters in Cairns (ie. driven by ego), rather than having the club's best interest at heart. Change is desperately needed for the club to rid itself of this perception (or reality). The club needs to again re-engage with its community properly, like it was doing around 2010-11 - and there's more to it than just doing school visits (although that's something I'll give the club credit for - their So You Think You Can Play? and Tiny Taipans etc programs are brilliant).

One thing the Taipans have done on the court in the past couple of years that has been positive is trying to build a team around young guys like Gliddon, Steindl and Young. I give Fearne a heap of praise for this approach. However, if Gliddon and Steindl walk after this season because they don't like the system, coach, whatever - then what's the point? I hope they stay with Cairns, but if I'm Gliddon and Perth, for example, comes calling, why do I stay with Cairns?

All in all, despite the fact Fearne is still contracted the Taipans need to cut him loose. He's run his race. They face (are already facing) a backlash in the community and Cairns (more so than Townsville or Wollongong) is a very hard sell. As we saw after the O'Brien debacle, it takes a very, very long time to win back both supporters and sponsors if you're not treating them right. And at the moment, it doesn't seem like they are. Financially, they can't affort not to pay out Fearne.

But nothing WILL happen, because for positive change to occur it's not just Fearne who should be chopped, and the siege mentality is well and truly alive already.

Reply #460246 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

At least we're on the same page, FTW. But Cairns is not a harder sell than Townsville or Wollongong. It's probably more attractive than both. Look at the teams we have had on paper the last few years compared with those two clubs; keeping in mind Cairns' salary cap situation.

"Boys club", hmm sounds a lot like what's going on down in Townsville too.

Reply #460251 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

FTW - shout down and belittle? brother, I aint shouting or belittling. Challenging people's opinions - esp by Anon's who post ridiculous things without any evidence - aint shouting down and belittling.

Take Statsheet Stuffer for example - I dont agree with him on much but we've managed to have a discussion about basketball without devolving to yo mumma slagging matches, well.. mostly.

I could take an hour to respond to your inane rant sorry that was belittling wasn't it DAMNIT maybe you are right).... But I'm going to try and get an invite into this 'boys club' you talk about. Sounds like fun - wonder if they serve sandwiches.

Reply #460257 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Well for starters, I don't even know your mother, Podge. I'm sure she's lovely though.

See anons, we're doing it amicably.

Reply #460259 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

hahaha see keep that up and you might just make the Christmas card list SS!

FYI all my Christmas cards this year will include a photo of Fearne:)

Reply #460260 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

seriously though, debate, especially passionate debate is positive. It's the generalizations, strawman arguments, erroneous accusations, hyperbole and lack of a connection to reality that some commentators have i have the problem with.

I too have a problem with my connection to reality - but that's more to do with what size jeans i can fit into, not my basketball observations.

Reply #460261 | Report this post

Years ago

@King Podge
So why not try to respond to my "inane rant"? Use some of that evidence you demand to refute what I've said. Just try. I'm actually interested to see if you're just a fanboi or whether you do actually have something of substance to offer.

Reply #460265 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

go back and look at every one of my posts - you'll find your answers there champ.

FYI FTW RE the Boys Clubs is just innuendo and silly gossip. I'm not going to dignify it with a .......

Reply #460268 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #460274 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

I find your use of caps compelling, tell me more.

Reply #460276 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing wrong with Fearne speaking up. Plenty of people called for Lemanis to get the sack when wins weren't forthcoming and plenty more when he had the talent on paper to get it done and he still didn't quite get there.
They all stfu when it did all come together tho.

Reply #460278 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Mystro - wasn't he something like 36-59 after his first handful of seasons?

think he ended up on something like 60 wins, 90 losses at the end of his tenure (5 seasons? can't remember) - mind you it included 3 championships.

Reply #460281 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous posters use that form of posting to be exactly that anonymous. Cairns have certainly been actively seeking interest in finding a new coach for next season. You say it's not true, fine.

Reply #460284 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for confirming what I suspected Podge. Nothing of substance to add.

Reply #460285 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Well i guess you are in the know.

Sometimes i think it's Fearne posting these Anonymous comments just to have a troll and a laugh..... well maybe not a laugh, just a wry smirk

Reply #460286 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

FTW - 'do yo research son.'

Reply #460288 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought FTW made a lot of sense and it was easily a post worth responding to properly if someone wanted a decent debate.

I don't think Lemanis ever called out his club or core fans, though the Breakers have always been very tight as an organisation. Not sure you'd see Gordie come down on fans/club either and the Hawks have had their share of dramas that haven't made the press.

There is a process to win, look at the Wildcats; they have had a very stable core over the past 4/5yrs with Martin, Redhage, Knight, Wagstaff & Hire. Those guys have grown together and over time they have produced.
The key about that Perth group which I don't think the Cairns kids match is that they have a tight, smart defensive system. You add all sorts to that base and it can work.

Breakers had the same through their championship period with Vukona, Abercrombie, Boucher, Jackson, etc. Wollongong had it especially with Saville, Campbell, Davidson, Martin, etc.

Reply #460295 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Sorry Issac I've responded to it before, I don't have the stamina to post it all again.

Agree 100% about the core comment, off the top of my head I think Alex is the only Taipan remaining from the GF team? I could be wrong but i'm having a mind blank.
I think the most important part of the Hawks/Perth/Breakers (even now) cores is they have some key anchor vets in their cores. 36er's aren't too far away either.

Reply #460298 | Report this post

Years ago

@Statsheet Stuffer. What I'm saying is Cairns is a harder sell than Townsville and Wollongong as far as engaging and maintaining their supporter base - not as a place where players might come to play.
Cairns is, and always has been, a traditionally more fickle supporter base than those other two clubs. Yes, those two clubs are struggling to get crowds atm, but Cairns people love a winner and historically are not really patient if their team isn't going well.

@Podge, yeah, I guess you could say I am in the know. Thanks for recognising that. Any time you actually want to provide some substance as to what you think Fearne brings to the club moving forward and what answers you have as to turning things around, I'll happily debate it with you.

Reply #460300 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought FTW made a lot of sense and it was easily a post worth responding to properly if someone wanted a decent debate.

FTW did but it is clear this King Podge character refuses to allow any criticism of Dear Leader leading some to question his agenda and relationship to Fearne.

To quote this King Podge guy, "it's normally the loudest who know the least".

Reply #460301 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

busted! I am Aaron Fearne...... damnit.... if only I'd spent more time working on my game plan instead of wasting time on this site:)

FTW check out some of the discussion here:

I'm happy to answer any questions that I didn't answer there.

Let us remain civil - it's only a game after all.

Reply #460303 | Report this post

Years ago

Taipans looking in their own backyard for a new coach it seems

Reply #460308 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

Oh yeah, I see. And I can't say I've really noticed how fickle our supporter base is in terms of numbers to games. I'd say you're probably right, FTW. Can Podge shed some light on this?

Reply #460310 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

If Townsville is an easier sell than Cairns, you'd have to say 3yr olds are running the show down there.

Reply #460311 | Report this post

Years ago

One simple example of the supporter base. The year they made the grand final there were literally people lining up down Aumuller St to buy season memberships for the following season.

This year they're offering a $10,000 prize incentive, and price freeze on membership packages, (and I'm not being critical of those things, it is what it is) to get people to renew their memberships.

Reply #460312 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

True, good point.

I would say though, with the on-court effort they've displayed, you'd have to expect that with any fan base. As I have said in a previous thread somewhere, crowds can sense when a team doesn't give a shit, a.k.a play hard.

It's clear that the Taipans have not played near as hard as they should for the bulk of the last three seasons, and 90% of the time when they absolutely needed to.

Although I'd probably agree with you, more consideration needs to be attached to the statement 'the Cairns public is fickle and hates losing'.

Reply #460315 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

In summary. it's the way you're losing, not just the fact that you're losing.

Reply #460316 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Ok FTW, they didn't let me into the boys club, so i had some spare time. To make life easier for you here is my response point for point. Excuse the spelling, I broke my spell check....

Oh, and anonymous does not immediately equate to ignorance.

-- No but it equates a statement not even backed up by a fact pseudonym. I find it hard to put weight behind any comment that comes from someone that couldn't be bothered to make up a fake name.

I don't know that Aaron Fearne is necessarily a cancer. He knows basketball, that's clear. He's a student of the game, you can tell that by just talking to him about basketball. But as a coach he's stagnated and he's had a very, VERY bad year.

-- No one is saying it hasn’t been a bad year, or last year, but you can’t blame the coach for all of it. Season to season must be taken in context.
If he had stagnated so much how have we won so many games on the road? Obviously there is an issue there, is it the system doesn’t match the roster? Possibly, but when the game plans and systems are executed we win. He’s not a perfect coach and I’m not saying that.

Why he would recruit a combo guard for the second import spot when the team already had Wilson was a head-scratcher, and it hasn't worked. Bringing Wilson off the bench hasn't worked. He struggled to find a starting combination to work. His recruitment of Weigh was a mistake. And his rotations have been pretty deplorable the whole season.
So that's the on-court stuff.

-- Obviously in hindsight they probably wouldn’t have gone down that route. If you were in the know though, you might have an inkling why it happened. Weigh wasn’t a mistake - I disagree with you assessment of his rotations. Despite his offensive woes I think he’s been solid & his numbers are on par with his career. He’s not the shooter Bobo was though, but few are. He’s not as pretty either, but few are.

Off the court, in the past two weeks Fearne has twice publicly criticised the fans - once in his newsletter and again in this piece. He has had a dig at the media and has now publicly called out certain players. Dumb stuff, particularly calling out the fans on the very day the club announces its season membership packages for next season. But there has also been a glaring lack of introspection - and seemingly little if any accountability or responsibility on his behalf.

--sure it ruffled feathers, but I appreciate the candour, I’d be concerned if he wasn’t that passionate. I can understand why you’d take umbrage with it, but I don’t.

As far as recruitment goes, Fearne has also fallen into the trap that a lot of other coaches have fallen into - bringing guys in thinking he's the one to turn their career around. He thought he could turn Brad Hill into a player and now he's done the same with Weigh (who is contracted for next season as well). Weigh, like Hill, is incredibly inconsistent and will never reach the "potential" that has been placed on him.

-- I don’t think you can put them into the same box, far from it. I also think you fail to recognise the limitations that salary cap have on who can be recruited. I think Weigh was a solid buy and but I don’t think he’s at his ceiling. His further development will be a key to the team’s success.

The other big thing that Fearne struggles with is being able to inspire his players. In this piece he dismisses a head coach's role in this area, but it's so true. Phil Jackson has been brought up in this thread - do you honestly think he didn't inspire his players?

-- All coaches work and inspire differently, from Popovitch, to McLoead, to Denzel Washington. I don’t think Fearne being able to 'inspire’ them is the issue. Not all coaches deliver an Al Pacino before each game.
He was constantly finding ways to motivate them. It's also interesting that Fearne brings up leadership in this piece, because IT IS a head coach's role to be the ultimate leader, and to be a good leader you need a certain charisma to allow those around you to be inspired enough to follow your orders. Fearne just doesn't have that personality.

-- Unless you’ve been in the change room, been to all the practices and spoken to the players; I don’t think you can make that call. From what I’ve witnessed and heard from players past and present his personality or charisma isn’t the issue. Admittedly, if his RSVP profile came up in your news feed you’d probably click next – but I think he’d be ok with that.

As a club Cairns - basically since the grand final season of 2010-11 - has gone backwards both on and off the court. Key personnel have left the front office and the club has started to again alienate itself from its community (not the other way around), due mainly to its own arrogance.

-- club made its first operating profit last year and the clubs been advising the NBL, other clubs and emerging clubs on how to build a successful community model.

It's almost a mirror image to what happened in the O'Brien days. There is a feeling in the community that there is a "boys club" running the show - from the board to Beecroft and Fearne. Board members and a CEO who just want to be seen as big-hitters in Cairns (ie. driven by ego), rather than having the club's best interest at heart.

-- oh really? Given that they do everything on the smell on an oily rag I’d hardly compare the 2 eras. As for the ‘boys club’ you do realise that the board etc is voted on by 150+ foundation members? That anyone can be a part of – even as a syndicate. Sure you can fool some of the people some of the time but 150? They’re held accountable every AGM.

Change is desperately needed for the club to rid itself of this perception (or reality). The club needs to again re-engage with its community properly, like it was doing around 2010-11 - and there's more to it than just doing school visits (although that's something I'll give the club credit for - their So You Think You Can Play? and Tiny Taipans etc programs are brilliant).

-- agree what they do off the court is brilliant. Given that they have a set in stone number of hours the team has to spend engaged in community service, I couldn’t disagree with you more. They’re at all kinds of community events (generally you just have to ring the office and they’ll organise someone), they do hospital vists, visit’s to the cape etc etc. There’s a disabled boy at the Edge Café who got a visit from a Taipan the other day – I’d hardly call that dis-engaged.

One thing the Taipans have done on the court in the past couple of years that has been positive is trying to build a team around young guys like Gliddon, Steindl and Young. I give Fearne a heap of praise for this approach. However, if Gliddon and Steindl walk after this season because they don't like the system, coach, whatever - then what's the point? I hope they stay with Cairns, but if I'm Gliddon and Perth, for example, comes calling, why do I stay with Cairns?

-- agree that the rookies have been positive. Apart from Clint not getting a lot of court time last year (because Bobo was in fine form and Clint still had some development), I don’t see why’d they would go anywhere else – unless it’s money. Gliddon especially has been given massive opportunities by Fearne and has flourished. Whether they like the guy or not – I don’t know I haven’t read their diaries. I know that they’d have a rude awakening if they played under Gleeson...…

All in all, despite the fact Fearne is still contracted the Taipans need to cut him loose. He's run his race. They face (are already facing) a backlash in the community and Cairns (more so than Townsville or Wollongong) is a very hard sell. As we saw after the O'Brien debacle, it takes a very, very long time to win back both supporters and sponsors if you're not treating them right. And at the moment, it doesn't seem like they are. Financially, they can't affort not to pay out Fearne.

-- They can’t afford not to pay him out? So we pay him out, where to we get the money from to sign another coach? New coach means rebuilding again from scratch. Where do you get the money from to pay for the new coach? What are the guarantee’s that the new coach will be better? You want Brian Gorjian – you gonna have to pay for Brian Gorgain!

But nothing WILL happen, because for positive change to occur it's not just Fearne who should be chopped, and the siege mentality is well and truly alive already.

-- I think a couple of roster changes and another season of development under their belts we’ll be better next season. Re-signing the young guns, bringing in an import wing or big man, etc.
My argument isn’t if the board will or won’t sack Fearne – they don’t ask for my advice, but I think it’s very unlikely and I don’t agree it’s the right thing to do.
I think the personal attacks on his integrity and the integrity of everyone involved in the Taipans organisation is pathetic. They aren’t perfect and they’ll be the first to admit they’d do some things differently.
I’m not a ‘Fearne fanboi’, just a basketball nerd who doesn’t like hyperbole getting in the way of facts. People who have forgotten more about basketball than we’d ever know rate Fearne and think it’s RIDICULOUS that people are talking about sacking him – I’m happy to side with them. I find it distasteful the language and innuendo that people throw around, some of which have been throwing around since he was first signed as coach (simply because they just didn’t like the guy).

As for the off the court stuff the comparisons with previous years are grossly erroneous. They are accountable not only to the foundation members, to the NBL, but to the council who check their books every year. They have KPI’s they need to achieve every year outside of the financial aspects – e.g. community work etc. It is a learning process? I’m sure it is. Every year they have been increasing the work they do.
Will they be better for the experience for next year? No doubt.
I’ve had business dealings with many different eras of the Taipans and I find the current organisation excellent to work with – that’s my experience, not 3rd hand, not 4th hand, actual experience. Suggesting there is some form of corruption keeping Fearne in his job is plain offensive.

Reply #460320 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

as for the crowd numbers - sure everyone lines up for a winning team but i'm pretty sure those incentives have been in the workings for while.

With the exception of a handful of games - even in the loses we've had plenty of effort - 3 seasons ago we went 15-13 and missed the semi's by 3 points on count back and we only had a full roster for 7 whole games that season with injuries to Loughton, Wilson, Crosswhite, Dusty, Bobo, etc.

I dont think Cairns is particularly fickle - humans in general are when it comes to supporting teams. Just take a look at the Hawks ticket numbers.

I agree that the last blow out loss especially didn't help anyone's cause, but it's hardly been blow out after blow out for the past 3 seasons.

Reply #460324 | Report this post

Years ago

And Paul, my response to that is that if the club is doing all it should be doing well, not just on court, then minority detractors and small saboteurs should not have that impact.

Reply #460333 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks for the response Podge, and you do make some good points which I will address later.

Re. crowds. What I was referring to was the fact that, historically, a place like Townsville sold out EVERY game for close to a decade even though the team was at the bottom of the ladder, or close to it, for a large amount of that time.
I agree humans in general are fickle when it comes to supporting teams, but some markets have found it easier to maintain very strong crowd numbers for an extended period even though the team was not performing well. I don't think Cairns falls into this bracket. The crowds seem to fall significantly when the team isn't performing well.

Perhaps you're right Statsheet, that it's the way you lose as opposed to just losing.

Reply #460346 | Report this post

Years ago

Taipans are speaking with people to become the Snakes coach next season.

Reply #460347 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

FTW no doubt we probably have more in common then we dont.

End of the day we both want the Taipans to be successful mate.

Reply #460348 | Report this post

Years ago

"from the board to Beecroft and Fearne. Board members and a CEO who just want to be seen as big-hitters in Cairns (ie. driven by ego), rather than having the club's best interest at heart."

I can't help but laugh at people who make comments like this. If you've ever been behind the scenes and witnessed the hands on, extra long hours put in, particularly by Beecroft, you'd find it very hard to make the above statement.

I don't understand how you can call them "driven by ego" and not having the club's best interest at heart, when A) Board members are not paid for their commitment to the club and B)If Beecroft didn't have the club's best interest at heart why would he bother remaining CEO when he could receive a much larger pay packet for all the work he does now...

Reply #460389 | Report this post

Years ago

FYI: The 5-6 posts claiming under different names/styles/anon that the Taipans are looking for a replacement coach are all from the same IP.

Reply #460412 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

haha the truth is revealed - thanks Issac.

Reply #460415 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah all those anonymous posts might actually know something. What a scandal seeing as you wont listen.

Reply #460596 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting quote from Aaron Fearne:

Plus Cairns is an interesting mix right now, after beating the Breakers with Jamar Wilson in the starting line-up for the first time this season.

"He had to earn it (his starting spot) and I would say that this week he had the best three trainings I've seen in a long time," Taipans coach Aaron Fearne told the Cairns Post of Wilson's performance.

He had to earn a starting spot? Two club MVP awards and one league MVP runner-up in two seasons at Cairns and Wilson has "to earn it"?


Guess that's how they roll in Orange County.

Reply #461325 | Report this post

Years ago

NOthing in it, don't worry Podge says nothing will happen.

Reply #461331 | Report this post

King Podge  
Years ago

Haha I'd take offense but you've got to make some effort!

Fake_Name is the worst fake name ever....... Well since anonymous.......

Reply #461345 | Report this post

Years ago

You did ask for a fake name to be used. You got what you asked for.

Reply #461371 | Report this post

Years ago

That Fearne line on Wilson starting is a load of crap. Just a coach reversing on his stubbornness from the bulk of the season.

Reply #461376 | Report this post

Statsheet Stuffer  
Years ago

True, he's digging his own grave that's for sure.

You can't expect to remain coach of a team after showing a lack of control like that. He's lost the group plain and simple.

Reply #461379 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Poor timing with the launch of their season ticket packages for next season. I'm not interested unless they change Fearne.

Reply #461388 | Report this post

Years ago

"But when we don't play that type of opponent we don't have that edge. (As to why we don't have) the ability to 'get up' every single time we play, that's too good a question for me to answer."

This quote from the same story is also a real worry. I'm sorry, but it IS a coach's job to find a way to get his players "up" for every game. To say it's too hard a question to answer is an appalling cop-out.

You might not win every game, no one expects that, but if you're sending out a team that isn't "up" for games and doesn't at least look like it's having a go, fans will get restless. A coach who inspires and leads won't have to find a way to ensure his team is "up" for every game, it just will be.

Reply #461422 | Report this post

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