Years ago
Starting Teys over Creek, hey Joey?
-"I'm thinking we might go with (Brendan) Teys," he said.
Teys, 24 and a 188cm guard, is averaging just a shade over six minutes a game in 15 matches and hasn’t hit the court in five others.
“That hasn’t been because of form or anything and Teys would add defensively to our (starting) line-up,” Wright said.
“We could put Mitch in very easily.
“The way he has been playing would make that easy.”
But Creek’s injection from the bench when the edge has gone off the start of the game and where the referees are fast on the whistle - Frye regularly had two quick fouls in the opening minutes - also has its advantages.-
If Joey actually starts Teys over Creek, I would be disgusted, and if I was Creek I would start asking my agent to start looking around.
We can all clearly see Joey's got some person issues with Creek. Excuses like chemistry and the other crap he is saying is utter garbage, Creek's done the hard yards, he's got the results all season and deserves to start. I'd even say that he would be the first player I would pick from the entire squad.
I don't have any issues with Teys, 3 years ago he was a great shooter, but this year his defence and offence are shocking, I don't care how good his defence is in training Joey! The results are actually in the game mate.