Years ago
Thoughts on the 36ers Blackout game?
Thought there might have been some chatter about the blackout game in terms of presentation but since there hasnt been that I have seen I will get it started.
Thought they did a great job of picking a theme and sticking with it. The many songs through the night referencing black, the low light as you walked in, the turning off of lights for team introduction.
One question I have is before the season Boti wrote an article about the Sixers trying something new for player introductions and in that article he said they could not turn off the lights for player intros because the lights took too long to get back on. It took all of about 2 minutes for the lights to be back to full strength on Saturday night, so why is it this can't be a regular thing?
Definitely think it would have been more effective as player intros than team introduction, but loved the use of AC/DC Back in Black as the team intro music.
Overall I would say it was well done, the biggest let down I saw was the severe lack of blackout jerseys available for sale on the night. Sold out well before the game started.
Any thoughts from anyone else?