Years ago

Hot Weather Policy

Wondering how much influence BASA has over country carnivals. I have 1 kid who was due to play a 9am district game at Morphett Vale tomorrow morning - cancelled due to hot weather. I have another child who's team was registered for the Fleurieu carnival to be played at the same stadium with 3 games between 11am & 5pm (ie. in the heat of the day) - not cancelled - have been told it is compulsory for kids to play.

At what point does duty of care kick in & why does there appear to be no policy in place for this? With a prediction of 42C for tomorrow, we are guaranteed it will be hotter than this inside the stadium. I sincerely hope that no kids end up in hospital with heat related issues. Can BASA do something?

Topic #33656 | Report this topic

Years ago

BSA gone for the weekend.No cancellation of events.

Reply #456115 | Report this post

Years ago

Just don't play, nothing is compulsory...

Reply #456120 | Report this post

Years ago

Basa can't do anything cause they don't exist.

Its a sa country event, so try them.

Reply #456124 | Report this post

Years ago

Dumb not allowed to play one game in the evening or train when its hot, but can play 3 games in the middle of the day!

Reply #456128 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone will collapse and unfortunately that's what it may take to make people take notice.
A bit like the Knight concussion.

Reply #456141 | Report this post

Years ago

Mickey Mouse carnival should be called off

Reply #456164 | Report this post

Years ago

If there is no air-con inside the stadium and it is gonna be 42C then FFS call the thing off.

Reply #456176 | Report this post

Years ago

last night stifling in stadiums after heating up all day. wake up this morning and it would be fine to play 8.30 and 9.30 games with relevance to bsa thinking it was okay to play last night. would save the headaches of rescheduling if Bsa got a little more technical and looked at bom overnight predicted tmeline to see when temps wil lower over igbt and peak the next day.... have seen many cooler sat mornings 10/15degrees cooler and with a breeze to Evening hot boxes.

Reply #456182 | Report this post

Years ago

last night stifling in stadiums after heating up all day. wake up this morning and it would be fine to play 8.30 and 9.30 games with relevance to bsa thinking it was okay to play last night. would save the headaches of rescheduling if Bsa got a little more technical and looked at bom overnight predicted tmeline to see when temps wil lower over igbt and peak the next day.... have seen many cooler sat mornings 10/15degrees cooler and with a breeze to Evening hot boxes.

Reply #456183 | Report this post

Years ago

last night stifling in stadiums after heating up all day. wake up this morning and it would be fine to play 8.30 and 9.30 games with relevance to bsa thinking it was okay to play last night. would save the headaches of rescheduling if Bsa got a little more technical and looked at bom overnight predicted tmeline to see when temps wil lower over igbt and peak the next day.... have seen many cooler sat mornings 10/15degrees cooler and with a breeze to Evening hot boxes.

Reply #456184 | Report this post

Years ago

southie, duty of care isn't as clear cut as it sounds.

However, if they said they have to play and you can prove this and something went wrong then the sporting body could be up sh*t creek. Especially given the peak sporting body (reasonable person test) stops events when it's so hot.

Its hard because a court would see it as just another kids sport event that parents choose to let their kids take part in. This would give rise to contributory negligence.

Reply #456185 | Report this post

Years ago

how on earth did any of us survive playing sport in the 70's and 80's when it was hot.....

Reply #456186 | Report this post

Years ago

And while we are on the seventies and eighties how many of you had your mum or dad do the score bench for your game, or even come to watch, or most amazing of all fill a drink bottle up when it was thrown without a word into the stand?

Reply #456192 | Report this post

Years ago

The conditions were enough to make it irritable but it wasn't that bad, Refs called time-outs, the stadium was hot but not unplayable cooler inside than out. Not aware of any players collapsing or what not, plenty of water on hand.

Duty of care concerns are relevant as is dehydration and fatigue and Heat Policy is there to protect the governing bodies and the players but really 1 hot day 38-40 isn't too bad a heat wave or prolonged dehydration is.

Cotton wool was not required.

Reply #456502 | Report this post

Years ago

impossible to compare decades..with litigious individuals..greedy lawyers..WHS law..all now creating a 'safe and accountable 'environment...
if you're prepared to take the risk anon 502 and pay out any claims of negligence when/if a kid collapses please go ahead..
sadly its the world we now live in and everybody has to cover their arse from financial ruin..BSA included

Reply #456525 | Report this post

Years ago

It was every team and players choice to participate at morphetvale at weekend and whilst it was obviously hot players welfare was easily managed with some effort from coaches, parents and, team managers.
But the simple answer would be to have our major stadiums with air-con , surely not that hard , the dept of rec and sport give out millions for just that sort of project. BSA and the clubs/stadiums should get off their lazy backsides and get it done !!

Reply #456707 | Report this post

Years ago

reality check Bruce..get off your lazy arse and check the facts..
the Club's aren't in control of the stadiums

Reply #456744 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah we all are aware of the stadium ownership issues in SA but it can be done with a collaborative approach from all parties . The grant process itself requires that.

Reply #456747 | Report this post

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